Chapters covered:
- Introduction to AI at the edge
- Leveraging Pre-Trained Models
- Model Optimizer
- Inference Engine
- Deploying an Edge App
- AI At The Edge - An Introduction To Intel OpenVINO Toolkit.
- Introduction to OpenVINO
- Understanding SSD MultiBox — Real-Time Object Detection In Deep Learning
- Lossless Triplet loss
- Machine Learning is Fun!
- Back-Propagation is very simple. Who made it Complicated ?
- Deep Learning for Object Detection: A Comprehensive Review
- On implementing Deep Learning library from scratch in Python
- Object Detection with YOLO algorithm
- A Simple Guide to Convolutional Neural Networks
- How to detect objects in a picture and classify them using OpenVINO with Python
An Analysis of Deep Neural Network Models for Practical Applications
Separable Convolutional Layers (Reducing Model Ops)
Model Pruning
- Tutorial: Computer Vision and Machine Learning with Python, Keras and OpenCV
- Project Ideas
- OpenVINO Interactive face detection demo¶
Completed and Graduated