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Baby steps


  • mix is a the Elixir build tool:
    • To create a new project from scaffolding: $ mix new {folder_name} --module {module_name}
    • To compile a project, go into the project folder and: $ mix compile
    • Once project has been compiled, you can start a session inside: $ iex -S mix
      • You can do live debugging here, e.g. KV.hello
    • To run test, go into the project folder and: $ mix test
    • $ mix help to have more information
    • mix deps.get to install all dependencies (Ruby's bundle install)
  • Get help in iex:
    • h <module_name> to get help, e.g. h Map
    • h <func> to get information about the function, e.g. h Map.keys/1
    • i variable_name to get information about that variable


  • IO.puts "Hello world" to print onto console
  • Process.sleep(10) to put the process to sleep for 10 millisec
  • pid = spawn(ModuleName, :method, []) to spawn a new process
  • send pid, message to send message to the process
  • flush to flush all message to shell
  • :observer.start to start the ErlangVM' observer app
  • IEx.Helpers.recompile to reload code from inside iex


  • iex --sname quynh to start a new shell with (short) name = quynh

  • iex --name [email protected] to start a new shell with a long name

  • From the shell, i.e. iex

    • node to get the name of node name of the VM
    • Node.list to get the list nodes that connect to the current one
    • Node.connect <name> to connect the current shell to another node
  • :rpc.multical/3 to execute code in the cluster

  • mix to generate the command line


  • Start the service: pg_ctl -D /usr/local/var/postgres start
  • Stop the service: pg_ctl -D /usr/local/var/postgres stop
  • Version: postgres -V
  • Command line: psql postgres
    • \du: see what's installed on the machine
    • \l: list of databases
    • \d: list of tables



  •, :links) to find all processes linked to the current one
  • to link the current process to the pid one
  • Process.alive?(pid) whether a process is still alive
  • Process.flag(:trap_exit, true) to trap the exit signals from the current process

Ring project - Chapter 5

Ring of linked process:

  • iex -S mix: Get into interactive console
  • pids = Ring.create_processes(10): Create 10 processes
  • Ring.link_processes(pids): Create a ring of linked processes
  • pids |> pid -> "#{inspect pid}: #{inspect, :links)}" end): Inspec the ring
  • pids |> Enum.shuffle |> List.first |> send(:crash): Crash a random process in the ring
  • pids |> pid -> Process.alive?(pid) end): Check whether any process is still alive

Trapping exits:

  • Process.flag(:trap_exit, true): Trap the exit signals from the current process
  • pid = spawn(fn -> receive do :crash -> 1/0 end end): Create a process that will crash on signal
  • Link two processes
  • send(pid, :crash): Crash the target process
  • flush: To see the crash message the current process receive
  • Note that the current process still survice after the crash

3 ways for a process to terminate:

  • Naturally, no more code to run

    • pid = spawn(fn -> receive do :ok -> :ok end end): a process to wait for only one message
    • send(pid, :ok): execute the code
    • flush: to see the message on the shell
  • Forcefully terminated

    • Process.flag(:trap_exit, true): trap the exit signals
    • Process.exit(self, :whoops): raise exit signal
    • flush: to see the exit signal was trapped
    • Process.exit(self, **:kill**): send an untrappable signal, the shell will be crashed
  • Exception on a process, per the previous example

Data types

Elixir support the following data types:

  • Value types
    • Integer
    • Float
    • Atom
    • Range
    • Regex
  • System types
    • PID and port
    • Reference
  • Collection types
    • Tuple
    • List
    • Maps
    • Binaries


  • i command in iex: Print out information about a variable


  • Blitzy command-line program
  • Registry for message dispatching & pub/sub


  • Install the latest version of Phoenix: mix archive.install
  • mix to create a new project, e.g. mix conduit --module Conduit --app conduit --no-brunch --no-html
  • mix phx.server to run the Phoenix webserver, default URL: http://localhost:4000/
  • mix phx.routes to show the defined routes in the application

##Dev Environment

  • Erlang version: erl -eval 'erlang:display(erlang:system_info(otp_release)), halt().' -noshell
  • Elixir version: elixir -v
  • asdf for version manager:


Playing with Elixir






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