- Practicing C, C++ (in general as well as game dev etc.)
- MyCodingDays - Roadmap for C++ Software Engineer in 2023
- Low Level Learning - before you code, learn how computers work
- Learn C
- Teaches how to work with memory
- Project: Write an HTTP server (teaches HTTP RFC, HTTP parser, writing code defensively; teaches networking)
- Learn Assembly variant and how the CPU works at the instruction level
- "Object dump" (objdump) some piece of code, go to the main function and reverse engineer how it works
- Reverse Engineering basics
- ESP32
- Learn C
- Low Level Game Dev - How To Start or Continue Learning C++
- SyncMain - 15 Years Writing C++ - Advice for new programmers
- SyncMain - Learning Resources for Aspiring Programmers | Recommendations for Getting Started and Getting Better
- CodeCademy (why: structured learning)
- KhanAcademy.org (why: mathematics etc. and some programming)
- Codewars and HackerRank if we have some experience (why: to check out new languages, practice etc.)
- Git
- TheCherno on YouTube
- LearnOpenGL.com
- C++ Weekly With Jason Turner
- TALK: CppCon 2014: Mike Acton "Data-Oriented Design and C++"
- Molly Rocket - Molly Rocket
- Humble Bundle
- BOOK: Al Sweigart - Automate the Boring Stuff - Free to read!
- Lex Friedman - Programming languages that everyone should learn | George Hotz and Lex Fridman
- Assembly (1949) [Imperative Programming]
- C (1972) [Imperative Programming]
- Python (1991) [Imperative Programming]
- PyTorch (2016) [Differentiable Programming]
- Haskell (1990) [Functional Programming]
- Coq (1989) [Dependently Typed]
- Verilog (1984) and/or VHDL (1980) [Hardware]
Eskil Steenberg - Modern C development with Visual studio in 2023.
freecodeCamp - Guiraffe Academy - C Programming Tutorial for Beginners
Nathan Baggs (playlist) - Programming
- 1. Trying to outperform Rust (876 views, 11 days ago, 4:55)
- 2. How does a compiler work? (3.6K views, 4 months ago, 3:43)
- 3. 6 Programming Skills I Learnt Using ASSEMBLY (1.1K views, 5 months ago, 4:31)
- 4. Making 3 ray tracers before the code deletes itself (1.1K views, 6 months ago, 4:17)
- 5. What is the fastest way to calculate sine? (19K views, 8 months ago, 4:23)
- 6. I made the same game in Assembly, C and C++ (356K views, 9 months ago, 4:20)
- 7. Why C++? (24K views, 10 months ago, 4:41)
freeCodeCamp (playlist) - C / C++
- 1. C Programming Tutorial for Beginners (9.6M views, 5 years ago, 3:46:13)
- 2. C++ Tutorial for Beginners - Full Course (11M views, 4 years ago, 4:01:19)
- 3. Object Oriented Programming (OOP) in C++ Course (2M views, 2 years ago, 1:30:26)
- 4. Learn Modern C++ by Building an Audio Plugin (w/ JUCE Framework) - Full Course (611K views, 2 years ago, 5:03:47)
- 5. OpenGL Course - Create 3D and 2D Graphics With C++ (888K views, 2 years ago, 1:46:24)
- 6. Data Structures - Full Course Using C and C++ (2.3M views, 2 years ago, 9:46:11)
- 7. Pointers in C / C++ [Full Course] (2.9M views, 2 years ago, 3:47:23)
- 8. C Programming Language - Intro to Computer Science - Harvard's CS50 (2018) (978K views, 4 years ago, 2:13:17)
- 1. 31 nooby C++ habits you need to ditch (474K views, 1 year ago, 16:18)
- 2. The ONLY C keyword with no C++ equivalent (131K views, 2 years ago, 13:17)
- 3. C++ Sudoku Solver in 7 minutes using Recursive Backtracking (90K views, 2 years ago, 6:57)
- 4. C++ First Missing Int, faster than 100%! (59K views, 2 years ago, 5:24)
- 5. C++ cache locality and branch predictability (58K views, 1 year ago, 10:43)
- 6. Find the Skyline Problem with C++ Solution Explained (41K views, 2 years ago, 10:49)
- 7. x to bool conversion in Python, C++, and C (36K views, 2 years ago, 4:56)
- 8. Interviewing the creator of C++, Bjarne Stroustrup (30K views, 1 year ago, 14:45)
- 9. Return Value Optimization and Copy Elision in C++ (28K views, 9 months ago, 9:54)
- 10. Does std::endl fix your multithreaded prints? (C++) (20K views, 1 year ago, 8:56)
- 11. Merge K Sorted Lists using a C++ Heap | Hard LeetCode Interview Question (2K views, 2 years ago, 14:00)
Nathan Baggs (playlist) - Learn C++
- 1. How to quickly get started with C++ (617 views, 3 months ago, 3:02)
- 2. How does a compiler work? (3.6K views, 4 months ago, 3:43)
- 3. What Are The C++ Fundamental Types? (450 views, 3 months ago, 6:14)
Charles Cabergs (playlist) - Advanced C
- 1. Advanced C #1: Function Pointers (12K views • 5 months ago, 11:22)
- 2. Advanced C #2: Bit Flags (2K views • 5 months ago, 6:17)
- 3. Advanced C #3: void Pointers (1.3K views • 5 months ago, 7:47)
- 4. Advanced C #4: Long Number Separator (855 views • 5 months ago, 0:44)
- 5. Advanced C #5: sizeof (717 views • 5 months ago, 4:02)
- 6. Advanced C #6: Lookup Tables (4.5K views • 5 months ago, 7:30)
- 7. Advanced C #7: Tagged Unions (993 views • 5 months ago, 5:39)
- 8. Advanced C #8: Bit Fields (744 views • 5 months ago, 6:26)
- 9. Advanced C #9: String Literal VS char Array (790 views • 5 months ago, 3:44)
- 10. Advanced C #10: Number Literals (437 views • 5 months ago, 4:17)
- 11. Advanced C #11: Variable Argument List (551 views • 5 months ago, 6:00)
- 12. Advanced C #12: printf (506 views • 5 months ago, 19:51)
- 13. Advanced C #13: Macros Caveats (429 views • 5 months ago, 7:12)
- 14. Advanced C #14: Macro Stringify And Tokenize (571 views • 5 months ago, 7:02)
- 15. Advanced C #15: Anonymous Struct And Array (792 views • 5 months ago, 4:13)
- 16. Advanced C #16: Macro Variable Arguments (355 views • 5 months ago, 3:06)
- 17. Advanced C #17: Variable Length Array (VLA) (758 views • 5 months ago, 5:24)
- 18. Advanced C #18: Dollar (895 views • 5 months ago, 0:50)
- 19. Advanced C #19: Split String (629 views • 5 months ago, 7:30)
- 20. Advanced C #20: Error Handling (2.7K views • 5 months ago, 7:57)
- 21. Advanced C #21: Read a file line by line with getline (522 views • 3 days ago, 8:45)
- 22. Advanced C #22: Regular Expressions (173 views • 9 hours ago, 13:38)
- 1. Welcome to C++ (1.7M views, 6 years ago, 7:05)
- 2. How to Setup C++ on Windows (807K views, 6 years ago, 8:36)
- 3. How to Setup C++ on Mac (393K views, 6 years ago, 3:29)
- 4. How to Setup C++ on Linux (329K views, 6 years ago, 8:12)
- 5. How C++ Works (968K views, 6 years ago, 20:21) [TODO: Start with this video]
- 6. How the C++ Compiler Works (706K views, 6 years ago, 17:55)
- 7. How the C++ Linker Works (546K views, 6 years ago, 15:52)
- 8. Variables in C++ (392K views, 6 years ago, 13:46)
- 9. Functions in C++ (437K views, 6 years ago, 9:50)
- 10. C++ Header Files (643K views, 6 years ago, 15:10)
- 11. How to DEBUG C++ in VISUAL STUDIO (416K views, 6 years ago, 19:20)
- 12. CONDITIONS and BRANCHES in C++ (if statements) (261K views, 6 years ago, 23:43)
- 13. BEST Visual Studio Setup for C++ Projects! (430K views, 6 years ago, 12:08)
- 14. Loops in C++ (for loops, while loops) (357K views, 6 years ago, 12:20)
- 15. Control Flow in C++ (continue, break, return) (168K views, 6 years ago, 8:20)
- 16. POINTERS in C++ (919K views, 6 years ago, 16:59)
- 17. REFERENCES in C++ (506K views, 6 years ago, 10:13)
- 18. CLASSES in C++ (586K views, 6 years ago, 8:42)
- 19. CLASSES vs STRUCTS in C++ (405K views, 6 years ago, 8:32)
- 20. How to Write a C++ Class (352K views, 6 years ago, 11:32)
- 21. Static in C++ (386K views, 6 years ago, 6:29)
- 22. Static for Classes and Structs in C++ (305K views, 6 years ago, 9:12)
- 23. ENUMS in C++ (343K views, 6 years ago, 7:45)
- 24. Constructors in C++ (362K views, 6 years ago, 6:58)
- 25. Destructors in C++ (230K views, 6 years ago, 4:47)
- 26. Inheritance in C++ (330K views, 6 years ago, 8:00)
- 27. Virtual Functions in C++ (435K views, 6 years ago, 6:45)
- 28. Interfaces in C++ (Pure Virtual Functions) (299K views, 6 years ago, 6:55)
- 29. Visibility in C++ (142K views, 6 years ago, 8:49)
- 30. Arrays in C++ (374K views, 6 years ago, 18:31)
- 31. How Strings Work in C++ (and how to use them) (402K views, 6 years ago, 19:26)
- 32. String Literals in C++ (169K views, 6 years ago, 14:07)
- 33. CONST in C++ (356K views, 6 years ago, 12:54)
- 34. The Mutable Keyword in C++ (151K views, 6 years ago, 6:56)
- 35. Member Initializer Lists in C++ (Constructor Initializer List) (220K views, 6 years ago, 8:37)
- 36. Ternary Operators in C++ (Conditional Assignment) (107K views, 6 years ago, 8:01)
- 37. How to CREATE/INSTANTIATE OBJECTS in C++ (216K views, 6 years ago, 13:03)
- 38. The NEW Keyword in C++ (217K views, 6 years ago, 10:53)
- 39. Implicit Conversion and the Explicit Keyword in C++ (162K views, 6 years ago, 7:54)
- 40. OPERATORS and OPERATOR OVERLOADING in C++ (323K views, 6 years ago, 12:44)
- 41. The "this" keyword in C++ (215K views, 6 years ago, 6:08)
- 42. Object Lifetime in C++ (Stack/Scope Lifetimes) (140K views, 6 years ago, 11:00)
- 43. SMART POINTERS in C++ (std::unique_ptr, std::shared_ptr, std::weak_ptr) (601K views, 6 years ago, 11:37)
- 44. Copying and Copy Constructors in C++ (380K views, 6 years ago, 20:52)
- 45. The Arrow Operator in C++ (191K views, 6 years ago, 7:53)
- 46. Dynamic Arrays in C++ (std::vector) (342K views, 6 years ago, 14:14)
- 47. Optimizing the usage of std::vector in C++ (241K views, 6 years ago, 9:44)
- 48. Local Static in C++ (172K views, 6 years ago, 7:40)
- 49. Using Libraries in C++ (Static Linking) (385K views, 5 years ago, 18:43)
- 50. Using Dynamic Libraries in C++ (209K views, 5 years ago, 10:07)
- 51. Making and Working with Libraries in C++ (Multiple Projects in Visual Studio) (219K views, 5 years ago, 12:27)
- 52. How to Deal with Multiple Return Values in C++ (190K views, 5 years ago, 17:20)
- 53. Templates in C++ (522K views, 5 years ago, 17:58)
- 54. Stack vs Heap Memory in C++ (501K views, 5 years ago, 19:31)
- 55. Macros in C++ (212K views, 5 years ago, 19:36)
- 56. The "auto" keyword in C++ (184K views, 5 years ago, 17:04)
- 57. Static Arrays in C++ (std::array) (97K views, 5 years ago, 10:39)
- 58. Function Pointers in C++ (348K views, 5 years ago, 12:41)
- 59. Lambdas in C++ (298K views, 5 years ago, 11:54)
- 60. Why I don't "using namespace std" (370K views, 5 years ago, 14:35)
- 61. Namespaces in C++ (173K views, 5 years ago, 13:17)
- 62. Threads in C++ (324K views, 5 years ago, 11:35)
- 63. Timing in C++ (161K views, 5 years ago, 11:15)
- 64. Multidimensional Arrays in C++ (2D arrays) (178K views, 5 years ago, 20:21)
- 65. Sorting in C++ (143K views, 5 years ago, 6:43)
- 66. Type Punning in C++ (142K views, 5 years ago, 13:20)
- 67. Unions in C++ (100K views, 5 years ago, 8:50)
- 68. Virtual Destructors in C++ (91K views, 5 years ago, 7:55)
- 69. Casting in C++ (163K views, 5 years ago, 13:25)
- 70. Conditional and Action Breakpoints in C++ (40K views, 5 years ago, 11:08)
- 71. Safety in modern C++ and how to teach it (125K views, 5 years ago, 17:52)
- 72. Precompiled Headers in C++ (141K views, 4 years ago, 21:30)
- 73. Dynamic Casting in C++ (99K views, 4 years ago, 13:59)
- 74. BENCHMARKING in C++ (how to measure performance) (142K views, 4 years ago, 14:52)
- 75. STRUCTURED BINDINGS in C++ (76K views, 4 years ago, 10:03)
- 76. How to Deal with OPTIONAL Data in C++ (60K views, 4 years ago, 10:06)
- 77. Multiple TYPES of Data in a SINGLE VARIABLE in C++? (59K views, 4 years ago, 10:03)
- 78. How to store ANY data in C++ (73K views, 4 years ago, 13:14)
- 79. How to make C++ run FASTER (with std::async) (232K views, 3 years ago, 23:10)
- 80. How to make your STRINGS FASTER in C++! (106K views, 3 years ago, 15:02)
- 81. VISUAL BENCHMARKING in C++ (how to measure performance visually) (66K views, 3 years ago, 18:09)
- 82. SINGLETONS in C++ (173K views, 3 years ago, 19:16)
- 83. Small String Optimization in C++ (64K views, 3 years ago, 13:14)
- 84. Track MEMORY ALLOCATIONS the Easy Way in C++ (140K views, 3 years ago, 13:25)
- 85. lvalues and rvalues in C++ (264K views, 3 years ago, 14:13)
- 86. Continuous Integration in C++ (75K views, 3 years ago, 14:42)
- 87. Static Analysis in C++ (71K views, 3 years ago, 14:35)
- 88. Argument Evaluation Order in C++ (60K views, 3 years ago, 11:22)
- 89. Move Semantics in C++ (242K views, 3 years ago, 13:10)
- 90. std::move and the Move Assignment Operator in C++ (143K views, 3 years ago, 16:06)
- 91. ARRAY - Making DATA STRUCTURES in C++ (100K views, 3 years ago, 23:19)
- 92. VECTOR/DYNAMIC ARRAY - Making DATA STRUCTURES in C++ (141K views, 3 years ago, 45:25)
- 93. ITERATORS in C++ (174K views, 3 years ago, 17:09)
- 94. Writing an ITERATOR in C++ (103K views, 3 years ago, 19:44)
- 95. How to REALLY learn C++ (680K views, 3 years ago, 8:13)
- 96. Intro to Binary and Bitwise Operators in C++ (107K views, 2 years ago, 21:40)
- 97. Bitwise AND (&), OR (|), XOR (^) and NOT (~) in C++ (59K views, 2 years ago, 20:27)
- 98. I did a C++ University Assignment (274K views, 2 years ago, 50:23)
- 99. BEST WAY to make Desktop Applications in C++ (764K views, 1 year ago, 26:00)
- 100. Maps in C++ (std::map and std::unordered_map) (151K views, 1 year ago, 30:00)
- 101. What exactly is NULL? (170K views, 9 months ago, 18:06)
Programming with Mosh - C++ Tutorial for Beginners - Learn C++ in 1 Hour
AshhadAhmad - Beginner to Pro in C++ in One Video! (1h 50min)
- Low Level Learning - you need to stop using print debugging (do THIS instead)
- Low Level Learning - GDB is REALLY easy! Find Bugs in Your Code with Only A Few Commands
- CppCon - Greg Law - Give me 15 minutes & I'll change your view of GDB
- John Hammond - Intro to Debugging w/ GDB (PicoCTF 2022 #11 'gdb-test-drive')
- Low Level Learning - you will never ask about pointers again after watching this video
- Low Level Learning - you will never ask about pointer arithmetic after watching this video
- Low Level Learning - so... what even is a "reference"?
- Low Level Learning - are "smart pointers" actually smart?
- Dave's Garage - Master Pointers in C: 10X Your C Coding!
- The Cherno - POINTERS in C++
- Mults - Explaining Pointers Until I Go Insane
A pointer is a variable that stores the address of another variable.
Pointers contain addresses of variables and variables are stored in those addresses in memory. Yes, that's correct! A pointer is like a "container" for an address, and the address tells you where in memory the actual variable resides.
Aspect | Pointer | Address |
Definition | A variable that stores an address. | A specific memory location. |
Storage | Stored in memory like any other variable. | Represents where something is stored. |
Type | Has a data type (e.g., int * , float * , etc.). |
Raw numeric value, no type information. |
Usage | Used to indirectly access or modify a variable's value. | Used as a reference to a memory location. |
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void) {
int n = 50;
int *pointer_to_n = &n;
In this code sample we have:
: Stored at address (let's say)0x100
, contains value50
: Stored at address (let's say)0x200
, contains value0x100
(address ofn
By dereferencingpointer_to_n
), you're accessing the value at0x100
, which is50
A pointer doesn't always need a pointee, but for it to be meaningful or usable (especially with dereferencing), it must point to a valid memory location. Let’s break it down:
int *p = NULL; // p points to nothing.
if (p != NULL) {
*p = 10; // Safe because we check first.
- ANTSHIV ROBOTICS - Top 4 Recommended books to learn C
- Brian J. Gough, Richard M. Stallman (foreword) - An Introduction to GCC: For the GNU Compilers GCC and G++ Amazon link here
- Dennis Ritchie, Brian Kernighan - C Programming Language Amazon link here
- Kenneth Reek - Pointers on C Amazon link here
- Richard M. Stallman, Roland McGrath - Gnu Make: A Program for Directing Recompilation Amazon link here
- NOTE: I should probably use CMake instead of GNU Make
- Noel Kalicharan - Data Structures In C Amazon link here
- William Shotts - The Linux Command Line, 2nd Edition: A Complete Introduction Amazon link here
- Michael Kerrisk - The Linux Programming Interface: A Linux and UNIX System Programming Handbook Amazon link here
- Low Lever Learning - the TRUTH about C++ (is it worth your time?)
- Learn C first
- Don't learn C++ first (if it's your first language). Learn the fundamentals of memory management and control flow in C first. Then simplify your code with upgrades from the abstractions that the C++ language provides.
- Don't use C++ features just because they exist
- Use them because they solve a problem you have.
- Learn a type safe language like Rust.
- Learn C first
- Low Level Learning - how NASA writes space-proof code
- Low Level Learning - how Google writes gorgeous C++
- The Cherno - BEST WAY to read and understand code
- CodeBeauty - What is "using namespace std" and why is it considered a BAD PRACTICE? C++ Programming Questions
- The Downsides Of C++ | Prime Reacts
- CppCon - Bjarne Stroustrup - The Evolution of C++: Past, Present, and Future
- CppCon - CppCon 2014: Mike Acton "Data-Oriented Design and C++"
- My GameDev Pal - My 1 Year Game Dev Journey - From School to Sea of Thieves
- The Simplest Game - You don't need libraries to write a game engine in C++ | OpenGL | Devlog
- Code Imposter - OpenGL (2024) for the Absolute Beginner #1... Why Bother?
- Code Imposter - OpenGL (2024) for the Absolute Beginner #2... Our 1st C++ Program
- SentinelK - C++ Game Engine Tutorial - Episode 1 - Intro and Architecture
Kofybrek - Making my First RAYCASTING Game in C++ - SFML Gamedev - Devlog 1
Kofybrek - Making SUPER MARIO BROS in C++ - SFML Gamedev - Devlog 1
pinyok - Indie game devlog #1 - Combining C++ and LUA scripting
AngetTheGreat - Building a Physics Engine with C++ and Simulating Machines
AngeTheGreat - Making My Physics Engine 10x Faster and Simulating Trusses
blackedout01 - Deriving 3D Rigid Body Physics and implementing it in C/C++ (with intuitions)
Dave Churchill (playlist) - COMP 4300 - Intro to C++ Game Programming (2023-09)
javidx9 / One Lone Coder (playlist) - NES Emulator From Scratch
23 videos 50,930 views Last updated on 2 Jan 2024 Memorial University - Computer Science 4300 - Fall 2023 Intro to Game Programming Professor: David Churchill - http://www.cs.mun.ca/~dchurchill/
This is a course for students interested in learning the fundamentals of game programming and game engine architecture. Topics include an introduction to: vector math for games, rendering, animation, and artificial intelligence, collision detection, game physics, and user-interfaces. Students will be writing fully functional games using an ECS (Entities, Components, Systems) architecture, using the C++ programming language and the SFML graphics library.
Course Assignments / Files will not be released publicly
- 1. COMP4300 - Game Programming - Lecture 01 - Course Introduction (25K views, 4 months ago, 1:09:16)
- 2. COMP4300 - Game Programming - Lecture 02 - Intro to C++ (1/2) (12K views, 4 months ago, 2:07:08)
- 3. COMP4300 - Game Programming - Lecture 03 - Intro to C++ (2/2) (7.2K views, 4 months ago, 1:52:05)
- 4. COMP4300 - Game Programming - Lecture 04 - Assignment 1 (6.4K views, 4 months ago, 1:12:09)
- 5. COMP4300 - Game Programming - Lecture 04a - SFML / ImGui Tutorial (3.7K views, 4 months ago, 1:13:59)
- 6. COMP4300 - Game Programming - Lecture 05 - Intro to ECS (4.4K views, 4 months ago, 1:11:32)
- 7. COMP4300 - Game Programming - Lecture 06 - EntityManager + Game Math (3.7K views, 4 months ago, 1:10:25)
- 8. COMP4300 - Game Programming - Lecture 07 - Assignment 2 (3.1K views, 4 months ago, 1:12:55)
- 9. COMP4300 - Game Programming - Lecture 08 - Collision Detection (2.3K views, 3 months ago, 53:22)
- 10. COMP4300 - Game Programming - Lecture 09 - Sprites / Textures / Animations (2K views, 3 months ago, 1:06:14)
- 11. COMP4300 - Game Programming - Lecture 10 - Actions and Replays (1.6K views, 3 months ago, 50:06)
- 12. COMP4300 - Game Programming - Lecture 11 - Assignment 3 (2.2K views, 3 months ago, 1:33:26)
- 13. COMP4300 - Game Programming - Lecture 12 - Course Project Explained (960 views, 3 months ago, 1:08:23)
- 14. COMP4300 - Game Programming - Lecture 13 - Ray Casting, Lighting, Vision (1.1K views, 3 months ago, 52:38)
- 15. COMP4300 - Game Programming - Lecture 14 - Game Cameras / Views (925 views, 3 months ago, 57:02)
- 16. COMP4300 - Game Programming - Lecture 15 - Pathfinding and Steering (1K views, 3 months ago, 1:11:42)
- 17. COMP4300 - Game Programming - Lecture 16 - Saving, Tools, Drag and Drop (903 views, 2 months ago, 1:11:47)
- 18. COMP4300 - Game Programming - Lecture 17 - Assignment 4 (1.1K views, 2 months ago, 1:11:04)
- 19. COMP4300 - Game Programming - Lecture 18 - Advanced Game Loops (1.3K views, 2 months ago, 1:01:56)
- 20. COMP4300 - Game Programming - Lecture 19 - Caching + ECS Memory Pool (1.2K views, 2 months ago, 1:13:06)
- 21. COMP4300 - Game Programming - Lecture 20 - C++ Visual Code Profiling (1.1K views, 2 months ago, 1:27:12)
- 22. COMP4300 - Game Programming - Lecture 21 - Intro to Shaders (1.9K views, 2 months ago, 1:10:18)
- 23. COMP4300 - Game Programming - Lecture 22 - Vertex Arrays and Particle Systems (2.7K views, 2 months ago, 1:04:54)
pikuma (playlist) - C++ & Game Engines
- 1. Tools to make a Game Engine in C++ (36K views, 1 year ago, 48:03)
- 2. Why do we use SDL with C & C++? (30K views, 2 years ago, 16:26)
- 3. C++ Objects: Stack vs. Heap (5.3K views, 2 years ago, 15:02)
- 4. How to link SDL 2 with Visual Studio on Windows (2021) (37K views, 3 years ago, 14:58)
- 5. How C++ Vector Works (13K views, 10 months ago, 1:14:34)
- 6. Creating a Game Loop with C & SDL (Tutorial) (11K views, 4 months ago, 1:50:46)
codegopher (playlist) - C++/SDL2 RPG Physics Based 2D Platformer for Beginners Tutorial
- 1. Setting up SDL2 on Windows (155K views, 3 years ago, 31:08)
- 2. Setting up on Linux (37K views, 3 years ago, 24:46)
- 3. Coding the Game Loop (53K views, 3 years ago, 25:34)
- 4. Draw A Texture (32K views, 3 years ago, 14:15)
- 5. The Entity Class (33K views, 3 years ago, 19:12)
- 6. Render Our Entity (20K views, 3 years ago, 16:29)
- 7. Arrays & For Loops (16K views, 3 years ago, 20:01)
- 8. Dynamic Arrays (14K views, 3 years ago, 14:44)
- 9. Vector2f Class (16K views, 3 years ago, 16:55)
- 10. Timestepping (29K views, 2 years ago, 23:12)
Nathat Baggs (playlist) - Game Engine
- 1. How games fake smooth graphics (569 views, 1 month ago, 3:17)
- 2. Build a game engine in 48 hours (4.2K views, 2 months ago, 7:33)
- 3. How I added water to my game engine (2.3K views, 7 months ago, 3:31)
- 4. Is this safe? Creating a custom profiler (6.5K views, 10 months ago, 5:17)
- 5. What's inside my game engine? (13K views, 11 months ago, 8:45)
- 6. I made an RPG from scratch (3.6K views, 1 year ago, 3:29)
Carl the Person - Showing my 3D game written in C using SDL2 (no engine)
Kofybrek - Making a Platformer with INFINITE JUMPS in C++ - SFML Gamedev - Devlog 1
Kebab - 2 Months of Learning How to Code for Games with SFML / C++
Hexel - Making my own 3D GAME ENGINE and GAME in 48 HOURS? C++ OPENGL
Gamefromscratch - RayLib 5 Released - The Easiest C/C++ Game Library Just Got Even Better
- LowLevelGameDev - If you want to learn how to make games in C++ watch this (All the resources you need to get started)
- Low Level Game Dev - How to make cross-platform games/apps in C++
- Goodgis - How to Make Games that are ACTUALLY Fun
- graphicsrush - Should you learn SDL, SFML, or GLFW? (or GLUT)
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2D_computer_graphics https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rotation_matrix
- Snapi - One year of my C++ SFML journey
- Paul Lipczyk - My recent C++ Projects
- Pezzza's Work - Creating a Space Invaders clone using my C++ engine and SFML
- Gravityontained - My C++/SFML Compilation
- Alex - I made a Compiler in 25 Days - Here is what I learned
- Kofybrek - Visualizing PATHFINDING Algorithms in C++ - SFML Devlog
- Cococry - Make a GUI Calculator in C like a real Chad
- (text) Making a 3D modeler in C in a week (danielchasehooper.com)
Beginning graphics
Cellular automata
Hopson (playlist) - Creating Cellular Automaton
7 videos 5,429 views Last updated on 9 Nov 2020
- 1. Coding Wireworld Cellular Automaton in C++/SFML (58K views, 5 years ago, 5:09)
- 2. Coding Brian's Brain Cellular Automaton in C++/SFML (20K views, 5 years ago, 2:29)
- 3. Coding "Langton's Ant" Cellular Automaton in C++/ SFML (38K views, 6 years ago, 4:03)
- 4. Coding "Empire" Cellular Automaton in C++/SFML - Part 2 (128K views, 6 years ago, 6:32)
- 5. Coding "Empire" Cellular Automaton in C++/SFML (294K views, 6 years ago, 9:23)
- 6. Coding "Conway's Game of Life" Cellular Automaton in C++/ SFML (63K views, 6 years ago, 4:28)
- 7. Coding "Predator And Prey" Cellular Automaton in C++/ SFML (104K views, 6 years ago, 5:13)
Falling sand
- GDC - Exploring the Tech and Design of Noita
- The Coding Train - Coding Challenge 180: Falling Sand
- John Jackson - Recreating Noita's Sand Simulation in C and OpenGL | Game Engineering
- MARF - How To Code a Falling Sand Simulation (like Noita) with Cellular Automata
- polarsbear668 - Simple Sand Simulation in C++
- Gravity simulation
- William Y. Feng - Quadtrees and The Barnes-Hut Algorithm: The Making of a Gravity Simulation
- The Coding Train - Coding Challenge #98.1: Quadtree - Part 1
- The Coding Train - Coding Challenge #98.2: Quadtree - Part 2
- The Coding Train - Coding Challenge #98.3: Quadtree - Part 3
- MrHeyheyhey27 - Quadtree Explanation
- Zipped - C++: Orbital Gravity Simulation Tutorial [Part 2: Math & Physics Breakdown]
- Soft body simulation
- Gravity simulation
3D engine in C
3D engine in C++
Lunar lander
Tanks or some other 2D shooter but make it peaceful :)
Space shooter
Space Mission Simulator
- Spaceflight Simulator
- Space Agency
- Galaxy on Fire 2
- Check other space simulators
Silly games (simple, fun, addictive, but still challenging)
Kofybrek - Training my First NEURAL NETWORK in C++ - AI Devlog
Tsoding Daily (playlist) - Machine Learning in C
- 1. Machine Learning in C (Episode 1) (142K views, 3 months ago, 2:31:07)
- 2. Making a New Deep Learning Framework (ML in C Ep.02) (38K views, 3 months ago, 3:07:01)
- 3. The Most Important Machine Learning Algorithm (ML in C Ep.03) (29K views, 2 months ago, 4:05:47)
- 4. Visualizing Neural Networks in C (ML in C Ep.04) (17K views, 2 months ago, 1:52:52)
- 5. I liked Raylib better than SDL (ML in C Ep.05) (30K views, 2 months ago, 3:31:58)
- 6. Upscaling Images with C (16K views, 2 months ago, 2:10:04)
- 7. Dramatically Speeding-Up My AI Learning! (I'm actually a bit scared...) (17K views, 2 months ago, 2:15:03)
- 8. ok my AI can Generate Videos now (24K views, 2 months ago, 2:32:07)
- 9. I was wrong about Machine Learning! Here is what I learnt... (21K views, 2 months ago, 1:14:49)
- 10. C is the new CSS (23K views, 2 months ago, 1:55:42)
- 11. What Separates Senior Devs from Juniors? The advice that actually helped me. (35K views, 2 months ago, 1:47:50)
- 12. Do we even need Garbage Collector anymore? (22K views, 1 month ago, 1:57:57)
- 13. Neural Network in C that Recognizes Shapes (23K views, 1 month ago, 3:43:48)
- Dear ImGui - Dear ImGui: Bloat-free Graphical User interface for C++ with minimal dependencies
- Nothings stb - stb single-file public domain libraries for C/C++
- AngeTheGreat
- PezzzasWork
- mCoding - programming, mathematics, Leetcode
- Emergent Garden - Life simulations, neural networks, cellular automata, and other emergent programs
- javidx9 / One Lone Coder
- 3DSage - I make 3D printing, 3D coding, 3D animation, and beyond!
- Emergent Garden - Code that Writes Code and ChatGPT
- Sonia Kolasinska - C++ vs Rust - Impl vs Dyn - Arm vs x86
- https://godbolt.org/ (or https://gcc.godbolt.org/) - Code Explorer
- https://beesandbombs.tumblr.com/ - Bees & Bombs