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ecraig12345 committed Oct 6, 2021
1 parent 6ac06fd commit 67986db
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Showing 18 changed files with 162 additions and 281 deletions.
242 changes: 62 additions & 180 deletions scripts/create-component/create-component.ts
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Expand Up @@ -4,266 +4,148 @@ import { NodePlopAPI, AddManyActionConfig } from 'plop';
import { Actions } from 'node-plop';
import * as fs from 'fs-extra';
import * as os from 'os';
import * as path from 'path';
import { spawnSync } from 'child_process';
import { findGitRoot, getAllPackageInfo } from '../monorepo/index';
import stripIndent from 'strip-indent';
import { findGitRoot, getAllPackageInfo, isConvergedPackage } from '../monorepo/index';
import chalk from 'chalk';


//#region Globals
const allPackages = getAllPackageInfo();
const convergedComponentPackages = Object.entries(getAllPackageInfo())
([pkgName, info]) =>
isConvergedPackage(info.packageJson) &&
pkgName.startsWith('@fluentui/react-') &&
info.packagePath.startsWith('packages') &&
!!info.packageJson.scripts?.start &&
.map(([packageName]) => packageName);

const root = findGitRoot();

const rootPaths = {
package: `packages/{{packageName}}`,
component: `packages/{{packageName}}/src/components/{{componentName}}`,
storybook: `packages/react-examples`,
storybookPackageComponent: `packages/react-examples/src/{{packageName}}/{{componentName}}`,

const templatePaths = {
component: `plop-templates-component`,
storybookComponent: `plop-templates-storybook`,
// tests: `${root}/create-component/plop-templates-tests`, // Test template implementation for components TBD

interface Answers {
packageName: string;
packageNpmName: string;
componentName: string;
hasStorybook?: boolean;
doComponentTestBuild?: boolean;
// hasTests?: boolean; // Test template implementation for components TBD
suggest?: any;

interface Data extends Answers {
/** Package name without scope */
packageName: string;
/** Absolute path to package */
packagePath: string;
/** Absolute path to the component folder */
componentPath: string;

//#region Module Export
module.exports = (plop: NodePlopAPI) => {
plop.setWelcomeMessage('This utility is a helper to create converged React components');

plop.setActionType('confirmPackageLocation', confirmPackageLocation);
plop.setActionType('appendToPackageIndex', appendToPackageIndex);
plop.setActionType('checkIfComponentAlreadyExists', checkIfComponentAlreadyExists);

plop.setGenerator('package', {
description: 'New package',
plop.setGenerator('component', {
description: 'New component',

prompts: [
type: 'list',
name: 'packageNpmName',
message: 'Which package to create the new component in?',
choices: () => {
return => project.title);
choices: convergedComponentPackages,
validate: (packageName: string) => convergedComponentPackages.includes(packageName),

type: 'input',
name: 'componentName',
message: 'New component name (ex: MyComponent):',
when: answers => answers.packageNpmName,
validate: (input: string) =>
/^[A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]+$/.test(input) || 'Must enter a PascalCase component name (ex: MyComponent)',
type: 'confirm',
name: 'doComponentTestBuild',
message: 'Do you wish to run a test build after component creation (Y/n):',
message: 'Do you wish to run a test build after component creation?',
default: true,
when: answers => answers.packageNpmName,
type: 'confirm',
name: 'hasStorybook',
message: 'Will this package have storybook examples? (Y/n):',
default: true,
when: answers => answers.packageNpmName,
// Test template implementation for components TBD
// {
// type: 'confirm',
// name: 'hasTests',
// message: 'Will this component have a test? (Y/n):',
// default: true,
// when: answers => answers.packageNpmName,
// },

actions: (answers: Answers): Actions => {
const globOptions: AddManyActionConfig['globOptions'] = { dot: true };

const data = {
const packageName = answers.packageNpmName.replace('@fluentui/', '');
const packagePath = path.join(root, 'packages', packageName);
const componentPath = path.join(packagePath, 'src/components', answers.componentName);
const data: Data = {
packageName: answers.packageNpmName.replace('@fluentui/', ''),

const renderString = (text: string): string => {
return plop.renderString(text, data);

return [
() => 'Running create-component actions',
type: 'confirmPackageLocation',
type: 'checkIfComponentAlreadyExists',
() => checkIfComponentAlreadyExists(data),
// Copy component templates
type: 'addMany',
destination: renderString(rootPaths.package),
destination: packagePath,
skipIfExists: true,
base: 'plop-templates-component',
templateFiles: [`${renderString(templatePaths.component)}/**/*`],
type: 'appendToPackageIndex',
// Copy/Update storybook templates
type: 'addMany',
destination: renderString(rootPaths.storybookPackageComponent),
skipIfExists: true,
skip: () => {
if (!data.hasStorybook) return 'Skipping storybook scaffolding';
base: 'plop-templates-storybook',
templateFiles: [`${renderString(templatePaths.storybookComponent)}/**/*`],
templateFiles: ['plop-templates/**/*'],
() => appendToPackageIndex(data),
() => {
Package files created! Running yarn to link...
const yarnResult = spawnSync('yarn', ['--ignore-scripts'], { cwd: root, stdio: 'inherit', shell: true });
if (yarnResult.status !== 0) {
console.error('Something went wrong with running yarn. Please check previous logs for details'),
if (!answers.doComponentTestBuild) {
return 'Skipping component test build';
return 'Packages linked!';
() => {
if (answers.doComponentTestBuild !== true) return 'Skipping component test compile.';

console.log('Component files created! Running yarn build...\n');
const yarnResult = spawnSync('yarn', [`buildto *${data.packageName}`], {
const yarnResult = spawnSync('yarn', ['build', '--to', data.packageNpmName], {
cwd: root,
stdio: 'inherit',
shell: true,
if (yarnResult.status !== 0) {
console.error('Something went wrong with building. Please check previous logs for details'));
throw new Error('Something went wrong with building. Please check previous logs for details.');
return 'Component compiled!';
Created new component! Please check over it and ensure wording and included files
make sense for your scenario.
'Created new component! Please check over it and ensure wording and included files ' +
'make sense for your scenario.',

//#region Plop Custom Actions
const confirmPackageLocation = (answers: object, config: object, plop: object): string => {
const { packageName } = answers as Answers;
const plopAPI = plop as NodePlopAPI;
const location = plopAPI.renderString(rootPaths.package, answers);
if (fs.existsSync(location) !== true) {
`**ABORTING** The package ${packageName} cannot be found at location ${location}. Use yarn create-package first.`,
if (fs.existsSync(`${location}/src/index.ts`) !== true) {
displayAndThrowError(`**ABORTING** The package ${packageName} was found but missing src/index.ts`);

return `Found package ${packageName} at location: ${rootPaths.package}`;
//#region Custom Actions

const checkIfComponentAlreadyExists = (answers: object, config: object, plop: object): string => {
const { componentName } = answers as Answers;
const plopAPI = plop as NodePlopAPI;
const location = plopAPI.renderString(rootPaths.component, answers);
const checkIfComponentAlreadyExists = (data: Data): string => {
const { componentName, componentPath } = data;

if (fs.existsSync(location) === true && fs.readdirSync(location).length > 0) {
displayAndThrowError(`**ABORTING** The component ${componentName} already exists at ${location}`);
if (fs.existsSync(componentPath) === true && fs.readdirSync(componentPath).length > 0) {
throw new Error(`The component ${componentName} already exists at ${componentPath}`);
return `Component ${componentName} doesn't exist.`;
return `Component ${componentName} doesn't exist yet.`;

const appendToPackageIndex = async (answers: object, config: object, plop: object): Promise<string> => {
const { componentName, packageName } = answers as Answers;
const plopAPI = plop as NodePlopAPI;
const appendToPackageIndex = (data: Data): string => {
const { componentName, packageName, packagePath } = data;

const options = { flag: 'a' };
// get the package index file path
const indexPath = plopAPI.renderString(`${rootPaths.package}/src/index.ts`, answers);
const appendLine = plopAPI.renderString(`export * from './{{componentName}}';`, answers);
const indexPath = path.join(packagePath, 'src/index.ts');
const appendLine = `export * from './${componentName}';`;
// read contents and see if line is exists
return fs
.readFile(indexPath, { encoding: 'utf8', flag: 'r' })
.then(async data => {
const lines = data.split(/\r?\n/);
const getIndex = (arr: string[], item: string): number =>
lines.findIndex(line => item.toLocaleLowerCase() === line.toLocaleLowerCase());
if (getIndex(lines, appendLine) === -1) {
// doesn't exist so append
await fs.outputFile(indexPath, `${appendLine}${os.EOL}`, options);
return `Updated package ${packageName} index.ts to include ${componentName}`;
return `Package ${packageName} index.ts already contains reference to ${componentName}`;
.catch(error => {
throw `**ABORTING** There was an error reading index file at ${indexPath}. Error: ${error}`;
const contents = fs.readFileSync(indexPath, { encoding: 'utf8' });
if (!contents.includes(appendLine)) {
// doesn't exist so append
fs.writeFileSync(indexPath, `${appendLine}${os.EOL}`, { flag: 'a' });
return `Updated package ${packageName} index.ts to include ${componentName}`;
return `Package ${packageName} index.ts already contains reference to ${componentName}`;

//#region Utilities
const displayAndThrowError = (message: string) => {
throw message;


const ignoreProjects = [

const projectsWithStartCommand = Object.entries(allPackages)
([pkg, info]) =>
!ignoreProjects.includes(pkg) &&
info.packagePath.startsWith('packages') &&
info.packageJson.dependencies?.['@fluentui/react-utilities'] !== undefined,
.map(([pkg, info]) => ({ title: pkg, value: { pkg, command: 'start' } }));

This file was deleted.

This file was deleted.


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