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Creating a development server

mm201 edited this page Dec 14, 2021 · 1 revision

To create the server, you will need:

  • Access to a webserver with ASP.NET support (IIS has it as long as you tick it, look how to install mod_mono on Google)
  • Access to a machine which can run EXE files (Windows or Linux/Mac+WINE)
  • Access to a MySQL Database
  • Visual Studio (I use VS2012, if you're a student go to, register and get verified)
  • Time

You will need to first get all the prequisites ready. Remember, you will need an AltWFC server for this. I suggest as you can run AltWFC on Windows for you to run AltWFC, GTS and Battle Video server on one Windows computer.

Then, download pkmn-classic-framework, and open the .sln in VS. You will need to go through all app.config and/or web.config files, changing the database, userid, password and server to your own. You'll need to google how to create a UserID (Username) + Pass, and a database. Once you've done this, press build all. Then, right click gts and press publish, make a new profile for a folder deploy, and deploy it to a folder, then put the files into the root of the server (the root of the area accessible via webbrowser).

However, we are not done yet. Go into the library folder and copy it to either your MySQL folder (Windows) or stay in that directory (Linux). Type into CMD/terminal 'mysql -u -p < database.sql', insert the DB pass and it'll place all the main tables into the server. Once you've gone to VeekunImport>bin>debug, replaced pokedex.sqlite with the one from and made sure you built everything, run VeekunImport.exe.

If it crashes you need to make sure that the DB was changed and/or you replaced the pokedex.sqlite IN THE BIN>DEBUG FOLDER. If it doesnt crash leave it for 2-5min to import all pokedex entries into the DB. Then, run GlobalTerminalService>bin>debug>GlobalTerminalService.exe (Battle Video Server) and set and to your IP (external if a public server, Internal if LAN only).

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