pip install flowplot
Usage demonstrated in the Notebook Cycle:
from flowplot import cycle
cycle(r".\user-inputs\cycles\Overall.csv", delimiter=';')
- associates the cycle flows as in, out, storage, and sub-flows
- Contains three columns for the date: YYYY, MM, DD
- Column names match those indicated in the cycles csv above
- There can be several csv files holding flow time series
- Columns hold daily values of flows, with name and unit indicated in cycle csv
- standard
- m3 (meaning m3/day)
- m3s
(meaning m3/second)
- with option num_cells_domain:
mmcell (meaning mm/day/averaged across all cells)
m3cell (meaning m3/day averaged across all cells)
m3scell (meaning m3/second averaged across all cells)
- with option cellsize_m2, assuming all cells are the same size in square metres
- mm (meaning mm/day)
cycle(r".\user-inputs\cycles\Overall.csv", delimiter=';', cellsize_m2=1000*1000, num_cells_domain=153451)
- Circles, showing the partitioned inputs, outputs, net storage changes, and balance, aggregated spatiotemporally;
- Bar graphs, showing the partitioned inputs, outputs, net storage changes, and balance, aggregated spatiotemporal;
- Line graphs, overall, showing the inputs, outputs, net storage changes, and balance through time, aggregated spatially;
- Line graphs, partitioned, showing the partitioned flows through time, aggregated spatially.