ProcessPro is a website used to make billing much easy and maintain all the products and customers details. And also from the dashbord column keep track of you business.
- react
- redux
- react-router-dom
- axios
- redux-thunk
- formik
- yup
- bootstrap
- googe-charts
- sweetalerts
- Registeration
- Login
- Dashboard
- Products
- Customers
- Bills
In this module user can get register by provinding the necessary details like, name, email, password, business name, address.
Once a user is register he can login with there email and password.
- When the user logins they will be taken to the dashboard page.
- Here there will details like number of customer, products, bills, and cashflow till that date.
- There is also a column which shows that days cashflow.
- Five days of stats is also display with a total bills per day with the total bills till date percentage.
- The top 5 customers and products details and the products wic are not sold even onec are displayed.
- In this module there is list of all products with its price.
- User can add new products also by providing product name and price.
- User can even update a product and delete them.
- In this module user can add customers by providing there name, email, mobile number.
- There is a list of all customers in the same page with a delete nd edit options.
- User can create a bills here by providing necessary details required in the bill form.
- By providing customer mobil number, the dtails of the customer is automatical filled.
- prodct name should be procided and in how much quantity the customer needs. The price and subtotal is showed.
- Can add as much products needed and even delete them.
- the grandtotal is shown.
- after giving submit, when clicked on bill the invoice is shown which can be printed.