Assimulo is a Cython/Python based simulation package that allows for simulation of both ordinary differential equations of the form
CVode and IDA supports discontinuous systems of the form
The package comes with a Problem specifications class and subclasses corresponding to different types of problems. Choices are Implicit_Problem
and Explicit_Problem
To define and solve a problem, first import the solver of choice and the appropriate Implicit
class. Furthermore, define your function
For more information about Assimulo, documentation tutorial etc, see the docs from the older JModelica website.
Current Assimulo development aims for compliancy with Sundials v2.7.0.
Some optional features in `Assimulo>=3.4.1`` are built on the modified Sundials version that can be accessed here.
See the INSTALL file or the installation page on
For information about contributing, see
For contact, either via email or the easiest is immediately by filing an issue or pull request here on GitHub.
Email: christian.winther