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FSM Test + Build Status Docs

A DSL for the Automata Theory Classroom




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Getting Started

Once fsm is installed you use one of the following two options

#lang fsm

Basic Usage

Below are some basic examples of how to use fsm. For a more in-depth guide please visit the fsm documentation.

Building a DFA

#lang fsm 

; L(a*a) = {w | w starts and ends with an a}
(define a*a (make-dfa '(S F A)       ;the states
                      '(a b)         ;the alphabet
                      'S             ;the starting state
                      '(F)           ;final states
                      '((S a F)      ;the transition function
                        (F a F)
                        (F b A)
                        (A a F)
                        (A b A))))

Building a NDFA

#lang fsm

; L(KLEENESTAR-abUaba) = (abUaba)*
(define KLEENESTAR-abUaba (make-ndfa '(Q-0 Q-1 Q-2 Q-3 Q-4 Q-5) ;the states
                                      '(a b)                    ;the alphabet
                                     'Q-0                       ;the starting state
                                     '(Q-0)                     ;the final states
                                     `((Q-0 a Q-1)              ;the transition relation
                                       (Q-1 b Q-2)
                                       (Q-2 a Q-3)
                                       (Q-3 ,EMP Q-0)
                                       (Q-0 a Q-4)
                                       (Q-4 b Q-5)
                                       (Q-5 ,EMP Q-0))))

Building a PDA

#lang fsm

; L = {wcw^r | w in {a, b)*}
(define pda-wcw^r (make-ndpda '(S M N F)                  ;the states
                              '(a b c)                    ;the alphabet
                              '(a b)                      ;the stack alphabet
                              'S                          ;the starting state
                              '(F)                        ;the final state
                              `(((S ,EMP ,EMP) (M ,EMP))  ;the transition relation
                                ((M a ,EMP) (M (a)))
                                ((M b ,EMP) (M (b)))
                                ((M c ,EMP) (N ,EMP))
                                ((N a (a)) (N ,EMP))
                                ((N b (b)) (N ,EMP))
                                ((N ,EMP ,EMP) (F ,EMP)))))

Building a TM

#lang fsm

; write "a" on tape
(define Ma (make-tm '(S H)                  ;the states
                    `(a b ,LM)              ;the alphabet
                    `(((S ,LM) (S ,RIGHT))  ;the transition relation
                      ((S a) (H a))
                      ((S b) (H a))
                      ((S ,BLANK) (H a)))
                    'S                      ;the starting state
                    '(H)))                  ;the halting states

Visualizing a Machine

To visualize a dfa or ndfa create a new file and require fsm. Then provide one of the follwing options:

  1. sm-visualize <machine-type> To visualize a machine from scratch.
(sm-visualize 'pda) ;; Where the machine type is a symbol
  1. sm-visualize <pre-built-machine> To visualize a pre-built fsm machine.
(sm-visualize a*) ;; See "Building a DFA" for the implementation of a*
  1. sm-visualize <pre-built-machine (state invariant-function)*> To visualize a pre-built fsm machine with associated state invariants. Note that (state invariant-function) is a arbitrary number of tuples.
;; Invariant functions
(define INV1 (lambda (v) true))
(define INV2 (lambda (v) false))

;; Visualize the machine 
(sm-visualize a* (list 'S INV1) (list 'F INV2))

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Copyright (c) 2020 by Marco T. Morazan


A DSL for the Automata Theory Classroom






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