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MEt3R: Measuring Multi-View Consistency in Generated Images [CVPR 2025]

Mohammad Asim1, Christopher Wewer1, Thomas Wimmer1, 2, Bernt Schiele1, Jan Eric Lenssen1

1Max Planck Institute for Informatics, Saarland Informatics Campus, 2ETH Zurich

TL;DR: A differentiable metric to measure multi-view consistency between an image pair.

🔍 Method Overview

MEt3R evaluates the consistency between images $\mathbf{I}_1$ and $\mathbf{I}_2$. Given such a pair, we apply DUSt3R to obtain dense 3D point maps $\mathbf{X}_1$ and $\mathbf{X}_2$. These point maps are used to project upscaled DINO features $\mathbf{F}_1$, $\mathbf{F}_2$ into the coordinate frame of $\mathbf{I}_1$, via unprojecting and rendering. We compare the resulting feature maps $\hat{\mathbf{F}}_1$ and $\hat{\mathbf{F}}_2$ in pixel space to obtain similarity $S(\mathbf{I}_1,\mathbf{I}_2)$.


📓 Abstract

We introduce MEt3R a metric for multi-view consistency in generated images. Large-scale generative models for multi-view image generation are rapidly advancing the field of 3D inference from sparse observations. However, due to the nature of generative modeling, traditional reconstruction metrics are not suitable to measure the quality of generated outputs and metrics that are independent of the sampling procedure are desperately needed. In this work, we specifically address the aspect of consistency between generated multi-view images, which can be evaluated independently of the specific scene. Our approach uses DUSt3R to obtain dense 3D reconstructions from image pairs in a feed-forward manner, which are used to warp image contents from one view into the other. Then, feature maps of these images are compared to obtain a similarity score that is invariant to view-dependent effects. Using MEt3R, we evaluate the consistency of a large set of previous methods for novel view and video generation, including our open, multi-view latent diffusion model.

📌 Dependencies

- Python >= 3.6
- PyTorch >= 2.1.0
- CUDA >= 11.3
- PyTorch3D >= 0.7.5
- FeatUp >= 0.1.1

NOTE: Pytorch3D and FeatUp are automatically installed alongside MEt3R.

Tested with CUDA 11.8, PyTorch 2.4.1, Python 3.10

🛠️ Quick Setup

Simply install MEt3R using the following command inside a bash terminal assuming prequisites are aleady installed and working.

pip install git+

📣 Example Usage

Simply import and use MEt3R in your codebase as follows.

import torch
from met3r import MEt3R

IMG_SIZE = 256

# Initialize MEt3R
metric = MEt3R(
    img_size=IMG_SIZE, # Default. Set to `None` to use the input resolution on the fly!
    use_norm=True, # Default 
    feat_backbone="dino16", # Default 
    featup_weights="mhamilton723/FeatUp", # Default 
    dust3r_weights="naver/MASt3R_ViTLarge_BaseDecoder_512_catmlpdpt_metric", # Default
    use_mast3r_dust3r=True # Default. Set to `False` to use original DUSt3R. Make sure to also set the correct weights from huggingface.

# Prepare inputs of shape (batch, views, channels, height, width): views must be 2
# RGB range must be in [-1, 1]
# Reduce the batch size in case of CUDA OOM
inputs = torch.randn((10, 2, 3, IMG_SIZE, IMG_SIZE)).cuda()
inputs = inputs.clip(-1, 1)

# Evaluate MEt3R
score, *_ = metric(
    return_overlap_mask=False, # Default 
    return_score_map=False, # Default 
    return_projections=False # Default 

# Should be between 0.25 - 0.35

# Clear up GPU memory

Checkout example.ipynb for more demo examples!

👷 Manual Install

Additionally MEt3R can also be installed manually in a local development environment.

Install Prerequisites

pip install -r requirements.txt

Installing FeatUp

MEt3R relies on FeatUp to generate high resolution feature maps for the input images. Install FeatUp using the following command.

pip install git+

Refer to FeatUp for more details.

Installing Pytorch3D

MEt3R requires Pytorch3D to perform point projection and rasterization. Install it via the following command.

pip install git+

In case of issues related to installing and building Pytorch3D, refer to Pytorch3d for more details.

Installing DUSt3R

At the core of MEt3R lies DUSt3R which is used to generate the 3D point maps for feature unprojection and rasterization. We adopt DUSt3R as a submodule which can be downloaded as follows:

git submodule update --init --recursive

📘 Citation

When using MEt3R in your project, consider citing our work as follows.

    title = {MEt3R: Measuring Multi-View Consistency in Generated Images},
    author = {Asim, Mohammad and Wewer, Christopher and Wimmer, Thomas and Schiele, Bernt and Lenssen, Jan Eric},
    booktitle = {arXiv},
    year = {2024},