My first web scrapping project using Beautiful Soup4, lxml and urllib3.
Objective: To crawl to understand Director relationships.
Background: Zaubacorp is a website that neatly categorizes publicly available information with the registrar of Indian companies.
- Starting URL - A starting URL which is the zaubacorp page for a company
- Depth - A number between 1 and 5
Output: Csv file containing URL, DIN, Director Name, Designation, Appointment Date, Search Depth.
- : Python script to implement the web scrapper.
- output.csv : Output for the URL and DEPTH = 3.
- requirements.txt : Requirements for the above script to work. Install in virtual-environment and run the script from there.
- : This was my initial approach to the problem (without multi-processing). It's not documented but you will get an idea.
I have tried my best to document the code wherever possible so that you don't have a hard time figuring out what I wanted to do.