In terms of the Cloud, learning Docker is a great first step.
All of the necessary concepts are present in Docker; cloud providers offer the same functionality (albeit in somewhat different forms) but the basics are all present in Docker.
In addition, DockerHub is a great way to share packaged software.
Each cloud provider (AWS, Azure, GCP, Digital Ocean) has multiple services, including VMs (Virtual Machines). They also provide (generally as a premium offering) Container services.
Various orchestration services are available, but all of the cloud providers listed offer Kubernetes (which is not to say that all of the offerings are identical - some lag behind).
As a prelude to learning an orchestration service (such as Kubernetes), much can be learned by starting with docker-compose. However, the limitations of this approach quickly become apparent, but for prototyping purposes it is a great tool.
Even so, Docker functions as an introduction to modern methodology such as the Twelve-factor App.
Twelve-factor processes are stateless and share-nothing.
[This accords well with Microservices thinking.]
Nota bene:
Sticky sessions are a violation of twelve-factor and should never be used or relied upon.
The contents are as follows:
Docker itself is not too hard to learn and use, but in case you are ever asked the difference between a container and an image, here is my definition:
A Docker container wraps one or more Docker images into a process with everything needed to run an application.
[This is from an operating system point of view; from an application point of view, it is of course your responsibility to add all of the software components needed to run your application.]
In general, the base image will correspond to a *nix operating system (such as CentOS) or a language (such as Node.js). In the case of a language image, all of the language components will be layered on top of a (probably) linux base image (make a note of which one - it will be important).
[Note that DOCKER itself will handle the operating system issues, which means that *nix Docker images can be run on any hardware (such as a MacBook or Windows desktop) for which a version of Docker can be installed.]
My personal Docker process is to start by selecting a Base image (all subsequent software layers will then be layered on top of this image). This base image might be Alpine, CentOS, Debian, Ubuntu or even a language image such as Node.js or Python or Golang (these are simply my usual choices and of course are not the only options - in fact the available choices for a base Docker image are pretty much endless).
Generally, you should pick whichever linux distro you know best, unless you decide to go with a language option - in which case the choice will probably be obvious. If unsure which to pick, CentOS is probably a safe choice.
[Docker base images are generally linux-based, as the technology is based upon Linux Containers - which were themselves based upon chroot jails.]
In very rare situations I may decide to build FROM scratch, for instance if I am simply distributing a pre-built binary.
And I record the base image decision in a Dockerfile (my preference is to always use a Dockerfile as they allow for simple and repeatable builds).
Then I add my application's dependencies.
And then I add my application.
I will normally build my application in Docker (perhaps using a buildbot) and also test it in Docker. If these succeed, then I leave my application up and running.
There are variations on this theme, but that's generally my process.
The following are some suggested best practices:
Create a .dockerignore file (essentially the same thing as a .gitignore file) and list everything that Docker doesn't need to see in it (for instance, .git/ and .gitignore as well as any passwords or secrets). This can also save some transfer time in certain cases, such as when there is a lot of test data or source files.
Interestingly, Docker doesn't normally need to see the .dockerignore file, so the first entry in this file should be:
Create recursive wildcard patterns as follows:
[In this case, all .obj or .pyc files - in any folder - will be ignored by Docker.]
In some circumstances you may wish to build your container starting from an empty image.
[This is unusual but it is possible to think of many use cases where this would be desirable.]
The syntax for doing this is:
FROM scratch
You can read the documentation for this option here:
In order to run an apples-to-apples comparison when testing/benchmarking, do NOT do either an apt-get update or an apk --update. The reason for this is that these will make subtle changes to the operating systems that may well invalidate any test comparisons.
Of course, for production use, these are strongly recommended for security reasons.
This is so obvious that it almost goes without saying, but when installing dependencies with apt-get or apk take the time to sort them alphabetically (or in some other order if that makes more sense).
Large numbers of dependencies can be hard to scan, so sorting them can make it easier to see what dependencies are being installed.
Consider specifying USER nobody unless root access is absolutely required. [Hint: it is almost never actually required.]
The default tag is latest but it is a really terrible practice to use this. For one thing using it means being vulnerable to new releases (not generally a good idea) - and can also have a big impact in terms of having to actually download the latest release.
For consistency reasons, always tag Docker images - and only ever use tagged images. This will at least give you the option of actually testing the latest release.
ADD will uncompress certain files (.tar, .tar.gz, .tar.bz2) if only a destination directory is specified. It will not uncompress certain other files (.zip). If the intent is to include a compressed file, make sure to specify a destination name and directory.
COPY will simply copy the file, without uncompressing it (usually this is what's wanted).
If unsure, use COPY.
[The usual practice on OS/X is to substitute the Option key for the Ctrl key; these are terminal commands, so don't.]
It's not always convenient or possible to set up another terminal:
Ctrl-P followed by Ctrl-Q
For instance, when running in a Cloud Shell.
To reattach to the running container:
$ docker attach xxxxxxxxxxxx
Slightly faster than typing exit
One or two useful Docker commands.
$ docker info
$ docker stats
As usual, Ctrl-C to stop.
$ docker ps
$ docker ps -qa
$ docker rm ...
See into running containers with docker top.
Start a container:
$ docker run --name example -it busybox sh
/ #
Detach from this container (but leave it running) with Ctrl-P followed by Ctrl-Q.
To see what the container is running:
$ docker top example
root 9795 9777 0 20:21 pts/0 00:00:00 sh
And clean up:
$ docker kill example
$ docker rm example
$ docker images
$ docker rmi ...
This can be significantly faster than searching DockerHub (or any other repository) manually:
$ docker search rediswebserver
[Replace rediswebserver
with whatever software is of interest.]
Official builds will show first. By default only 25 images will be shown, but this is usually more than enough. The STARS column is particularly helpful:
$ docker search redis --no-trunc
redis Redis is an open source key-value store that functions as a data structure server. 6978 [OK]
bitnami/redis Bitnami Redis Docker Image 113 [OK]
sameersbn/redis 75 [OK]
grokzen/redis-cluster Redis cluster 3.0, 3.2, 4.0 & 5.0 48
kubeguide/redis-master redis-master with "Hello World!" 29
rediscommander/redis-commander Alpine image for redis-commander - Redis management tool. 24 [OK]
redislabs/redis Clustered in-memory database engine compatible with open source Redis by Redis Labs 20
arm32v7/redis Redis is an open source key-value store that functions as a data structure server. 15
redislabs/redisearch Redis With the RedisSearch module pre-loaded. See 15
oliver006/redis_exporter Prometheus Exporter for Redis Metrics. Supports Redis 2.x, 3.x, 4.x and 5.x 10
webhippie/redis Docker images for Redis 10 [OK]
s7anley/redis-sentinel-docker Redis Sentinel 8 [OK]
insready/redis-stat Docker image for the real-time Redis monitoring tool redis-stat 7 [OK]
arm64v8/redis Redis is an open source key-value store that functions as a data structure server. 6
redislabs/redisgraph A graph database module for Redis 5 [OK]
centos/redis-32-centos7 Redis in-memory data structure store, used as database, cache and message broker 4
bitnami/redis-sentinel Bitnami Docker Image for Redis Sentinel 4 [OK]
frodenas/redis A Docker Image for Redis 2 [OK]
circleci/redis CircleCI images for Redis 2 [OK]
wodby/redis Redis container image with orchestration 2 [OK]
kilsoo75/redis-master This image is for the redis master of SK CloudZ 1
tiredofit/redis Redis Server w/ Zabbix monitoring and S6 Overlay based on Alpine 1 [OK]
cflondonservices/redis Docker image for running redis 0
xetamus/redis-resource forked redis-resource 0 [OK]
Docker images are generally tagged latest by default.
As each successive latest image is built, it usually leaves behind an unnamed orphan image. Use rmi (see above) to delete these.
To tag an image with a version number (in this case 1.1):
$ docker tag xxx/yyy xxx/yyy:1.1
$ docker history ...
$ docker history --no-trunc ...
$ docker logs xxxxxxxxxxxx
$ docker volume ls
$ docker volume prune