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Basic Usage
This section will describe how to do the most simple analysis: non-CTS ASEperSNP, in later sections, more options will be added to the analysis described here, to be able to add extra functionality
Minimum of data required:
- A file with aligned sequence reads for multiple samples, and an index.
- A genotype file containing at least the genotype information of the bam file.
- A coupling file that indicates which bam files belong to which genotypes.
#####STEP 0: Preprocessing of data
preprocessing your sequence alignment files
This file will be used for the ASreads sub-module. It requires files to be in the bam format, a binary form of the sam format. You may be able to convert your file into the bam format using the program samtools.
When Suzie-RNAseq1.bam
is your bam file, you can provide it with an index by using samtools.
you can then index the bam using the following command in your terminal:
samtools index Suzie-RNAseq1.bam
A file named: Suzie-RNAseq1.bam.bai
will be add in the working directory,
this contains the index for the specific bam.
Now the bam file can be used for reading by the ASreads sub-module.
Please index all the bam files that you want to use for analysis.
Preprocessing genotype files
The sub-module ASreads accepts two types of file formats:
- TriTyper
The TriTyper format is considerably faster to read than the VCF at this moment, therefore this guide will continue with the TriTyper format.
Conversion of the genotype format into TriTyper can be done using the Genotype Harmonizer.
This guide refers to their wiki for the conversion of your genotype format into TriTyper format.
For example purposes, the directory containing TriTyper information will be set to the following: Suzie-Peter_Genotype/
Below is an example to convert a vcf Genotype file into a Trityper file.
bgzip -c Suzie-RNAseq1.vcf > Suzie-RNAseq1.vcf.gz
tabix -p vcf Suzie-RNAseq1.vcf.gz
sh GenotypeHarmoinzer.sh --input Suzie-RNAseq1.vcf.gz --outputType TRITYPER --output Suzie-Peter_Genotype/
Creating a coupling file
The coupling file is used to match the sample data (bam file name) to the individual genotype data (name in the genotype file). A coupling file is a tab delimited file, with one individual - sample pair per line. Individuals are in the first column (same name as in the genotype file), samples are in the second column (same name as the bam filenames, without the .bam extension).
In the most simple case you would have one individual in the genotype file: Suzie, with the subsequent sample file Suzie-RNAseq1.bam
Suzie Suzie-RNAseq1
Adding an individual is as simple as adding a similar line to the file, for instance Peter with the sample Peter-RNAseq1.bam Making the file the following:
Suzie Suzie-RNAseq1
Peter Peter-RNAseq1
Please note that the spacing between individual and sample needs to be a tab character (\t), not spaces.
This file can be saved as: suzie-peter_coupling.txt
For example purposes, this guide will keep using the names Suzie and Peter for clarity.
#####STEP 1: ASreads
After preprocessing, ASread files can be created. ASread files provide information per Bi-allelic SNP (other variants are not supported) on where a read maps. Formatting of ASfiles is in tab delimited fashion with the following data per column:
1. Chromosome name
2. Position on the chromosome
3. Variant name (rs name)
4. Reference base (based on the genotype file)
5. Alternative base (based on the genotype file)
6. Number of reads mapping to the reference base
7. Number of reads mapping to the alternative base
8. Number of reads mapping to neither the reference not alternative base.
9. Genotype of the individual in a "[C, G]" formatting.s
To create this file for individual Suzie,
This is the first time we're going to use the program, please build it, or download the jar here, currently we use the following filename for the jar:
To create an AS file for suzie named: Suzie-ASreads.txt
we can run the following command in bash:
java -jar cellTypeSpecificAlleleSpecificExpression.jar \
--action ASreads \
--output Suzie-ASreads.txt \
--coupling_file suzie-peter_coupling.txt \
--genotype_location Suzie-Peter_Genotype/ \
--bam_file Suzie-RNAseq1.bam\
> Suzie_ASreads_output.txt
When this run has finished (takes quite some time, depending on the number of SNPs.), We need to do the other individuals as well (Peter in the example case), by changing the file which to output and the bam file for input.
Now all individuals in this example have an AS file, we can start ASE testing.
Check your output Based on the AS files, you can determine if your genotypes and coupling are correct. When you open an ASfile and find high numbers that map to no allele and or hardly any balance in the alleles with heterozygotes, you could have some problems with incorrect coupling, or incorrect genotyping.
#####STEP 2: Testing for ASE at single SNPs.
Before testing for ASE, one needs to specify the parameters for each test: These are:
-Which ASfiles do you want to include -How many heterozygotes does a variant need to have before starting to test. default:1 -How many reads must overlap a variant before starting to test. default:10
Which ASfiles you need to include must be stored in a file with a file per line as such(in case of testing Suzie and Peter):
We will save this as Suzie-Peter-ASFiles.txt
Make sure you the ordering of the AS files is the same in all files specified in the above file. Because the program reads one SNP line at a time from all the individuals, it will run, until it finds non-simialar SNP names and throws an exception.
Now head to your terminal and run the following command:
java -jar cellTypeSpecificAlleleSpecificExpression.jar \
--action ASEperSNP \
--output PeterSuzieTests
--as_locations Suzie-Peter-ASFiles.txt \
--minimum_hets 1 \
--minimum_reads 10\
> PeterSuzieBinomialBetaBinomialOut.txt
This command will run for some time depending on the number of SNPs and the number of individuals used for testing.
The output in PeterSuzieBinomialBetaBinomialOut.txt will show, in a human readable form, what tests are performed, their input and their output.
The Specific testing output will be saved in a number of files with the test
type appended to the original output parameter, namely:
PeterSuzieTests_dispersionFile.txt, PeterSuzieTests_BinomialResults.txt and PeterSuzieTests_BetaBinomialResults.txt
These files show the resulting statistics for specific tests.
When running Cell type specific tests (not shown in this example), the output file will be saved as _CTSBinomialResults.txt and _CTSBetaBinomialResults.txt, for the binomial and beta binomial cell type specific tests respectively.
Check your output To get a feel for the data I suggest taking a look at what is piped through standard out (saved in PeterSuzieBinomialBetaBinomialOut.txt in this example case) and you may be able to sort the Results files based on P-value or chi squared value.
Currently, the overall structure of results files is not yet the same everywhere, but the first 6 columns are the same throughout the ASEperSNP test:
1. Chromosome
2. Position on chromosome
3. SNP name (rs number)
4. Number of samples heterozygote for this SNP
5. P value
6. Chi squared value
In our example case, if you would like to see the 5 SNPs that are most likely ASE SNPs in the beta binomial tests, you could sort based on the chi squared value, like this in the terminal:
sort -n -k 6,6 PeterSuzieTests_BetaBinomialResults.txt | tail -n 5
This concludes the basic usage section, preprocessing, isolating ASreads and testing for ASE using a binomial and beta binomial were discussed.
Please note that having two individuals in your analysis is usually not enough to provide you with robust estimates of ASE.
When your sequenced sample is a mixture of tissues (for instance when sequencing blood samples), you may be interested in how allele specific expression is a factor in a specific tissue. For this purpose, a cell type specific testing feature is available in this module that will automatically produce results when a phenotype file is available.
A phenotype file is a file with some ratio per individual:
Where the ordering of the file is the same ordering as the ordering of individuals in the --as_locations
When integrating this phenotype file with the Suzie Peter example (see Step 2 in the basic usage), this will mean that for some cell type, the proportion of the celltype in the tissue is 0.25 (25%) in Suzie and 0.43 (43%) in Peter
Saving this file as Suzie-Peter-Phenotype.txt
, the command run will look like this:
java -jar cellTypeSpecificAlleleSpecificExpression.jar \
--action ASEperSNP \
--output PeterSuzieTests
--as_locations Suzie-Peter-ASFiles.txt \
--minimum_hets 1 \
--minimum_reads 10\
--pheno_file Suzie-Peter-Phenotype.txt\
> PeterSuzie_CTS_Out.txt
Results of the Cell type specific effects can be found in the results from the standard out and from the output.
Only 2 samples is very little information for the detection of CTS effects, even more so than looking at non CTS ASE for itself.
##Additional features(2): ASE per Region
The ASEperRegion sub-module can be used to determine the ASE effects per region to increase statistical power by combining multiple SNPs in the same transcript or gene region and comparing them to some test SNP, as shown in the following scheme below:
## Fictitious example of ASE per region:
-----------------------Some test region--------------------------
Test SNP |///////////gene region////////////|
region SNP #
1 2 3 4
Suzie: Het Het Het Het Hom
Allele 1: ~~~T~~~~~~~~~~~~|___A________T________G________C___|~~~~~~~~~~~~
Allele 2: ~~~C~~~~~~~~~~~~|___G________A________A________C___|~~~~~~~~~~~~
Peter: Het Het Hom Hom Hom
Allele 1: ~~~C~~~~~~~~~~~~|___A________A________G________A___|~~~~~~~~~~~~
Allele 2: ~~~T~~~~~~~~~~~~|___G________A________G________A___|~~~~~~~~~~~~
Walt: Hom Het Hom Het Het
Allele 1: ~~~C~~~~~~~~~~~~|___A________A________A________C___|~~~~~~~~~~~~
Allele 2: ~~~C~~~~~~~~~~~~|___G________A________G________A___|~~~~~~~~~~~~
Het: Hetererozygote Hom: Homozygote
"X": Position of the test SNP [A,G,T,C]: Base at SNP position
"~": Non SNP in region "_": Non SNP in gene region
In this example, only individuals with heterozygous test SNPs are used in the analysis. Which means that only Suzie and Peter will have data that will be used, data from Walt will not be considered. In this example the test SNP is a C/T polymorphism. All reads that overlap the gene region on the allele test SNP with genotype C are counted, and compared to all the reads from the gene region on the allele with test SNP with genotype T.
For indicative purposes, reads overlapping region SNP 1, 2 and 3 can be used in Suzie, while region SNP 1 is the only one that can be used in Peter, due to it being the only heterozygote in Peters gene region. It is very important to make sure the region is well defined as this can be a confounding factor, where some region may contain multiple splice variants or different genes.
Required data for this sub-module is as follows
- A file containing gene regions and test regions
- Locations of AS files
- Genotype information with phasing information per SNP.
- Coupling file for the phased genotypes and AS files.
The genotype information should be phased information of at least some of the SNPs in the test region.
The coupling file is the same as in the Basic usage example.
The AS reads file is also the same as in the Basic usage example.
The regions file will specify the test regions.
Currently only binomial and beta binomial work, cell type specific effects are coming
output is tab-delimited in the following format, per column:
1. Chromosome
2. Start End of test region "<START>-<END>"
3. Start End of gene region "<START>-<END>"
4. Region name
5. P value of the region compared to the test SNP
6. Chi squared value of the region compared to the test SNP
7. Number of heterozygous gene SNPs.
8. Number of reads on the reference allele compared to the (first) test SNP
9. Number of reads on the alternative allele compared to the (first) test SNP
10. Binomial ratio (reference compared to alternative)
11. Genotype of (first) test SNP "[<ref>, <alt>]"
12. position of the test SNP(s)
13. name of the test SNP(s)
Please note that there can be more than one test-snp in this results line, this is because sometimes, multiple SNPs are in the same phase on the genome. To reduce computational time, we pool these together. Data in columns 8, 9, 10 and 11 in the file are based on the test SNP that is written first in columns 12 and 13.
- QTL mapping pipeline
- Genotype Harmonizer
- Genotype IO
- GADO Command line
- Downstreamer
- GeneNetwork Analysis
Analysis plans