25 May, 2023
- updates BD Rhapsody to support v2 enhanced beads released in 2022 (#13 #14 #15)
- resolves minor bugs in BD Rhapsody #15 1
10 March, 2023
- updates to SLiPT-Seq subroutine to correct removing quality scores from adapter sequence (#10)
- updates SLiPT-Seq barcode whitelist to allow reverse-complement in R2 and trims UMI from 8 to 10 bp
- allow mismatches to remove linker sequences for SLiPT-Seq v1 or v2.1 and allow reverse complement in R2 (for NextSeq, NovaSeq v1.5, etc)
- pass command-line arguments to configure cell ranger
- correct generating combinatorial whitelists for well-based techniques
Full Changelog: