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Releases: micronaut-projects/micronaut-platform

Micronaut Platform 4.7.6

12 Feb 08:52
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Micronaut Platform 4.7.5

Micronaut Platform 4.7.4

10 Jan 10:13
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Micronaut Platform 4.7.3

23 Dec 15:25
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Micronaut Platform 4.7.2

Micronaut Platform 4.7.1

Micronaut Platform 4.7.0

13 Nov 17:40
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Micronaut Core contains multiple improvements. To highlight a few, it improves the HTTP Client implementations, the display of circular dependency errors, adds a new API FilterBodyParser, the possibility to disable normalization of property keys in @EachProperty beans, and it adds nicer HTML error pages.


Micronaut LangChain4J provides integration with Langchain4j.

For example, Micronaut LangChain4J makes easy to inject your favourite language model in your Micronaut beans:

import jakarta.inject.Singleton;

class DefaultJokeGenerator implements JokeGenerator {
    private final ChatLanguageModel model;
    DefaultJokeGenerator(ChatLanguageModel model) {
        this.model = model;

    public String generateJoke() {
        return model.generate("Tell me a joke about Java?");


Micronaut Graal Languages is a collection of components for integration of Graal based dynamic languages with Micronaut Framework.

With Micronaut GraalPy eases exposing Python modules as Java Beans within a Micronaut application. We published two guides:

Build Plugins

There are new versions of both Maven 4.7.1, and Gradle 4.4.4 Plugins.

Micronaut Security

Micronaut Security adds a new module, Micronaut Security Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) to help you protect your applications against CSRF attacks. CSRF protection is integrated also in Micronaut Views with a CSRF Token View Model Processor, and CSRF hidden field in form generation.


Micronaut Micrometer updates to Micrometer 1.13.6 and it adds new module for Prometheus PushGateway.




  • Micronaut OpenAPI keeps getting better and better thanks to community contribution.
  • Micronaut Data contains multiple improvements. Among others, it includes improvements to pagination and Criteria.
  • Micronaut SQL updates ojdbc to, MariaDB to 3.5.0, and MySQL Connector to 9.1.0, Hikari to 6.0.0, and Tomcat JDBC to 11.0.1. Moreover, it is now possible to disable individual datasources both in JPA and JDBC.
  • Micronaut R2DBC updates to r2dbc-io-asyncer-mysql to 1.3.0, r2dbc-mariadb to 1.3.0, and r2dbc-postgresql to 1.0.7.RELEASE.
  • Micronaut MongoDB updates to Mongo Java Driver 4.11.4.

Database Migration

Reactive Libraries


Micronaut Platform 4.6.3

Micronaut Platform 4.6.2

Micronaut Platform 4.6.1

04 Sep 12:06
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