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feat(netcdf): export and input stress period array support (MODFLOW-O…
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* :export and input stress period array support

* use pytest importer for optional dependencies

* export cleanup


Co-authored-by: mjreno <[email protected]>
  • Loading branch information
mjreno and mjreno authored Oct 21, 2024
1 parent 2bb0c95 commit 626a145
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Showing 31 changed files with 3,111 additions and 1,001 deletions.
28 changes: 13 additions & 15 deletions autotest/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -128,18 +128,16 @@ def pytest_addoption(parser):

def pytest_collection_modifyitems(config, items):
if config.getoption("--parallel"):
# --parallel given in cli: do not skip parallel tests
skip_parallel = pytest.mark.skip(reason="need --parallel option to run")
for item in items:
if "parallel" in item.keywords:

if config.getoption("--netcdf"):
# --netcdf given in cli: do not skip netcdf tests
skip_netcdf = pytest.mark.skip(reason="need --netcdf option to run")
for item in items:
if "netcdf" in item.keywords:
if not config.getoption("--parallel"):
skip_parallel = pytest.mark.skip(
reason="need --parallel option to run"
for item in items:
if "parallel" in item.keywords:

if not config.getoption("--netcdf"):
skip_netcdf = pytest.mark.skip(reason="need --netcdf option to run")
for item in items:
if "netcdf" in item.keywords:
10 changes: 3 additions & 7 deletions autotest/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -20,15 +20,12 @@
msg += " pip install flopy"
raise Exception(msg)

import xarray as xa
import xugrid as xu
except ImportError:
pytest.skip("xarray and xugrid not found", allow_module_level=True)

from framework import TestFramework
from test_gwe_cnd import cases

xa = pytest.importorskip("xarray")
xu = pytest.importorskip("xugrid")

def build_models(idx, test, export, gridded_input):
from test_gwe_cnd import build_models as build
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -162,7 +159,6 @@ def check_output(idx, test, export, gridded_input):
nper = getattr(tdis, "nper").data
nlay = getattr(dis, "nlay").data
pd = getattr(tdis, "perioddata").array
timestep = 0
for i in range(nper):
for j in range(int(pd[i][1])):
Expand Down
6 changes: 2 additions & 4 deletions autotest/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -13,10 +13,8 @@
from framework import TestFramework
from test_gwf_disv import cases

import xugrid as xu
except ImportError:
pytest.skip("xugrid not found", allow_module_level=True)
xa = pytest.importorskip("xarray")
xu = pytest.importorskip("xugrid")

wkt = (
'PROJCS["NAD83 / UTM zone 18N", '
Expand Down
261 changes: 261 additions & 0 deletions autotest/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,261 @@
NetCDF export test version of test_gwf_lak_wetlakbedarea02. This test compares
the temperature and input arrays in the the NetCDF file to those
in the FloPy binary output head file and package data objects.

# Imports

import os
import subprocess

import numpy as np
import pytest

import flopy
msg = "Error. FloPy package is not available.\n"
msg += "Try installing using the following command:\n"
msg += " pip install flopy"
raise Exception(msg)

from framework import TestFramework
from test_gwf_lak_wetlakbedarea02 import cases

xa = pytest.importorskip("xarray")
xu = pytest.importorskip("xugrid")

def build_models(idx, test, export, gridded_input):
from test_gwf_lak_wetlakbedarea02 import build_models as build

sim, dummy = build(idx, test)
sim.tdis.start_date_time = "2041-01-01T00:00:00-05:00"
gwf = sim.gwf[0]
gwf.name_file.export_netcdf = export
gwf.dis.export_array_netcdf = True
gwf.ic.export_array_netcdf = True
gwf.npf.export_array_netcdf = True
gwf.rch.export_array_netcdf = True
gwf.evt.export_array_netcdf = True

name = cases[idx]
gwfname = "gwf-" + name

# netcdf config
ncf = flopy.mf6.ModflowUtlncf(

return sim, dummy

def check_output(idx, test, export, gridded_input):
from test_gwf_lak_wetlakbedarea02 import check_output as check

name = cases[idx]
gwfname = "gwf-" + name

if gridded_input == "netcdf":
# re-run the simulation with model netcdf input
input_fname = f"{gwfname}.nc"
nc_fname = f"{gwfname}.{export}.nc"
["mv", test.workspace / input_fname, test.workspace / nc_fname]

with open(test.workspace / f"{gwfname}.nam", "w") as f:
f.write("BEGIN options\n")
f.write(" SAVE_FLOWS\n")
f.write(" NEWTON\n")
f.write(f" EXPORT_NETCDF {export}\n")
f.write(f" NETCDF FILEIN {gwfname}.{export}.nc\n")
f.write("END options\n\n")
f.write("BEGIN packages\n")
f.write(f" DIS6 {gwfname}.dis dis\n")
f.write(f" NPF6 {gwfname}.npf npf\n")
f.write(f" STO6 {gwfname}.sto sto\n")
f.write(f" IC6 {gwfname}.ic ic\n")
f.write(f" CHD6 {gwfname}.chd chd_0\n")
f.write(f" RCH6 {gwfname}.rcha rcha_0\n")
f.write(f" EVT6 {gwfname}.evta evta_0\n")
f.write(f" LAK6 {gwfname}.lak lak-1\n")
f.write(f" OC6 {gwfname}.oc oc\n")
f.write("END packages\n")

with open(test.workspace / f"{gwfname}.dis", "w") as f:
f.write("BEGIN options\n")
f.write(" LENGTH_UNITS feet\n")
f.write(f" NCF6 FILEIN {gwfname}.dis.ncf\n")
f.write("END options\n\n")
f.write("BEGIN dimensions\n")
f.write(" NLAY 6\n")
f.write(" NROW 17\n")
f.write(" NCOL 17\n")
f.write("END dimensions\n\n")
f.write("BEGIN griddata\n")
f.write(" delr NETCDF\n")
f.write(" delc NETCDF\n")
f.write(" top NETCDF\n")
f.write(" botm NETCDF\n")
f.write(" idomain NETCDF\n")
f.write("END griddata\n\n")

with open(test.workspace / f"{gwfname}.ic", "w") as f:
f.write("BEGIN options\n")
f.write("END options\n\n")
f.write("BEGIN griddata\n")
f.write(" strt NETCDF\n")
f.write("END griddata\n")

with open(test.workspace / f"{gwfname}.npf", "w") as f:
f.write("BEGIN options\n")
f.write("END options\n\n")
f.write("BEGIN griddata\n")
f.write(" icelltype NETCDF\n")
f.write(" k NETCDF\n")
f.write(" k33 NETCDF\n")
f.write("END griddata\n")

with open(test.workspace / f"{gwfname}.rcha", "w") as f:
f.write("BEGIN options\n")
f.write(" READASARRAYS\n")
f.write("END options\n\n")
f.write("BEGIN period 1\n")
f.write(" recharge NETCDF\n")
f.write("END period 1\n")

with open(test.workspace / f"{gwfname}.evta", "w") as f:
f.write("BEGIN options\n")
f.write(" READASARRAYS\n")
f.write("END options\n\n")
f.write("BEGIN period 1\n")
f.write(" surface NETCDF\n")
f.write(" rate NETCDF\n")
f.write(" depth NETCDF\n")
f.write("END period 1\n")

success, buff = flopy.run_model(
test.workspace / "mfsim.nam",

assert success
test.success = success

check(idx, test)

# read transport results from GWF model
name = cases[idx]
gwfname = "gwf-" + name

# load heads
fname = gwfname + ".hds"
fpth = os.path.join(test.workspace, fname)
hobj = flopy.utils.HeadFile(fpth, precision="double")
heads = hobj.get_alldata()
assert False, f'could not load headfile data from "{fpth}"'

# Check NetCDF output
nc_fpth = os.path.join(test.workspace, f"{gwfname}.nc")
if export == "ugrid":
ds = xu.open_dataset(nc_fpth)
xds = ds.ugrid.to_dataset()
elif export == "structured":
xds = xa.open_dataset(nc_fpth)

# Compare NetCDF head arrays with binary headfile temperatures
gwf = test.sims[0].gwf[0]
dis = getattr(gwf, "dis")
tdis = getattr(test.sims[0], "tdis")
nper = getattr(tdis, "nper").data
nlay = getattr(dis, "nlay").data
pd = getattr(tdis, "perioddata").array
timestep = 0
for i in range(nper):
for j in range(int(pd[i][1])):
rec = hobj.get_data(kstpkper=(j, i))
if export == "ugrid":
for l in range(nlay):
assert np.allclose(
# xds[f"head_l{l+1}"][timestep, :].data,
xds[f"head_l{l+1}"][timestep, :]
), f"NetCDF-temperature comparison failure in timestep {timestep+1}"
timestep += 1
elif export == "structured":
assert np.allclose(
# np.array(rec).flatten(),
xds["head"][timestep, :].fillna(1.00000000e30).data,
), f"NetCDF-head comparison failure in timestep {timestep+1}"
timestep += 1

vlist = [

# Compare NetCDF package input arrays with FloPy arrays
gwf = test.sims[0].gwf[0]
for i, var in enumerate(vlist):
tokens = var.split("_", 1)
package_name = tokens[0]
array_name = tokens[1].split("_")[0]
package = getattr(gwf, package_name)
b = getattr(package, array_name).array
if export == "ugrid":
if var.endswith("_l"):
for l in range(nlay):
assert np.allclose(
np.array(b[l]).flatten(), xds[f"{var}{l+1}"].data
), f"NetCDF input array comparison failure, variable={var}{l+1}"
assert np.allclose(
np.array(b).flatten(), xds[var].data
), f"NetCDF input array comparison failure, variable={var}"
elif export == "structured":
var = var.replace("_l", "")
assert np.allclose(
# np.array(b).flatten(), xds[var].data
), f"NetCDF input array comparison failure, variable={var}"

"idx, name",
@pytest.mark.parametrize("export", ["ugrid", "structured"])
@pytest.mark.parametrize("gridded_input", ["ascii", "netcdf"])
def test_mf6model(idx, name, function_tmpdir, targets, export, gridded_input):
test = TestFramework(
build=lambda t: build_models(idx, t, export, gridded_input),
check=lambda t: check_output(idx, t, export, gridded_input),

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