a Decentralized Charity platform where everyone can trust.
1. Solidity
2. React.JS / Next.JS
1. Install MetaMask Wallet browser extension - https://metamask.io/
2. Update to the latest npm version - npm install -g npm
3. Update to the latest node version - npm install --latest
4. Make sure solc version is the same as solidiy contract version in package.json
5. Compile contract using node ethereum/compile.js
6. Deploy contract using node version older than 17 (16 or below)
7. [SKIP FOR NOW] Set up an Infura Rinkeby Testnet faucet, and replace it inside ethereum/contracts/deploy.js
8. Contract address is currently stored at "ADDRESS.txt", replace your own address here
1. Install brownie to compile, test, and deploy ERC tokens - pip install brownie
2. Create a rinkeby testnet network using brownie and link it to Moralis Speedy Node
3. Compile the erc-20 token contract - brownie console (keep current directory as /ethereum/erc-20)
4. Install OpenZeppelin Token Contract (IERC-20) - brownie pm install OpenZeppelin/[email protected]
5. Deploy erc-20 token contract - brownie console --network "network-name"
account = accounts.load('account-name')
>>> Decha.deploy('1000000000000000000000000000', {'from': account});
1. Server:
- ethereum - contains Contract source code; compile and deploy script.
- test - contains test cases for Contract
- server.js - specifies hosting url
2. Client:
- components - contains all Layout components
- pages - contains all directories of the website