Grit is just a simple mapping tool to align your multiple repositories. It's just a proxy for git cli commands to your main repository and your other repositories. It does not create/delete repositories. It will only manage what is in your .grit/config
- Proxy the git cli
- Not get in the way
- Allow the user to make the normal git choices
Clone the repository and put the executable in your PATH
git clone ~/.grit
ln -s ~/.grit/grit.rb /usr/local/bin/grit
[master][~/proj-root]$ grit init
[master][~/proj-root]$ grit add-all
[master][~/proj-root]$ grit add-repository <name/dir> <dir (optional)>
Will generate .grit/config.yml
root: /Users/jbond/proj-root
- name: Spectre
path: frameworks/spectre
- name: Skyfall
path: frameworks/skyfall
ignore_root: false
help - display list of commands
init <dir> (optional) - create grit config.yml file in .grit dir
add-all - add all directories in the current directory to config.yml
config - show current config settings
clean-config - remove any missing direcotries from config.yml
convert-config - convert conf from sym to string
add-repository <name> <dir> - add repo and dir to config.yml
remove-repository <name> - remove specified repo from config.yml
destroy - delete current grit setup including config and .grit directory
on <repo> <action> - execute git action on specific repo
version - get current grit version
grit status
[master][~/proj-root]$ grit status
Performing operation status on Root
# On branch master
# Your branch is ahead of 'origin/master' by 1 commit.
nothing to commit (working directory clean)
Performing operation status on Spectre
# On branch master
nothing to commit (working directory clean)
Performing operation status on Skyfall
# On branch master
nothing to commit (working directory clean)
grit on REPO_NAME_CASE GIT_OPERATION will perform that operation on the repository you want
[master][~/proj-root]$ grit on spectre status
# SPECTRE -- git status
On branch master
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'.
nothing to commit, working tree clean
grit destroy will remove the .grit directory and config
[master][~/proj-root]$ grit destroy
git config --global core.excludesfile ~/.gitignore
echo ".grit/" >> ~/.gitignore
gem install parallel subprocess
Updated: 2024.5.29