Java Doclet for extracting configuration properties and their default values from java code.
Add the next code to thebuild.gradle
repositories {
maven { url "" }
configurations { confDoclet }
dependencies { confDoclet "com.epages.doclets:conf-doclet:0.1" }
task confDoc(type: Javadoc) { classpath = rootProject.configurations.confDoclet classpath += files(subprojects.collect { project -> project.sourceSets.main.compileClasspath }) options.showAll() destinationDir = new File(buildDir, 'docs/confdoc') options.docletpath = configurations.confDoclet.files.asType(List) options.doclet = "com.epages.doclets.ConfDoclet" options.addStringOption("outputFile", "sample.conf") options.addBooleanOption("excludePropWithUndefinedDefaults", true) }
<h5>Additional Options</h5>
Beside the javadoc options, there are some other additional ones, specific to this Doclet:
* <b>outputFile</b> - the name of the output file
* <b>excludePropWithUndefinedDefaults</b> - the detected properties which have no default values are added to the generated file by default. If this property is set, these properties will be excluded from the generated file.
To actually extract the configuration properties from the java source code, you have to follow some conventions
in your configuration classes: <br>
* the <code>@ConfigurationSection</code> javadoc taglet in the class comment
* the defined properties (can even be PRIVATE) with their corresponding DEFAULT values (propertyName + "_DEFAULT").<br>
* the defined properties need to be <b>STATIC</b> and <b>FINAL</b>
* section comment
* @ConfigurationSection PropertySection
public class ConfigClass {
* comment 1
private static final String PROPERTY_1 = "property1";
* comment 2
private static final String PROPERTY_2 = "property2";
private static final String PROPERTY1_DEFAULT = "default value of property1";
private static final String PROPERTY2_DEFAULT = "default value of property2";
With all of the above configured, the output will be a sample.conf
file containing
;;section comment
;;comment 1
;PropertySection.property1 = default value of property1
;;comment 2
;PropertySection.property2 = default value of property2
The number of classes with the @ConfigurationSection
taglet, will be reflected in the number of
s in the output file.
The default values can only be primitives. No objects supported. If an object is encountered for a default value, the default value is set to an empty string and a warning message will be printed.