- BBusSci, Analytics | The University of Cape Town (April 2024)
- NSSC | Windhoek High School (December 2016)
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The onset of big data has introduced new challenges in the geostatistics community. Kriging is a prominent prediction tool used in spatial statistics, but it has cubic time complexity. As datasets become larger and larger, gaussian process regression can potentially become computationally inefficient. For my honours project, I explored different ways to approximate a Gaussian process to speed up its computation. The code is available at request.
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Utilising R to classify hawks into three species by constructing a basic (8)-network from first principles that uses body weight and wing length as classifiers. The goal is to use measurements alone to automate classifying hawks into species. This is a demonstration of my understanding of neural networks.
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Creating a database management system for a startup idea for an app: Pizza Delivery with Entertainment. The basic functionality of the app is as follows:
Customers can order pizzas from restaurants to be delivered to a specific address, and customers can choose a special “entertainment order” option. When an order is an entertainment order, the delivery person stays with the customer after delivering the pizza and entertains the customer.
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The provided database contained information on the movie industry, with all actors and the necessary information to capture in a movie context. Queries used to extract information from the database
Using the dataset provided, created an interactive data visualisation and storyboard using Tableau.
Junior Data Analyst at The Document Warehouse (March 2024 - Present)
- Cleaning and preparing data for analysis. Analysing data, and creating reports and dashboards for internal and external stakeholders and automating internal reports.
- Design and maintain databases and other applications in-house and for clients
Orientation Trainer at Department of Student Affairs UCT (August 2022 - November 2023)
- Training new Orientation leaders through facilitating sessions on different topics such as conflict management, culture shock, team building, communication skills, etc. Reimanged the syllabus to include peer-to-peer learning, and teach and apply methods.
Statistics Tutor at SmartPrep Tutors (March 2023 - December 2023)
- Private tutoring, predominantly introductory statistics and multivariate analysis, introduction to Python. 100% success rate
Multivariate Analysis Head Tutor at Department of Statistics (February 2022 - June 2023)
- Lesson planning and presentation. Assist Students with understanding concepts and R. Work as a liaison between the Lecturer and other tutors.
Student Affairs Representative at Commerce Students Council (CSC) UCT (2021/22)
- Student Advocacy. Holding faculty accountable to the needs of students. Expanded faculty mentorship program to include none first-year students. Launched first-ever peer support group. Pilot of Financial Literacy classes. Liaison between CSC and UCT bodies regarding students’ well-being.