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Cmpctmalloc: More precise accounting of memory use (espressif#51)
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Erik Corry authored Jan 25, 2022
1 parent 08d810a commit c7032d3
Showing 1 changed file with 89 additions and 16 deletions.
105 changes: 89 additions & 16 deletions components/heap/third_party/dartino/cmpctmalloc.c
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
#define LTRACEF(...)
#define DEBUG_ASSERT assert
#define ASSERT(x) if (!(x)) abort()
#define ASSERT(x) do { if (!(x)) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed assert at %s:%d\n", __FILE__, __LINE__); abort(); } } while(0)
#define USE(x) ((void)(x))
#define STATIC_ASSERT(condition)
#define dprintf(...) fprintf(__VA_ARGS__)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -507,7 +507,9 @@ IRAM_ATTR static void free_to_page_allocator(cmpct_heap_t *heap, header_t *heade

page_free(heap, arena, size >> PAGE_SIZE_SHIFT);
heap->size -= size;
// Adjust the heap->size. Free pages are counted fully, but arenas
// allocated on pages have the arena pointer and sentinels subtracted.
heap->size += sizeof(arena_t) + 2 * sizeof(header_t);

IRAM_ATTR static void fix_left_size(header_t *right, header_t *new_left)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -553,7 +555,7 @@ IRAM_ATTR static void free_memory(cmpct_heap_t *heap, header_t *header, size_t l
IS_PAGE_ALIGNED((uintptr_t)right + sizeof(header_t)) &&
is_start_of_page_allocation(left) &&
is_end_of_page_allocation(right)) {
// The entire page was free and can be returned to the page allocator.
// A whole number of pages were free and can be returned to the page allocator.
unlink_free_unknown_bucket(heap, (free_t *)header);
free_to_page_allocator(heap, left, size + get_size(left) + sizeof(header_t));
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1017,9 +1019,9 @@ IRAM_ATTR void *cmpct_realloc(cmpct_heap_t *heap, void *payload, size_t size)
// together and a sentinel at either end that is the size of one header.
static const size_t arena_overhead = 2 * sizeof(header_t) + sizeof(arena_t);

// Adds an arena for small allocations to the heap.
IRAM_ATTR static void add_to_heap(cmpct_heap_t *heap, void *new_area, size_t size, free_t **bucket)
heap->size += size;
void *top = (char *)new_area + size;
arena_t *new_arena = (arena_t *)new_area;
// Link into doubly linked list.
Expand All @@ -1034,6 +1036,7 @@ IRAM_ATTR static void add_to_heap(cmpct_heap_t *heap, void *new_area, size_t siz
create_allocation_header(left_sentinel, sizeof(header_t), 0, NULL);
header_t *new_header = left_sentinel + 1;
size_t free_size = size - arena_overhead;
heap->size += free_size;
create_free_area(heap, new_header, sizeof(header_t), free_size, bucket);
header_t *right_sentinel = (header_t *)(top - sizeof(header_t));
// Not free, stops attempts to coalesce right.
Expand All @@ -1044,11 +1047,15 @@ IRAM_ATTR static void add_to_heap(cmpct_heap_t *heap, void *new_area, size_t siz
// Called with the lock, apart from during init.
IRAM_ATTR static ssize_t heap_grow(cmpct_heap_t *heap, free_t **bucket, int pages)
// Allocate one page more. The allocation tag is a pointer to the heap
// Allocate more pages. The allocation tag is a pointer to the heap
// itself so that it won't match any allocation tag used by the program.
void *ptr = page_alloc(heap, pages, PAGE_SIZE, heap);
if (ptr == NULL) return -1;
LTRACEF("growing heap by 0x%x bytes, new ptr %p\n", pages << PAGE_SIZE_SHIFT, ptr);
// Add_to_heap will increase size. That's often OK when we are adding
// non-page-sized areas to the heap, but that's not appropriate here
// because the pages were already part of the heap.
heap->size -= pages * PAGE_SIZE;
add_to_heap(heap, ptr, pages * PAGE_SIZE, bucket);
return pages * PAGE_SIZE;
Expand All @@ -1067,9 +1074,9 @@ void cmpct_init(cmpct_heap_t *heap)

heap->lock = NULL;
heap->ignore_free = NULL;
heap->remaining = 0;
heap->size = 0;
heap->free_blocks = 0;
heap->size = heap->number_of_pages * PAGE_SIZE;
heap->remaining = heap->size;
heap->free_blocks = 1; // All the free pages make up one free block.
heap->allocated_blocks = 0;
// Empty doubly linked list points to itself.
heap->arenas.previous = &heap->arenas;
Expand All @@ -1086,7 +1093,8 @@ void cmpct_init(cmpct_heap_t *heap)
cmpct_heap_t *cmpct_register_impl(void *start, size_t size)
if (size < sizeof(cmpct_heap_t)) return NULL; // Area too small.
// We can't have more pages than the rounded down size.
// We can't have more pages than the rounded down size so
// this does an optimistic calculation of the number pages.
intptr_t pages = size >> PAGE_SIZE_SHIFT;
ASSERT(pages >= 0);

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1309,9 +1317,11 @@ void cmpct_get_info_impl(cmpct_heap_t *heap, multi_heap_info_t *info)

info->total_free_bytes = heap->remaining;
// Subtract the two end sentinels and the free list header that are always
// the minimum that is taken by the heap.
info->total_allocated_bytes = (heap->size - heap->remaining) - 3 * sizeof(header_t);
// total_allocated_bytes includes the headers on each allocation, but
// doesn't include the static structures that are always there once
// the heap has been set up. This means it doesn't include the arena
// structures and the sentinels at each end of each arena.
info->total_allocated_bytes = heap->size - heap->remaining;
info->largest_free_block = 0;
// TODO: We don't currently keep track of the all-time low number of free
// bytes.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1414,6 +1424,15 @@ IRAM_ATTR static void *page_alloc(cmpct_heap_t *heap, intptr_t pages, uintptr_t
for (int i = 0; i < pages << PAGE_SIZE_SHIFT; i += sizeof(int)) {
((int *)(result))[i >> 2] = 0;
if (heap->pages[i + pages].status != PAGE_FREE) {
// We used up a whole contiguous sequence of free pages so
// this reduced the number of free blocks.
// If the pages are being allocated for an arena for small
// allocations then most of this reduction in heap->remaining
// will be re-added in create_free_area.
heap->remaining -= pages * PAGE_SIZE;
return heap->page_base + i * PAGE_SIZE;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1469,11 +1488,21 @@ IRAM_ATTR static void page_iterate(cmpct_heap_t *heap, void *user_data, void *ta
IRAM_ATTR static void page_free(cmpct_heap_t *heap, void *address, int page_count_unused)
size_t page = page_number(heap, address);
bool previous_is_free = page != 0 && heap->pages[page - 1].status == PAGE_FREE;
if (page >= heap->number_of_pages || heap->pages[page].status != PAGE_IN_USE) {
FATAL("Invalid free");
int pages_freed = 1;
for (intptr_t j = page + 1; heap->pages[j].status == PAGE_CONTINUED; j++) {
heap->pages[j].status = PAGE_FREE;
pages_freed = j + 1 - page;
heap->remaining += pages_freed * PAGE_SIZE;
bool next_is_free = heap->pages[page + pages_freed].status == PAGE_FREE;
if (!previous_is_free && !next_is_free) {
} else if (previous_is_free && next_is_free) {
heap->pages[page].status = PAGE_FREE;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1577,48 +1606,92 @@ gcc -m32 -ffreestanding -fsanitize=address -DTEST_CMPCTMALLOC -DDEBUG=1 -g -o te
gcc -ffreestanding -fsanitize=address -DTEST_CMPCTMALLOC -DDEBUG=1 -g -o test third_party/esp-idf/components/heap/third_party/dartino/cmpctmalloc.c -pthread && ./test

void assert_heap_is_empty(cmpct_heap_t* heap)
multi_heap_info_t info;
cmpct_get_info_impl(heap, &info);
ASSERT(info.total_allocated_bytes == 0);
ASSERT(info.allocated_blocks == 0);

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
int TEST_HEAP_SIZE = 1500000;
void *arena = malloc(TEST_HEAP_SIZE);
cmpct_heap_t *heap = cmpct_register_impl(arena, TEST_HEAP_SIZE);
bool start_aligned = (size_t)arena == ROUND_DOWN((size_t)arena, PAGE_SIZE);
// One free area for all the aligned pages and one each for the ends
// that were used for arena allocation.
int heap_free_blocks = heap->free_blocks;
ASSERT(heap_free_blocks == start_aligned ? 2 : 3);
ssize_t heap_size = heap->size;
ssize_t heap_remaining = heap->remaining;
ASSERT(heap_size >= TEST_HEAP_SIZE * 0.98);
ASSERT(heap_size <= TEST_HEAP_SIZE);
ASSERT(heap_remaining >= heap->size * 0.98);
ASSERT(heap_remaining <= heap->size);
pthread_key_create(&tls_key, NULL);
for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
ASSERT(heap->free_blocks == heap_free_blocks);
ASSERT(heap->size == heap_size);
ASSERT(heap->remaining == heap_remaining);

for (int size = 0; size < 12000; size++) {
int first_success = -1;
arena = malloc(size);
heap = cmpct_register_impl(arena, size);
if (heap == NULL) {
cmpct_heap_t* small_heap = cmpct_register_impl(arena, size);
if (small_heap == NULL) {
ASSERT(size < sizeof(cmpct_heap_t));
int free_blocks = small_heap->free_blocks;
ASSERT(1 <= free_blocks && free_blocks <= 3);
ssize_t small_heap_size = small_heap->size;
ssize_t small_heap_remaining = small_heap->remaining;
ASSERT(small_heap_size >= size - 125 * (int)sizeof(size_t));
ASSERT(small_heap_size <= size);
ASSERT(small_heap_remaining >= small_heap_size - 20 * (int)sizeof(size_t));
ASSERT(small_heap_remaining <= small_heap_size);
for (int allocation = SMALL_ALLOCATION_LIMIT * 2; allocation >= 1; allocation--) {
void *p = cmpct_malloc_impl(heap, allocation);
void *p = cmpct_malloc_impl(small_heap, allocation);
if (p) {
if (first_success == -1 && allocation != ROUND_DOWN(allocation, PAGE_SIZE)) {
first_success = allocation;
// May not match exactly because arena overhead is not part of
// the heap size and arenas can come and go.
ASSERT(small_heap->size <= small_heap_size);
ASSERT(small_heap->remaining < small_heap_remaining);
memset(p, 0x77, allocation);
} else {
if (first_success != -1) {
printf("At size %d, allocation failed at size %d, but had succeeded at size %d\n", size, allocation, first_success);
cmpct_free_impl(heap, p);
cmpct_free_impl(small_heap, p);
// If the area we gave to the allocator was big enough then we would
// expect an allocation to succeed, but the memory area can be split
// over two pages, and so we need twice the minimum before we can be
// sure of any allocations.
uintptr_t minimum_arena = arena_overhead + 4 * sizeof(header_t);
ASSERT(ROUND_DOWN(size, (int)sizeof(header_t)) <= sizeof(cmpct_heap_t) + minimum_arena * 2 || first_success != -1);
ASSERT(free_blocks == small_heap->free_blocks);
// At this point all arenas should be empty, which means they are
// destroyed and their overhead becomes part of the heap size again, so
// it should match the initial size.
ASSERT(small_heap_size == small_heap->size);
ASSERT(small_heap_remaining == small_heap->remaining);
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