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Printer Variables

moggieuk edited this page Feb 5, 2025 · 16 revisions

#f03c15 #c5f015 #1589F0 Happy Hare Added Printer Variables and Events

Happy Hare exposes 'printer' variables that can be used in your own macros.

    printer.mmu.enabled : {bool} True if MMU is enabled
    printer.mmu.num_gates : {int} number of gates configured
    printer.mmu.is_homed : {bool} True if MMU has been homed
    printer.mmu.print_state': (string} Print state (printing | pause_locked | paused | complete | cancelled | error | ready | standby | initialized)
    printer.mmu.unit : {int} Current selected unit 0..n | -1 for unknown
    printer.mmu.tool : {int} Current selected tool 0..n | -1 for unknown | -2 for bypass
    printer.mmu.gate : {int} Current selected tool 0..n | -1 for unknown
    printer.mmu.active_filament : {dict} of active filament attributes (from gate_map, e.g. active_filament.material, active_filament.color)
    printer.mmu.last_tool : {int} 0..n | -1 for unknown | -2 for bypass (during a tool change after unload)
    printer.mmu.next_tool : {int} 0..n | -1 for unknown | -2 for bypass (during a tool change)
    printer.mmu.toolchange_purge_volume : {float} suggested purge volume for current toolchange (mm^3)
    printer.mmu.last_toolchange : {string} description of last change similar to M117 display
    printer.mmu.operation : {string} Operation in progress (toolchange, load, unload, runout, pause, cancel, complete)
    printer.mmu.filament : {string} (Loaded | Unloaded | Unknown) Filament state in extruder
    printer.mmu.filament_position : {float} location in mm of filament
    printer.mmu.filament_pos : {int} state machine - exact location of filament
    printer.mmu.filament_direction : {int} 1 (load) | -1 (unload)
    printer.mmu.ttg_map : {list} defined gate for each tool
    printer.mmu.endless_spool_groups : {list} membership group (int) for each tool
    printer.mmu.gate_status : {list} per gate: 0 empty | 1 available | 2 available from buffer |  -1 unknown
    printer.mmu.gate_name : {list} of filament names, one per gate
    printer.mmu.gate_material : {list} of material names, one per gate
    printer.mmu.gate_color : {list} of color names, one per gate
    printer.mmu.gate_temperature : {list} of filament temperatures, one per gate
    printer.mmu.gate_color_rgb : {list} of color rbg values from 0.0 - 1.0 in truples (red, green blue), one per gate
    printer.mmu.gate_spool_id : {list} of IDs for Spoolman, one per gate
    printer.mmu.slicer_tool_map : {dict} of slicer defined tool attributes (in form[color|material|temp|in_use])
    printer.mmu.slicer_color_rgb : {list} of color rbg values from 0.0 - 1.0 in truples (red, green blue), one per gate
    printer.mmu.tool_extrusion_multipliers : {list} current M221 extrusion multipliers (float), one per tool
    printer.mmu.tool_speed_multipliers : {list} current M220 extrusion multipliers (float), one per tool
    printer.mmu.action : {string} Idle | Loading | Unloading | Forming Tip | Heating | Loading Ext | Exiting Ext | Checking | Homing | Selecting
    printer.mmu.has_bypass : {bool} True if available else False
    printer.mmu.sync_drive : {bool} True if gear stepper is currently synced to extruder
    printer.mmu.sync_feedback_state : {string} State of sync feedback sensor (compressed | expanded | neutral | disabled)
    printer.mmu.print_job_state : {string} current job state seen by MMU (initialized | standby | started | printing | pause_locked | paused | complete | cancelled | error)
    printer.mmu.clog_detection_enabled : {int} 0 (off) | 1 (manual) | 2 (auto)
    printer.mmu.endless_spool_enabled : {int} 0 (disabled) | 1 (enabled) | 2 (additionally enabled for pre-gate sensor)
    printer.mmu.reason_for_pause : {string} 
    printer.mmu.extruder_filament_remaining : {float} amount of residual + cut filament left in the extruder (for toolchange macros)
    printer.mmu.spoolman_support: {string} spoolman integration mode (off | readonly | push | pull)
    printer.mmu.bowden_progress : (int} Simple 0-100%. -1 if not performing bowden move
    printer.mmu.espooler_active : {string} (rewind | assist | "") If espooler is rewinding or assisting spool
    printer.mmu.sensors : {dict} Key is sensor name and value is (True | False | None) where None indicates sensor exists but currently disabled

Added if current active MMU unit has LinearSelector:
    printer.mmu.servo : {string} Up | Down | Move | Unknown

Added by if current active MMU unit has RotarySelector, ServoSelecter:
    printer.mmu.servo : {string} Gripped | Released

Added by if current active MMU unit has encoder:
    printer.mmu.encoder : {dict} See mmu_encoder below for details

    printer.mmu.is_locked : {bool} DEPRECATED, use printer.mmu.print_state
    printer.mmu.is_paused : {bool} DEPRECATED (use printer.mmu.print_state) True if MMU is paused after an error
    printer.mmu.is_in_print : {bool} DEPRECATED (use printer.mmu.print_state) True if MMU is managing a print job
    printer.mmu.runout : {bool} DEPRECATED, use printer.mmu.operation == "runout" instead
    printer.mmu.clog_detection : {int} DEPRECATED, use clog_detection_enabled
    printer.mmu.endless_spool : {int} DEPRECATED, use endless_spool_enabled
    printer.mmu.print_start_detection : {int} DEPRECATED, For Klippain, can use configuration variable

Optionally exposed for mmu_encoder (if fitted). Will be made available as printer.mmu.encoder which is the preferred access because it allows for some MMU units to have encoder whilst others dont.

    printer['mmu_encoder mmu_encoder'].encoder_pos : {float} Encoder position measurement in mm
    printer['mmu_encoder mmu_encoder'].detection_length : {float} The detection length for clog detection
    printer['mmu_encoder mmu_encoder'].min_headroom : {float} How close clog detection was from firing on current tool change
    printer['mmu_encoder mmu_encoder'].headroom : {float} Current headroom of clog detection (i.e. distance from trigger point)
    printer['mmu_encoder mmu_encoder'].desired_headroom : {float} Desired headroom (mm) for automatic clog detection
    printer['mmu_encoder mmu_encoder'].detection_mode : {int} Same as printer.mmu.clog_detection
    printer['mmu_encoder mmu_encoder'].enabled : {bool} Whether encoder is currently enabled for clog detection
    printer['mmu_encoder mmu_encoder'].flow_rate : {int} % flowrate (extruder movement compared to encoder movement)

#f03c15 #c5f015 #1589F0 Klipper Events

If you are a developer you might be interested in the following klipper events that are generated by Happy Hare:

Event Name         Parameters            Description
----------         ----------            -----------
mmu:mmu_paused     -                     Called when mmu_error occurs
mmu:mmu_resumed    -                     Called when print is resumed after mmu_error
mmu:enabled        -                     When MMU is enabled, e.g. with MMU ENABLE=1
mmu:disabled       -                     When MMU is disabled, e.g. with MMU ENABLE=0
mmu:toolchange     last_tool, next_tool  When tool change is initiated (start of)
mmu:synced         -                     When filament driver (gear stepper) is synced to extruder
mmu:unsynced       -                     When filament driver (gear stepper) is synced to extruder

Happy Hare also listens for sync_feedback events. These can be generated internally with built in sync feedback support, but can also be used to keep gear/extruder motors in sync using a third party feedback device:

mmu:sync_feedback  state                 The state is a float between -1.0 and +1.0 and represents
                                         the state of tension (negative value) or compression (positive
                                         value) of the filament inside the bowden. A value of 0 is neutral
 1. Introduction
 2. Installation
 3. Essential Configuration
 4. Calibration
 5. Operation


 6. Slicer-MMU Setup


 7. Tuning
 8. Optional Feature Setup
 9. Advanced Configuration
 10. Advanced Concepts
11. Quick References

12. Troubleshooting
13. FAQ
14. MCU Board Reference 🆕
15. Change Log
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