Author: @monokaijs
Another side note is that using English in conversation will significant improve the response time from OpenAI. Be noticed!
This project can be run both using NodeJs or NextJs. I've tried to migrate this application for you to deploy it onto Vercel Platform without any obstacles.
In NodeJs mode, the application will run a Telegram Bot Instance using Polling Mode, while for Vercel, it must be a webhook to achieve the goal.
Overall, it's quite easy to migrate this application to another platforms: Discord, Messenger, ... or whatever messaging platform you like, as long as it allows us to send/receive messages via APIs. I will talk about this further in another project or a deeper fork of this product. However, today, let's focus on Telegram first.
Clone this repository:
git clone
Then install the dependencies:
cd ./chatgpt-bot-nodejs
yarn install
And then, run the command to run application in develoment
nodemon app.js
DO NOT FORGET to add environment variables via .env
OPENAI_KEY=<API Key you taken from OpenAI platform>
MONGO_URI=<Put MongoDB URI here>
TELEGRAM_KEY=<Put Telegram Bot Token here>
In this version, I have added support for Vercel deployment using Next.Js. This will enable you to use Vercel's platform to deploy this chatbot without having to set up your own server.
See the tutorial behind this bot here: