I'm Dr. Michael Lesniak, a polyglot software engineer and software architect with many years of experience in different software development roles such as senior, staff and principal engineer, architect, team lead and CTO, focusing on software architecture and design, Java, Kotlin, Go, Clean Code, distributed systems and a track record of successful projects in miscellaneous domains. In addition, I play around with lots of topics, e.g. programming languages (Rust, Clojure, Zig, ...) or concepts (graphics, programming languages, algorithms...).
This is my GitHub account and contains a lot of playground projects about different topics
Repository | Description |
dependency injection | Code for my blog post about inventing dependency injection |
server side events | Code for my blog post explaining server side events |
metablobs | Showcase implementation of metaballs (the graphical effect) |
http-proxy | Simple http(s) forward proxy using just the JDK and no external libraries |
gravity simulator | Playground to visualize Newton's gravity formula with Zig and Raylib |
java-spreadsheet | Playground non-graphical spreadsheet implementation demonstrating how to compute cells with dependencies and formulas |
redis-1024 | Implementation of a basic Redis-compatible server in less than 1024 lines of code |
chess-engine | An incomplete chess engine using MinMax with alpha-beta pruning |
kotlin-gameboy | Gameboy emulator in Kotlin to show boot animation |
order-and-stock-services | Showcase for two microservices with MongoDb, interservice communication, testing, etc... |
rust-raycaster | Raycaster in Rust |
libgdx-kotlin-gradle-engine | 3D Software renderer completely from scratch in Kotlin using libGDX |
git-analyzer | Analyze your git logs to gather insights into your code structure |
kotlin-ncurses-jni-mandelbrot | Renders Mandelbrot images using JNI via ncurses in your terminal |
sudoku | Sudoku solver in Kotlin using functional programming patterns |
port-scanner | Port scanner mirroring nmap written in Go |
fizz-jvm | My very pragmatic implementation of my own JVM which allows to run a compiled FizzBuzz example |
advent-of-code-2022 | Advent of Code 2022 solutions in Kotlin |
advent-of-code-2021 | Advent of Code 2021 solutions in Kotlin |
advent-of-code-2020 | Advent of Code 2020 solutions in Go |
advent-of-code-2019 | Advent of Code 2019 solutions in Go |
go-raytracer | A raytracer written in Go |
... and a lot more, just look around at my roughly 100 public repositories and drop me an email if you have any question, comments, job offers or just want to say " Hi!".