Hi everyone!
Thank you for downloading my TF2 HUD and configuration files created for 1920x1080 resolution. I have no plans for adapting the HUD/config to suit other resolutions.
Huge shoutout goes to Raysfire, who originally put this HUD together for me. /Raysfire on Twitch. My second shoutout is for Aurora for making MAJOR updates to this HUD including the uber tracker and for teaching me how to use GitHub. /aurah__ on Twitch. Lastly, big thank you to Kazzy for recent updates to HUD including the new HUDMatchStatus. Kazzy#9758 on Discord.
This download includes the following:
-My config files, including my key binds and scripts (autoexec, class scripts, etc.): I do not recommend installing these but are here for your reference.
-My Mumble overlay is also in the "danger zone" folder
-My hitsound (Quake 3 Hitsound, found in the /sound folder)
-SlinFire HUD: probably the thing you are looking for
My hud does not include MasterComfig, which is an FPS config that will give you 20-200% better FPS. I highly recommend that you download it! The link is found here: https://mastercomfig.com/
Video walkthrough for installing this HUD:
If you run into issues, join our Discord at discord.gg/mrslin and ask for assistance. No promises on what we're able to do, though.
I HIGHLY recommend that you do NOT copy my config directly (the "cfg" folder). This should be used as a reference to create your own scripts or to see what I use. If you copy it directly, it'll mess all of your settings up and I won't be able to undo it for you.
BEFORE STARTING, if you've already installed custom scripts, HUD, or binds, make sure to back that folder up so you can undo any mistakes.
Unzip the .rar and place the "SlinHUD" folder directly into C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\team fortress 2\tf\custom and overwrite any necessary files.
If you want my quake hitsound, go into the DANGER ZONE and move the sound folder into the SlinHUD folder.
I like to put my in-game chat in the top left of my screen, but I know that many of you would like the chat in the default position. Delete \SlinHUD\resource\ui\basechat.res and it will default to normal.
P.S. Don't forget, you can catch my stream at www.twitch.tv/mr_slin