barik is a lightweight macOS menu bar replacement. If you use yabai or AeroSpace for tiling WM, you can display the current space in a sleek macOS-style panel with smooth animations. This makes it easy to see which number to press to switch spaces.
- macOS 14.6+
- Install barik via Homebrew
brew install --cask mocki-toki/formulae/barik
Or you can download from Releases, unzip it, and move it to your Applications folder.
(Optional) To display open applications and spaces, install yabai or AeroSpace and set up hotkeys. For yabai, you'll need skhd or Raycast scripts. Don't forget to configure top padding — here's an example for yabai.
Hide the system menu bar in System Settings and uncheck Desktop & Dock → Show items → On Desktop.
Launch barik from the Applications folder.
Add barik to your login items for automatic startup.
That's it! Try switching spaces and see the panel in action.
When you launch barik for the first time, it will create a ~/.barik-config.toml
file with an example customization for your new menu bar.
# If you installed yabai or aerospace without using Homebrew,
# manually set the path to the binary. For example:
# yabai.path = "/run/current-system/sw/bin/yabai"
# aerospace.path = ...
theme = "system" # system, light, dark
displayed = [ # widgets on menu bar
# { "default.time" = { time-zone = "America/Los_Angeles", format = "E d, hh:mm" } },
[widgets.default.spaces] = true # show space number (or character, if you use AeroSpace) = true
window.title.max-length = 50
# A list of applications that will always be displayed by application name.
# Other applications will show the window title if there is more than one window.
window.title.always-display-app-name-for = ["Mail", "Chrome", "Arc"]
view-variant = "horizontal"
show-percentage = true
warning-level = 30
critical-level = 10
format = "E d, J:mm"
calendar.format = "J:mm" = true
# calendar.allow-list = ["Home", "Personal"] # show only these calendars
# calendar.deny-list = ["Work", "Boss"] # show all calendars except these
view-variant = "box"
[experimental.background] # settings for blurred background
displayed = true # display blurred background
height = "default" # available values: default (stretch to full screen), menu-bar (height like system menu bar), <float> (e.g., 40, 33.5)
blur = 3 # background type: from 1 to 6 for blur intensity, 7 for black color
[experimental.foreground] # settings for menu bar
height = "default" # available values: default (55.0), menu-bar (height like system menu bar), <float> (e.g., 40, 33.5)
horizontal-padding = 25 # padding on the left and right corners
spacing = 15 # spacing between widgets
[experimental.foreground.widgets-background] # settings for widgets background
displayed = false # wrap widgets in their own background
blur = 3 # background type: from 1 to 6 for blur intensity
Currently, you can customize the order of widgets (time, indicators, etc.) and adjust some of their settings. Soon, you’ll also be able to add custom widgets and completely change barik's appearance—making it almost unrecognizable (hello, r/unixporn!).
I'm not planning to stick to minimal functionality—exciting new features are coming soon! The roadmap includes full style customization, the ability to create custom widgets or extend existing ones, and a public Store where you can share your styles and widgets.
Soon, you'll also be able to place widgets not just at the top, but at the bottom, left, and right as well. This means you can replace not only the menu bar but also the Dock! 🚀
Unfortunately, macOS does not support access to its API that allows music control. Fortunately, there is a workaround using Apple Script or a service API, but this requires additional work to integrate each service. Currently, the Now Playing widget supports the following services:
- Spotify (requires the desktop application)
- Apple Music (requires the desktop application)
Create an issue so we can add your favorite music service:
Menu items (such as File, Edit, View, etc.) are not currently supported, but they are planned for future releases. However, you can use Raycast, which supports menu items through an interface similar to Spotlight. I personally use it with the option + tab
shortcut, and it works very well.
If you’re accustomed to using menu items from the system menu bar, simply move your mouse to the top of the screen to reveal the system menu bar, where they will be available.
Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a PR.
Apple and macOS are trademarks of Apple Inc. This project is not connected to Apple Inc. and does not have their approval or support.