Welcome to this Microsoft solutions workshop on <TODO: Enter workshop name>. In this workshop, you'll learn <TODO: Describe what the students will learn>
The focus of this workshop is to understand <TODO: Describe the workshop's primay focus in one sentence>
You'll start by <TODO: Describe what the flow of the workshop will be>, with a focus on how to extrapolate what you have learned to create other solutions for your organization.
This github README.MD file explains how the workshop is laid out, what you will learn, and the technologies you will use in this solution. To download this Lab to your local computer, click the Clone or Download button you see at the top right side of this page. More about that process is here.
You can view all of the courses and other workshops our team has created at this link - open in a new tab to find out more.
In this workshop you'll learn:
- <TODO: Bullet-point on learning obective>
- <TODO: Bullet-point on learning obective>
- <TODO: Bullet-point on learning obective>
<TODO: Enter the text you use when you submit the description for this course to a presentation, or advertising>
The goal of this workshop is to train <TODO: Describe who you would train for this and why>.
The concepts and skills taught in this workshop form the starting points for:
<TODO: Job Description and level of person who is the primary that should attend and the reason>.
For instance: Solution Architects and Developers, to understand how to put together an end to end solution.
<TODO: Job Description and level of person who is the secondary that should attend and the reason>.
<TODO: Job Description and level of person who is the third-level of who might want to attend and the reason>.
Businesses require <TODO: Describe the reason the student's business or organization would be interested in the information. Be detailed about the solutions it addresses>
Some industry examples of <TODO: Workshop Topic> are <TODO: Enter Sectors and use briefly>, to name just a few.
The solution includes the following technologies - although you are not limited to these, they form the basis of the workshop. At the end of the workshop you will learn how to extrapolate these components into other solutions. You will cover these at an overview level, with references to much deeper training provided.
Technology | Description |
TODO: Technology name not owned by Microsoft that you will cover | TODO: Reason the student needs to learn it |
TODO: Technology name owned by Microsoft that you will cover | TODO: Reason the student needs to learn it |
You'll need a local system that you are able to install software on. The workshop demonstrations use Microsoft Windows as an operating system and all examples use Windows for the workshop. Optionally, you can use a Microsoft Azure Virtual Machine (VM) to install the software on and work with the solution.
You must have a Microsoft Azure account with the ability to create assets.
This workshop expects that you understand <TODO: Enter a brief solution for what a student should know before taking the workshop>.
If you are new to these, here are a few references you can complete prior to class:
<TODO: Enter some pre-work courses or books or whatever that the student could use to prep>
A full pre-requisites document is located here. These instructions should be completed before the workshop starts, since you will not have time to cover these in class. Remember to turn off any Virtual Machines from the Azure Portal when not taking the class so that you do incur charges (shutting down the machine in the VM itself is not sufficient).
This workshop uses <TODO: enter main technologies used to solve the sceanrio>, with a focus on <TODO: architecture and implementation, development and use, etc>.
Primary Audience: | TODO: Enter the technical people who will take the workshop> tasked with TODO: Enter what they are tasked to do |
Secondary Audience: | TODO: Secondary Audience |
Level: | TODO: 100, 200, 300, 400 |
Type: | TODO: In-Person, On-Line, or from github |
Length: | TODO: Number of hours |
This is a modular workshop, and in each section, you'll learn concepts, technologies and processes to help you complete the solution.
Module | Topics |
01 - Introduction and Overview | Introductions, pre-requisites check, environment setup, overview of the workshop |
02 - Tool Enhancements | Implementing the features of SQLCMD-GO |
03 - Native Integrations with Other Services | REST and GraphQL support via Data API Builder, OneLake Integration |
04 - JSON Enhancements | Overview (OPENJSON + FOR JSON), Newly added feature JSON_OBJECT, Tips & Tricks (Use JSON to pass arrays to SPs), JSON Data Type |
05 - Function Enhancements | New String Functions |
06 - Engine Enhancements | Optimized Locking |
Next, Continue to Pre-Requisites
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