Chat App
Html, Css ,Javascript, Nodejs (Express), MongoDb
Front end is build using pure html , css and javascript without using any other external libraries
- email: [email protected] , password: [email protected]
- email: [email protected] , password: [email protected]
- Setup Enviornment by running following commands in terminal
- Configure your env variables in .env file
- For Inserting Sample Data
- For Testing
- For Linting files
2) 'npm install' to install dependencies
3) 'npm start' to run the server
configure Socket server
SELF_URL : Self domain name
JWT_SECRET_KEY : Any string value for jwt token
SOCKET_URL: url of socket server
SOCKET_FILE : url of socket file
Detail of Mail service
EMAIL : email address
EMAIL_PASS : email password
SERVICE : email service provider
npm run feed
npm run test
npm run lint

It is a Chat App build using Html, Css, Javascript for frontend and Node, Express as backend with MongoDb as database.It user library for real time communication .This chat app has following features.
1) Register Account
2) Activate Account
3) Make New Friends
4) Real Time chatting
5) Forgot Password
6) File Sharing
7) Video Calling
- User can Create their Account
- After creating account an Email verification mail is send to Activate user Account
- Users can update their pofile
- User Can find new friends and send friend request
- Incoming Request can be accepted by other users
- User get notification if any one accepted his friend request
- Real time chatting can be done between two friends
- But messages can also be sent when reciever is offline
- Multiple files can be shared
- Searching keyword can be done in chat list
- Friend can have Video Calls
- Passoword can be easily reset using Verification Link or OTP