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Chris Morrison edited this page Apr 13, 2017 · 16 revisions

Welcome to the the-wizz wiki!

This wiki is dedicated to getting you, the user up to speed with the code as fast as possible. It contains demos for starting from reference catalogs, unknown catalogs, and survey masks all the way to creating recoveries. We split the demos into two main parts, one for and the creation of a the-wizz HDF5 data file and one for and the creation and manipulation of a redshift recovery. Each demo for the larger programs are separated into smaller deliverables as well. You'll also find instructions for installing and configuring the C++ based spherical pixelization library STOMP. You can also skip all of the installation and complication of STOMP or any Python package by using the-wizz with Docker (RECOMMENDED). demo: demo:

Stomp Installation: Feel free to open an issue on the repository's GitHub page if you have issues with the install. We currently distribute the-wizz inside of a Docker container for simple installation and compatibility across all platforms.

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