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Starts the FlockData stack with Docker Compose


Docker and docker-compose is the only current pre-packaged distribution. Pre-built artifacts are available in the MVNRepostitory for alternative deployment scenarios

You'll need to ensure you have a recent version of Docker installed 17.12+

We are assuming you are not using docker-toolbox but rather Docker for Windows/Mac etc


Step 1 - Clone this repo

git clone

cd fd-demo

Step 2 Start the services

docker-compose up -d This will take time to pull images from the docker hub

Congratulations - you've now installed started ElasticSearch, Neo4j, Riak, RabbitMQ, FdEngine, FdSearch, FdStore, FdDiscovery and a bunch of other useful apps

Testing the install

This stack runs in the fd-demo_default network.

fd-shell is the most useful way to verify connectivity which encapsulates most calls to the REST api for convenience

Default login account is demo password is 123 this is configured in docker-compose.yml

# Start the shell
docker run --name fddemo-fdshell -it -e -e org.fd.engine.api=http://fd-engine:15001 --network=fd-demo_default flockdata/fd-shell
# Verify connectivity
fd-shell$ ping
fd-shell$ login demo
password: ***
  "login" : "demo",
  "name" : "demo",
  "companyName" : "flockdata",
  "apiKey" : <somekey>,
  "email" : null,
  "status" : "ENABLED",
  "userRoles" : [ "ROLE_FD_ADMIN", "ROLE_FD_USER", "ROLE_USER" ],
  "active" : true
# Check that inter-service connectivity is established.

fd-shell$ health
  "eureka.client.serviceUrl.defaultZone" : "http://eureka:8761/eureka/",
  "fd-search" : {
    "" : "http://fd-search:15002",
    "status" : "!Unreachable fd-search"
  "fd-store" : {
    "" : "http://fd-store:15003",
    "" : "RIAK",
    "" : "true",
    "status" : "OK - Riak"
  "fd.version" : "0.98.9-SNAPSHOT (master/4af8049)",
  "" : "rabbit",
  "rabbit.port" : "5672",
  "rabbit.user" : "guest",
  "" : "false"


You can login to fd-view using the above credentials.

Packaged services

Service Description Address
fd-view FlockData's integrated browser and analysis tool http://localhost
weavescope visual overview of the stack http://localhost:4040
RabbitMQ messaging admin http://localhost:15672
ElasticSearch Rest based search API http://localhost:9200
neo4j-browser HTML graph browser and REST access to Neo4j http://localhost:7474
Kibana ElasticSearch data viz http://localhost:5601
Spring/Netflix Eureaka Monitoring http://localhost:8761
PostMan Documentation for the REST API Postman

Loading country data

With your demo account registered as a data access user, you can register

register --account demo --email [email protected] --company flockdata

With the data access account established, you can load some static data into the service. FlockData comes with a data set of countries and capitals. Load this data via the following command

ingest --data "./data/fd-cow.txt,./model/countries.json;./data/states.csv,./model/states.json"

You can now navigate to the Neo4j browser and after logging in with default password of neo4j you can run the following Cypher

match (c:Country) return c

Tracking data in to the service

Other commands that track data in to the service can be found here


Demo stack for FlockData






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