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Merge pull request #118 from nojb/arp-improvements
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Arp improvements
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samoht committed Mar 24, 2015
2 parents 42c25fc + 4c397d9 commit abbdf9f
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92 changes: 71 additions & 21 deletions lib/
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open Lwt
open Printf

module Make (Ethif : V1_LWT.ETHIF) = struct
module Make (Ethif : V1_LWT.ETHIF) (Clock : V1.CLOCK) (Time : V1_LWT.TIME) = struct

type arp = {
op: [ `Request |`Reply |`Unknown of int ];
sha: Macaddr.t;
Expand All @@ -29,10 +30,15 @@ module Make (Ethif : V1_LWT.ETHIF) = struct

(* TODO implement the full ARP state machine (pending, failed, timer thread, etc) *)

type result = [ `Ok of Macaddr.t | `Timeout ]

type entry =
| Pending of result Lwt.t * result Lwt.u
| Confirmed of float * Macaddr.t

type t = {
ethif : Ethif.t;
cache: (Ipaddr.V4.t, Macaddr.t Lwt.t) Hashtbl.t;
pending: (Ipaddr.V4.t, Macaddr.t Lwt.u) Hashtbl.t;
cache: (Ipaddr.V4.t, entry) Hashtbl.t;
mutable bound_ips: Ipaddr.V4.t list;

Expand All @@ -56,19 +62,47 @@ module Make (Ethif : V1_LWT.ETHIF) = struct
} as uint16_t

let arp_timeout = 60. (* age entries out of cache after this many seconds *)
let probe_repeat_delay = 1.5 (* per rfc5227, 2s >= probe_repeat_delay >= 1s *)
let probe_num = 3 (* how many probes to send before giving up *)

let rec tick t () =
let now = Clock.time () in
let expired = Hashtbl.fold (fun ip entry expired ->
match entry with
| Pending _ -> expired
| Confirmed (t, _) -> if t >= now then ip :: expired else expired) t.cache []
List.iter (fun ip -> printf "ARP: timeout %s\n%!" (Ipaddr.V4.to_string ip)) expired;
List.iter (Hashtbl.remove t.cache) expired;
Time.sleep arp_timeout >>= tick t

(* Prettyprint cache contents *)
let prettyprint t =
printf "ARP info:\n";
Hashtbl.iter (fun ip entry ->
printf "%s -> %s\n%!"
(Ipaddr.V4.to_string ip)
(match Lwt.state entry with
| Sleep -> "I"
| Return mac -> sprintf "V(%s)" (Macaddr.to_string mac)
| Fail ex -> Printexc.to_string ex
(match entry with
| Pending _ -> "I"
| Confirmed (_, mac) -> sprintf "V(%s)" (Macaddr.to_string mac)
) t.cache

let notify t ip mac =
let now = Clock.time () in
let expire = now +. arp_timeout in
match Hashtbl.find t.cache ip with
| Pending (_, w) ->
Hashtbl.replace t.cache ip (Confirmed (expire, mac));
Lwt.wakeup w (`Ok mac)
| Confirmed _ ->
Hashtbl.replace t.cache ip (Confirmed (expire, mac))
| Not_found ->
Hashtbl.replace t.cache ip (Confirmed (expire, mac))

(* Input handler for an ARP packet, registered through attach() *)
let rec input t frame =
MProf.Trace.label "arpv4.input";
Expand All @@ -93,10 +127,7 @@ module Make (Ethif : V1_LWT.ETHIF) = struct
printf "ARP: updating %s -> %s\n%!"
(Ipaddr.V4.to_string spa) (Macaddr.to_string sha);
(* If we have pending entry, notify the waiters that answer is ready *)
if Hashtbl.mem t.pending spa then begin
wakeup (Hashtbl.find t.pending spa) sha;
Hashtbl.remove t.pending spa;
notify t spa sha;
|n ->
printf "ARP: Unknown message %d ignored\n%!" n;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -172,21 +203,40 @@ module Make (Ethif : V1_LWT.ETHIF) = struct
(* Query the cache for an ARP entry, which may result in the sender sleeping
waiting for a response *)
let query t ip =
if Hashtbl.mem t.cache ip then (
Hashtbl.find t.cache ip
) else (
try match Hashtbl.find t.cache ip with
| Pending (t, _) ->
| Confirmed (_, mac) ->
Lwt.return (`Ok mac)
| Not_found ->
let response, waker = MProf.Trace.named_wait "ARP response" in
(* printf "ARP query: %s -> [probe]\n%!" (Ipaddr.V4.to_string ip); *)
Hashtbl.add t.cache ip response;
Hashtbl.add t.pending ip waker;
(* First request, so send a query packet *)
output_probe t ip >>= fun () ->
Hashtbl.add t.cache ip (Pending (response, waker));
let rec retry n () =
(* First request, so send a query packet *)
output_probe t ip >>= fun () ->
Lwt.choose [ (response >>= fun _ -> Lwt.return `Ok);
(Time.sleep probe_repeat_delay >>= fun () -> Lwt.return `Timeout) ] >>= function
| `Ok -> Lwt.return_unit
| `Timeout ->
if n < probe_num then begin
let n = n+1 in
printf "ARP: retrying %s (n=%d)\n%!" (Ipaddr.V4.to_string ip) n;
retry n ()
end else begin
Hashtbl.remove t.cache ip;
Lwt.wakeup waker `Timeout;
Lwt.async (retry 0);

let create ethif =
let cache = Hashtbl.create 7 in
let pending = Hashtbl.create 7 in
let bound_ips = [] in
{ ethif; cache; pending; bound_ips }
let t = { ethif; cache; bound_ips } in
Lwt.async (tick t);
5 changes: 3 additions & 2 deletions lib/arpv4.mli
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(** INTERNAL: ARP protocol. *)

module Make (Ethif : V1_LWT.ETHIF) : sig
module Make (Ethif : V1_LWT.ETHIF) (Clock : V1.CLOCK) (Time : V1_LWT.TIME) : sig

(** Type of an ARP record. ARP records are included in Ethif.t
values. They contain, among other bits, a list of bound IPs, and a
IPv4 -> MAC hashtbl. *)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -51,7 +52,7 @@ module Make (Ethif : V1_LWT.ETHIF) : sig
(** [query arp ip] queries the cache in [arp] for an ARP entry
corresponding to [ip], which may result in the sender sleeping
waiting for a response. *)
val query: t -> Ipaddr.V4.t -> Macaddr.t Lwt.t
val query: t -> Ipaddr.V4.t -> [ `Ok of Macaddr.t | `Timeout ] Lwt.t

(** Prettyprint cache contents *)
val prettyprint: t -> unit
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open Lwt
open Printf

module Make(Ethif : V1_LWT.ETHIF) = struct
module Make(Ethif : V1_LWT.ETHIF) (Clock : V1.CLOCK) (Time : V1_LWT.TIME) = struct

module Arpv4 = Arpv4.Make (Ethif)
module Arpv4 = Arpv4.Make (Ethif) (Clock) (Time)

(** IO operation errors *)
type error = [
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -73,12 +73,21 @@ module Make(Ethif : V1_LWT.ETHIF) = struct
|ip when ip = Ipaddr.V4.broadcast || ip = Ipaddr.V4.any -> (* Broadcast *)
return Macaddr.broadcast
|ip when is_local t ip -> (* Local *)
Arpv4.query t.arp ip
Arpv4.query t.arp ip >>= begin function
| `Ok mac -> Lwt.return mac
| `Timeout -> (No_route_to_destination_address ip)
|ip when Ipaddr.V4.is_multicast ip ->
return (mac_of_multicast ip)
|ip -> begin (* Gateway *)
match t.gateways with
|hd::_ -> Arpv4.query t.arp hd
|hd::_ ->
Arpv4.query t.arp hd >>= begin function
| `Ok mac -> Lwt.return mac
| `Timeout ->
printf "IP.output: arp timeout to gw %s\n%!" (Ipaddr.V4.to_string ip);
fail (No_route_to_destination_address ip)
|[] ->
printf "IP.output: no route to %s\n%!" (Ipaddr.V4.to_string ip);
fail (No_route_to_destination_address ip)
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module Make ( N:V1_LWT.ETHIF ) : sig
module Make ( N:V1_LWT.ETHIF ) ( C:V1.CLOCK ) ( T:V1_LWT.TIME ) : sig
include V1_LWT.IPV4 with type ethif = N.t
val connect : ethif -> [> `Ok of t | `Error of error ] Lwt.t
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion unix/
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@@ -1 +1 @@
include Ipv4.Make(Ethif_unix)
include Ipv4.Make(Ethif_unix)(Clock)(OS.Time)

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