A collection of classical literatures for newbies (students of Prof. Gao) Updating...
[1]. Bobadilla, Jesus, et al. "Recommender systems survey." Knowledge Based Systems (2013): 109-132.
[2]. Lu, Jie, et al. "Recommender system application developments." decision support systems (2015): 12-32.
[1]. Mnih, Andriy, and Ruslan Salakhutdinov. "Probabilistic Matrix Factorization." neural information processing systems (2008): 1257-1264. [PDF]
[2]. Koren, Yehuda, R. Bell, and C. Volinsky. "Matrix Factorization Techniques for Recommender Systems." Computer 42.8(2009):30-37. [PDF]
[3]. Koren, Yehuda. "Collaborative filtering with temporal dynamics." Communications of The ACM 53.4 (2010): 89-97. [PDF]
[1]. Rendle, Steffen, et al. "BPR: Bayesian personalized ranking from implicit feedback." uncertainty in artificial intelligence (2009): 452-461. [PDF]
[2]. Zhao, Tong, Julian Mcauley, and Irwin King. "Leveraging Social Connections to Improve Personalized Ranking for Collaborative Filtering." conference on information and knowledge management (2014): 261-270. [PDF]
[1]. Rendle, Steffen. "Factorization Machines." international conference on data mining (2010). [PDF]
[2]. Rendle, Steffen, et al. "Fast context-aware recommendations with factorization machines." international acm sigir conference on research and development in information retrieval (2011): 635-644. [PDF]
[1]. 伍之昂, 王有权, and 曹杰. "推荐系统托攻击模型与检测技术." (2014). [PDF] (综述)
[2]. Lam, Shyong K., and John Riedl. "Shilling recommender systems for fun and profit." international world wide web conferences (2004): 393-402. [PDF] (选读)
[3]. Mehta, Bhaskar, and Wolfgang Nejdl. "Unsupervised strategies for shilling detection and robust collaborative filtering." User Modeling and User-adapted Interaction (2009): 65-97. [PDF]
[4]. Wu, Zhiang, et al. "HySAD: a semi-supervised hybrid shilling attack detector for trustworthy product recommendation." knowledge discovery and data mining (2012): 985-993. [PDF]
[1]. Perozzi, Bryan, Rami Alrfou, and Steven Skiena. "DeepWalk: online learning of social representations." knowledge discovery and data mining (2014): 701-710. [PDF]
[2]. Tang, Jian, et al. "LINE: Large-scale Information Network Embedding." international world wide web conferences (2015): 1067-1077.
[3]. Grover, Aditya, and Jure Leskovec. "node2vec: Scalable Feature Learning for Networks." knowledge discovery and data mining (2016): 855-864. [PDF]