A CloudFormation template for running self-hosted renovate service using Fargate.
- Renovate Website: https://renovatebot.com
- Renovate Github Repository: https://github.com/renovatebot/renovate
Please read 'IMPORTANT: Updating CloudWatch Event Rule' section before deploying your first stack!
This CloudFormation stack creates below resources to run renovate service
- ECS Cluster
- ECS Task Definition
- IAM Role for ECS Cluster
- IAM Role for ECS Task Execution
- IAM Role for ECS Task itself
- IAM Role for CloudWatch Event
- CloudWatch Log Group for logging renovate output
- VPC Security Group for securing Fargate container
- CloudWatch Event Rule for executing ECS Task periodically
Before creating your stack using this CloudFormation template, you should prepare below resources:
- VPC for associating Fargate container
- Subnets for associating Fargate container. Subnets should be able to talk with Internet.
- A Secret (Github Access Token) which is saved at Secrets Manager for accessing GitHub service
- (Optional) A Secret (NPM Token) which is saved at Secrets Manager for accessing private npm packages
- Node.js v8+ for scripting (see below for details)
Name | Type | Description | Default Value |
ClusterName | String | A name for ECS Cluster | renovate |
TaskName | String | A name for ECS Task Definition | renovate-runner |
ContainerCpu | Number | How much CPU to give the container. 1024 is 1 CPU | 1024 |
ContainerMemory | Number | How much memory in megabytes to give the container | 2048 |
ContainerVpcId | String | A VPC Id of Task Container | N/A |
ContainerSubnets: | String | Comma-delimited list of subnet ids | N/A |
RenovateTokenSecretArn | String | A Secret (from Secrets Manager service) ARN of Renovate Token for accessing Github. | N/A |
RenovateCronPattern | String | A cron pattern for executing renovate runner periodically | cron(0 * ? * MON-FRI *) |
NPMTokenSecretArn | String | A Secret (from Secrets Manager service) ARN of NPM Token for accessing private npm packages. | (empty string) |
Due to missing support of CloudFormation for creating CloudWatch Event Rule with Fargate, You must update CloudWatch Event Rule which is created from this CloudFormation stack manually.
Otherwise, Fargate Task won'be executed by CloudWatch Event.
For convenience, I've created update script to update CloudWatch Event Rule.
Simply run script like below from your terminal:
$ git clone https://github.com/mooyoul/serverless-renovate-fargate.git
$ cd serverless-renovate-fargate
$ npm install
$ env AWS_PROFILE=my_profile AWS_REGION=us-east-1 node update-cloudwatch-event.js
It's recommended to run this update script after every stack creation, or stack update
There's several ways to customize renovate service.
- https://github.com/renovatebot/renovate/blob/master/docs/self-hosting.md
- https://renovatebot.com/docs/self-hosted-configuration/
Just uncomment Environment
section and add needed environment variables:
--- a/fargate.yml
+++ b/fargate.yml
@@ -148,9 +148,11 @@ Resources:
awslogs-group: !Ref 'RenovateTaskLogGroup'
awslogs-stream-prefix: renovate
# Add your own renovate configuration via Environment variable if needed
-# Environment:
-# Value: true
+ Environment:
+ Value: true
+ Value: 'vingle-*'
ValueFrom: !Ref 'RenovateTokenSecretArn'
Add Command
section with needed parameters:
--- a/fargate.yml
+++ b/fargate.yml
@@ -141,6 +141,10 @@ Resources:
Cpu: !Ref 'ContainerCpu'
Memory: !Ref 'ContainerMemory'
Image: 'renovate/renovate'
+ Command:
+ - '--autodiscover=false'
+ - 'org/repo1'
+ - 'org/repo2'
LogDriver: awslogs
To use configuration file, edit fargate.yml
like below or build your own Docker image.
--- a/fargate.yml
+++ b/fargate.yml
@@ -141,6 +141,11 @@ Resources:
Cpu: !Ref 'ContainerCpu'
Memory: !Ref 'ContainerMemory'
Image: 'renovate/renovate'
+ EntryPoint:
+ - 'bash'
+ Command:
+ - '-c'
+ - 'curl -sL https://s3.amazonaws.com/my-bucket/my-renovate-config.js > renovate.js && renovate'
LogDriver: awslogs
The Fargate task is configured to use CloudWatch Logs driver, You can see logs on the CloudWatch Logs console.
Name of log group is ${CLUSTER_NAME}/${TASK_NAME}
. (It should be renovate/renovate-runner
if you use defaults)
See full license on mooyoul.mit-license.org