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Class project for EECS 6083: Compiler Theory

This is a recursive descent (LL(1)) compiler written by hand for Dr. Wilsey's Compiler Theory class at the University of Cincinnati. Currently, it is comprised of a fully functioning lexer and parser for Dr. Wilsey's special source language, of which there are several sample files in the test/ directory. The parser is capable of type checking, scope creation/removal, and array boundary validation.


To install, clone this repository and use src/make. This will create the build/ directory which will have the build files including the compile executable.


To use the compiler, call compile in the build/ directory with the path to a .source file as the first argument. Test files can be found in the test/ directory. An optional second argument, debug, was used during development and will force the compiler to attempt to push through any errors it finds. The debug flag will also permit a wide array of different informative messages to be printed, informing the user/developer of the application's progress in compiling.


When the scanner successfully scans a source file, it will print a file wordlist.txt into the build directory. This file contains a list of each of the tokens (words) that the scanner found in the order it found them. The format of the lines in wordlist.txt is {tokenType},{tokenString}. The token types are defined in the table below:

Character(s) Defined Name Type Number
Semicolon T_SEMICOLON 59
Left Parenthesis T_LPAREN 40
Right Parenthesis T_RPAREN 41
Asterisk T_MULT 42
Forward Slash T_DIVIDE 47
Comma T_COMMA 44
Colon T_COLON 58
Left Bracket T_LBRACKET 91
Right Bracket T_RBRACKET 93
Left Brace T_LBRACE 123
Right Brace T_RBRACE 125
Ampersand T_AND 38
Vertical Bar T_OR 124
Plus Sign T_ADD 43
Hyphen T_SUB 45
Less Than T_LESS 60
Greater Than T_MORE 62
Period T_PERIOD 46
"while" T_WHILE 257
"if" T_IF 258
"then" T_THEN 286
"else" T_ELSE 259
"return" T_RETURN 260
"program" T_PROGRAM 261
"is" T_IS 262
"begin" T_BEGIN 263
"global" T_GLOBAL 264
"variable" T_VARIABLE 265
"procedure" T_PROC 267
"end" T_END 268
"for" T_FOR 269
"true" T_TRUE 270
"false" T_FALSE 271
":=" T_ASSIGN 272
"==" T_EQUIV 273
">=" T_MOREEQUIV 274
"<=" T_LESSEQUIV 275
"!=" T_NOTEQUIV 276
"not" T_NOT 277
variable name T_IDENTIFIER 278
"integer" T_INTEGER 279
integer literal T_ILITERAL 280
"float" T_FLOAT 281
float literal T_FLITERAL 282
"string" T_STRING 283
string literal T_SLITERAL 284
"bool" T_BOOL 285

When the parser successfully parses a source file, it will print a file parsetree.txt into the build directory. This file contains a preorder traversal of the parse tree that has been constructed from the source file. The format of the lines in parsetree.txt is as follows:

The number of indentations in the line indicates level of the node in the tree, consecutive nodes with the same tab alignment are children of the node immediately above them that has one less tab.


{grammarType} {'dataType' = {inherent dataType, 0 if it is not necessary, 279 for integers, etc}} grammarType is an integer assigned to each part of grammar in parser.h, and they are available in the table below for reference:

Grammar Part Defined Name Type Number
program E_PROG 1
program_head E_PROGHEAD 2
program_body E_PROGBODY 3
identifier E_ID 4
declaration E_DECLARE 5
statement E_STMT 6
procedure_declaration E_PROCDEC 7
variable_declaration E_VARDEC 8
type_declaration E_TYPEDEC 9
procedure_header E_PROCHEAD 10
procedure_body E_PROCBODY 11
type_mark E_TYPEMARK 12
parameter_list E_PARAMS 13
parameter E_PARAM 14
bound E_BOUND 15
assignment_statement E_ASGNSTMT 16
if_statement E_IFSTMT 17
loop_statement E_LPSTMT 18
return_statement E_RTRNSTMT 19
procedure_call E_PROCCALL 20
argument_list E_ARGS 21
destination E_DEST 22
expression E_EXPR 23
arithOp E_MATHOP 24
relation E_REL 25
term E_TERM 26
factor E_FACTOR 27
name E_NAME 28
number E_NUM 29
string E_STR 30


{tokenString} ( {line#}, {col#} )


Class project for EECS 6083: Compiler Theory






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