macOS High Sierra users no longer need this patch. Check out the readme file for details about this software.
If you are a Hackintosh user, consider using WhateverGreen instead.
WhateverGreen contains this patch and many oher fixes.
Initial release, compatible with:
- Apple Macs, where kernel code signing is disabled
- Hackintoshs (Clover and similar software tend to disable kernel code signing by default)
- macOS 10.12.5 Sierra and NVIDIA Web Driver 378.05.05.15f01
- macOS 10.12.6 Sierra and NVIDIA Web Driver 378.05.05.25f01
- most likely all future updates within 10.12
Incompatible with:
- NvidiaGraphicsFixup, which contains a port of this extension to Lilu. Use either this extension or NvidiaGraphicsFixup, but not both.
- WhateverGreen, the successor of NvidiaGraphicsFixup, which also contains this patch
Install via Terminal:
curl -LsSo ~/Downloads/NVWebDriverLibValFix.kext.1.0.0.tar.gz ''
sudo tar -xv -C /Library/Extensions -f ~/Downloads/NVWebDriverLibValFix.kext.1.0.0.tar.gz
sudo kextutil /Library/Extensions/NVWebDriverLibValFix.kext
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