This module is used to capture and store the Contact Us form details on Magento 2. To see the captured data on the Magento backend go to store > settings > configurations > General > Contacts > Contact Us > Set "Yes" to enable Contact Us followed by Set "Yes" to Display Contact Us Grid so the Contact Us menu will be visible under Marketing > User Content Section.
This Module Works with Magento default front end, REST API, GRAPH QL
contactForm[name] Mohith
contactForm[email] [email protected]
contactForm[telephone] 9876543211
contactForm[comment] SampleComment-From Rest Api
mutation { contactus( input:{ name: "Mohith" email: "[email protected]" telephone: "9876543211" comment: "SampleComment-From Graph QL" } ){ msg } }
Thank you for using the module. Always happy to hear from you. The code improvements and module enhancements are appreciated. For any Magento 2 projects or Magento 2 freelancing, contact me at "[email protected]".