This project is a work for a bachelor's degree in computer science in the object-oriented CPP course.
The project comes to test and create skills in the following subjects:
-Object-oriented design including multiple classes and multiple inheritance.
-data structure.
-Programming in CPP language.
-problem solving.
-Reading, writing and checking files.
The project is an object-oriented simulation of a bunch of drones of different types, each of which has a slightly different behavior. The aim of the drones is to reach a target point within a "forest" and thus end the program's run.
The drones are stored in a binary tree data structure which supports classic binary tree operations using recursion. (*insert, *search, *min, *max, *remove, *clear, *size)
new drone location:
new drone speed:
Single Rotor - 'S'.
Multy Rotot - 'M'.
Fixed Wing - 'F'.
Hybrid - 'H' will move like Single Rotor.
config file: first line - 4 ints for forest size configuration. second line - 2 real num for the target point cordinates. third line - number of simulation iterations.
init file: first line - number of drones to be created. other lines - 4 numbers for drone location and speed.
output file: first line - number of iteration. other lines - type of drone(char) and location.
*The names of the files passed as arguments to the program