A very simple session organizer that may help you for handling scary styles on php
- Composer for installation
composer require "moviet/session-scary"
The current released is only support for handling happy global procedural session
- Create Single Session
- Generate Multiple Session
- Evaluate Session
- Make Auto Increment
- Custom Session Expiration
- Regenerate Session Id
- Remove Session
You can follow the humble style like below
the above will equivalent
$_SESSION['my_token'] = '11001101'
Then to get a single session
Scary::read('my_token'); // output => 11001101
Notes :
When you refresh the browser the values will be save in session at first, you may need (eg. token, random, url)
and don't want to lost when the page's refresh, just like common it may useful
You can fashion a session banks on easy away
Scary::mset('My Session Manager') ->mkey(['Specialist','Senior','Junior']) ->mval(['value_1','value_2','value_3']) ->swap();
Or you may relax with a free style
$keys = ['Specialist','Senior','Junior']; $values = ['Baz','Biz','Buz']; Scary::mset('My Session Manager') ->mkey($keys) ->mval($values) ->swap();
And then to express your tailor
Scary::read('My Session Manager','Junior'); // output => Buz
Notes :
When you refresh the browser the values will be save in session at first, you may need (eg. token, random, url)
and don't want to lost when the page's refresh, just like common it may useful
For single session, you can replace with new something
Scary::change('Angry Boss','Run'); // replace other value eg. Run
And for multiple sets, you can replace like this
Scary::mchange('My Bread','My Chocolato','Eat Me');
Now that was going through changes and you can dump with yayy...
For example you may want to make eg. login attempt using a single method
Or using multiple series
Scary::mset('My Desire Key') ->mkey(['Eat','Drink','Lick','Whatever..']) ->mval(['Apple','Orange','Lollipop','Hufft..']) ->inc(5) // <= ->swap();
On above example you will get an auto-increment max. 5 times, start from 0-5
If you want to verify eg. session loggedin, you can write like
if (Scary::flinc('My Desire Key') !== true) // Do something
Notes :
It will return false when session doesn't exists, then you can do something
You can recruit a custom flash message, expirated or any creations
Using multiple happy set
Scary::mset('My Desire Key') ->mkey(['Smile','Happy','Affraid']) ->mval(['Lost','Donate','Any Expression Here']) ->swap(); Scary::live('My Desire Key', 5) // it can be place in somewhere pages, if return false, you can do something
Notes :
use ttl or live like examples on above meant the session will expired within 5 minutes
You may doubt with an existing session, you can ensure with this
if (Scary::exist('my_session_key')) // Do something
To regenerate session with create new id you can draw this
Or using this to refresh session_id
Scary::refresh('my_session_key'); // session_regenerate_id(true)
To remove a single session with work like charm
And remove multiple session at once
Scary::trash('chocomelo, durian, alphanut, loggadin, url, token, and...');
Also you can destroy all session and make them gone
require '__DIR__' . '/vendor/autoload.php';
use Moviet\Session\Scary;
// Generate Cross Smile Request Poorgery
$randomToken = base64_encode(random_bytes(32));
Scary::set('Emo Cry Attack')->value($randomToken)->get();
$check = Scary::read('Emo Cry Attack');
// dump : JHs+jsakjkja87823hsalwatah989jsajh+sakCacanana83729Mama=
require '__DIR__' . '/vendor/autoload.php';
use Moviet\Session\Scary;
// Type whatever collection
$verify = 'true';
// Register what you need
$loggadId = '2928929-988787-8877-78688868';
// Type secret code etc
$randomMult = bin2hex(random_bytes(16));
// Type like Adurl
$downloadUrl = 'github.com/moviet/session-scary';
* Compile them in single bandage
Scary::mset('Something key')
->mval([$verify, $randomMult, $loggadId, $downloadUrl])
$getClone = Scary::read('Something key','download-url');
// dump yaaaayyy : github.com/moviet/session-scary
is released under the MIT public license. See LICENSE for details