A collection of build-harness extensions
As an example, you could git-submodule
this into your repo (into the build-harness-extensions
dir) then use the following:
export HELP_FILTER ?= git/submodules-update|jsonnet|k8s|opa
-include $(shell curl -sSL -o .build-harness "https://cloudposse.tools/build-harness"; echo .build-harness)
export BUILD_HARNESS_PATH ?= $(shell 'pwd')
export BUILD_HARNESS_EXTENSIONS_PATH ?= $(BUILD_HARNESS_PATH)/build-harness-extensions
alembic/current Display the current revision of alembic migrations
alembic/history List changeset scripts in chronological order
alembic/upgrade Apply alembic migrations to the latest revision
asdf/install Installing required tools
dbt/clean Clean up dbt logs and compiled code
dbt/compile Compile dbt code for future use
dbt/docs Generate documentation for your dbt project
dbt/init Installing dbt dependencies
dbt/run Run dbt against all models
dbt/sqlfluff/fmt Reformat dbt code using sqlfluff
dbt/sqlfluff/lint Check dbt code using sqlfluff
dbt/partial_run Run dbt against modeles changed since last compilation
dbt/partial_test Run dbt tests against modeles changed since last compilation
dbt/seed Upload dbt seeds
dbt/test Run dbt tests against all models
docker/registry/auth Authenticate to docker registry (log in if unauthenticated)
docker/registry/login Log in to docker registry
git/submodules-update Update submodules
gitlab/registry/auth Authenticate to Gitlab Container registry (log in if unauthenticated)
grafana/cleanup Cleanup docker containers and files associated with grafana/develop
grafana/develop Develop grafana dashboards using live datasources. Mintel internal use only.
grafana/develop-oss Develop grafana dashboards without setting up datasources.
jsonnet/diff Diff Jsonnet fils against expected golden
jsonnet/diff-help Help regarding Jsonnet diff
jsonnet/gen-golden Generate expected golden files from Jsonnet
jsonnet/install Install packages from jsonnetfile.json with jsonnet-bundler
jsonnet/rm-golden Remove golden files from Jsonnet
jsonnet/test Run Jsonnet tests
jsonnet/update Update packages from jsonnetfile.json with jsonnet-bundler
k8s/cluster/create Create a local Kubernetes cluster
k8s/cluster/delete Delete a local Kubernetes cluster
k8s/cluster/down Stops an existing local Kubernetes cluster
k8s/cluster/up Starts an existing local Kubernetes cluster
k8s/create-ns Creates required namespaces for the repo in the cluster
k8s/kubecfg/validate Validate manifests
k8s/kubeval/validate Validate manifests
k8s/tanka/apply/% Apply rendered manifests of an app to the local cluster
k8s/tanka/delete/% Removes rendered manifests of an app from the local cluster
k8s/tanka/fmt Format Jsonnet files with tanka
k8s/tanka/fmt-test Test formatting of Jsonnet files and exit with non-zero when changes would be made
k8s/tanka/generate Generate manifests using tanka including support for kustomize
opa/clone-policy Git clone policies (requires OPA_POLICY_REPO argument)
opa/conftest Validate manifests
satoshi/check-asdf-dep Check dependencies (installer) for Satoshi
satoshi/check-deps Check dependencies for Satoshi
satoshi/update-makefile Update Satoshi Makefile for k8s toolset
satoshi/update-makefile/% Update Satoshi Makefile for a particular toolset e.g. k8s and tf
satoshi/update-tools Update Satoshi asdf .tool-versions for k8s related repo
satoshi/update-tools/% Update Satoshi asdf .tool-versions for a particular toolset e.g. k8s and tf
sentinel/pull-hashicorp-functions Install Hashicorp sentinel helper functions
updater/test Dry run for testing argocd-image-updater annotations
pipenv/lock Lock Pipenv dependencies
pluto/validate Validate manifests
poetry/check Validate the structure of pyproject.toml
poetry/install Install Poetry dependencies
poetry/lock Lock Poetry dependencies
poetry/auth/% HTTP Basic authenticate to source for Poetry
pytest Run Python tests with pytest
python/autoflake Fix python imports ordering using autoflake
python/autoflake/check Check python imports ordering using autoflake
python/black Reformat python files using black
python/black/check Check python files using black
python/clean Clean all unecessary python project files
python/flake8 Check python style against pep8 using flake8
python/isort Fix python imports using isort
python/isort/check Check python imports using isort
python/mypy/check Check python files statically using mypy