Cluster account management tool.
Table of Contents
Karaage manages users and projects in a cluster and can store the data in various backends.
Mailing list:
Gerrit code review tool:
Karaage 2.7.x: <>`_.
Karaage 3.x User documentation:
Karaage 3.x Programmer documentation:
Karaage 3.x Admin documentation:
Software requirements specification:
Prior to Karaage 3.1.11, the various Karaage modules had been in seperate repositories. They have now been brought together into one repo.
These modules are:
- karaage-applications (also see Karaage 3 karaage-applications)
- karaage-cluster-tools (also see Karaage 3 karaage-cluster-tools)
- karaage-software (also see Karaage 3 karaage-software)
- karaage-usage (also see Karaage 3 karaage-usage)
.. todo:: Write paragraph about what the usage plugin does.
The karaage-usage plugin provides monitoring of usage information.
This plugin allows users to self register accounts with Karaage.
.. todo:: Write paragraph about what the software plugin does.
The lead developer for Karaage 3 is Brian May.
The steps below will guide you through setting up an instance of Karaage 4.
$ sudo apt-get remove karaage\* $ sudo apt-get install libcrack2-dev csstidy slapd ldap-utils $ sudo apt-get build-dep python-cracklib
You may already have these installed. If so, skip this step.
$ sudo apt-get install python-pip $ sudo pip install virtualenv virtualenvwrapper
Add these lines to the end of your ~/.bashrc
export WORKON_HOME=$HOME/.virtualenvs source /usr/local/bin/
Reload ~/.bashrc
$ source ~/.bashrc
$ mkvirtualenv karaage3
Add these lines to the end of ~/.virtualenvs/karaage3/bin/postactivate
export KARAAGE_SECRET_KEY='d4-5vjhdyi)673gd56#ge@3r8t#*)+s8z-z0l!_sy94ol!m' export KARAAGE_DEBUG='True' export DJANGO_PIPELINE_ENABLED='False' export KARAAGE_DB_ENGINE='django.db.backends.mysql'
Restart the virtualenv so that these setting take effect:
$ deactivate $ workon karaage3
$ pip install -e 'git+[usage,applications,software]'
$ kg-manage migrate
$ kg-manage runsslserver 0:8000
Browse to https://localhost:8000