Bandwithd-style traffic counter with influxdb backend. Captures network traffic statistics using libpcap and stores the packet's metadata in influxdb. Network traffic can be analyzed by IP version, transport protocol and direction. Destination addresses are not stored to protect user privacy.
Traffic statistics can be filtered by
- src. MAC address
- src. IPv4/IPv6
- transport protocol, see protocols(5)
- flow direction in/out
needs special permissions to sniff the network.
To run it with user permission cap_net_raw
needs to be set.
$ sudo setcap cap_net_raw=ep netprobe`
netprobe 0.1 ( )
-i, --interface Network interface
-u, --url URL containing server, port, database and token
-m, --measurement Measurement Name
--nop No actual insert (no operation)
--version Print program version
./netprobe -i eth0 -u http://localhost:5000/write/<token> -m bla
- libpcap-dev
- libcurl4-openssl-dev
mkdir cmake-build && cd cmake-build
cmake -GNinja ..
cmake --build .