BtcImg is a Django web application that blurs an image upon upload, and progressively unblurs it as Bitcoin is sent to its address. Once 1 BTC has been sent to the address, the image is completely unblurred.
Create a virtualenv called btcimg and install the python packages listed in requirements.txt. I recommend virtualenvwrapper and will use that as an example:
mkvirtualenv btcimg
workon btcimg
git clone
cd btcimg
pip install -r requirements.txt
Create a settings/ (see settings/
Optionally, create an .env file in the project root (or set BTCIMG_ENV_FILE variable to another file: logic in settings/ This is where some required settings will be stored. See env_sample.
- python makemigrations
- python migrate
- python runserver
At this point, the Django server should be up and running locally. Please file an issue if you have problems.
Kevin Riggen | [email protected] |