Developed as HTW IMI-Project (WiSe21/22).
Based on studplan by Julia Zamaitat.
- Krist Baliev
- Linh Phuong Chu
- Leon Grahl
- Ramadhan Irfan
- Ben Sauerländer
- Viet Anh Jimmy Tran
- Leonard Valentin
WARNING: It is highly recommended to use a linux machine. Otherwise a lot of scripts may not run correctly. Also it is recommended to use docker-cli instead of docker-desktop.
Further information on and
Clone this repository to your local machine.
Run the following command inside the project-root-directory.
sudo npm run init
If you have docker-desktop installed: Start this first.
If you have only docker-engine installed: Do nothing.
sudo npm run start
- Open App on http://localhost:8080 (changes will be applied automatically)
- You can login with test/test or admin/admin
sudo npm run stop
sudo npm run logs
You can also specifie which logs you want to see. To do so just add ( vue-app / node-server / mongo-db )
For example:
sudo npm run logs vue-app
You can seed everything with: (this will override all data in the local DB)
sudo npm run init-seed
You can also use
You can also seed single files with:
sudo npm run seed <List of files>
For example run
sudo npm run seed modalCourses testAndAdmin
to seed the DB with all ModalCourses, test- and admin-user -
The seeding-scripts are defined in
You can pass
-- --no-warning
as first argument to ignore the warnings.For example:
sudo npm run seed -- --no-warning semester
npm run lint-all
npm run test
If you have, for example, problems with not installed node packages run this command to completely rebuild the docker images:
npm run clean-docker-packages
If you want to completely reinstall the node packages on your local machine run this command to clean the vue-app-packages / node-server-packages:
npm run clean-packages-all
You can find more detailed information on the github wiki page.