The easiest way to access The City of Toronto's Open Data beach data API in Node.js.
Super easy, first run this:
npm install torontobeach
Then to use:
import torontobeach from 'torontobeach';
That's it!
Now start using it with the functions and documentation below.
Using promises:
.then(response => {
Using Async/Await
const beachData = await torontobeach.getAllBeachesLatest();
A sample response of a single data point.:
beachID: 4,
name: 'Gibraltar Point Beach',
map: '43.612487,-79.382173',
sampleDate: '2019-09-02',
publishDate: '2019-09-04',
eColiCount: 11,
beachAdvisory: "E.coli levels are within the City of Toronto's established beach water quality standard of 100 E.coli per 100ml of water.",
beachState: 'Safe'
Quick reference for the beach IDs:
Marie Curtis Park East Beach: 1
Sunnyside Beach: 2
Hanlan's Point Beach: 3
Gibraltar Point Beach: 4
Centre Island Beach: 5
Ward's Island Beach: 6
Cherry Beach: 7
Woodbine Beaches: 8
Kew Balmy Beach: 9
Bluffer's Beach Park: 10
Rouge Beach: 11
All good? Awesome. Onto the good stuff.
Latest reading for all beaches
All time data for all beaches
All beaches between two dates.
getAllBeachesForRange('YYYY-MM-DD', 'YYYY-MM-DD');
Specific beach between two dates.
getSpecificBeachForRange(beachID, 'YYYY-MM-DD', 'YYYY-MM-DD');
All time data for specific beach
If you are interested in learning more, or about contributing, check out the repository at: