This repo includes workflows and additional data to reproduce the manuscript:
MICOM: Metagenome-Scale Modeling To Infer Metabolic Interactions in the Gut Microbiota
Christian Diener, Sean M. Gibbons, Osbaldo Resendis-Antonio
mSystems 5:e00606-19
Additional data is provided in the data
subdirectory. For now we will assume you
want to start from the abundances and replication rates as those are workflow
steps that pertain to MICOM. See further below on instruction how to go start
from the raw sequencing data.
Note that we only support Linux and Mac here. If you have any questions or problems running the code please don't hesitate to file an issue.
We will use conda to manage all the required dependencies. If you already have Miniconda or Anaconda you can skip right ahead otherwise you will need to install Miniconda using those instructions.
Open a Terminal and make sure that conda works.
conda info
Which should look something like this:
active environment : None
shell level : 0
user config file : /Users/cdiener/.condarc
populated config files : /Users/cdiener/.condarc
conda version : 4.8.0
conda-build version : 3.18.11
python version :
offline mode : False
Now either use git to clone this repo or download the zipped version and unzip it.
git clone
Now switch to the directory containing the downloaded code. For instance
cd paper
Now we can set up an environment that contains 99% of the required software to run all code in this repo.
conda env create -f micom.yml
Follow this by activating your environment:
conda activate micom
MICOM models all biochemical reactions in all taxa, which means that the optimization problem MICOM solves included hundreds of thousands of variables. There are only a few numerical solvers that can solve quadratic programming problems of that scale. Right, now we support CPLEX or Gurobi, which both have free academic licenses but will require you to sign up for them. We hope to change this in the future by making MICOM compatible with an open-source solver (stay tuned!).
After registering and downloading the CPLEX studio for your OS unpack it (by running the provided installer) to a directory of your choice (we will assume it's called ibm
Now install the CPLEX python package:
pip install ibm/cplex/python/3.6/x86-64_linux
Substitute x86-64_linux with the folder corresponding to your system (there will only be one subfolder in that directory).
Gurobi can be installed with conda.
conda install -c gurobi gurobi
You will now have to register the installation using your license key.
The analyses in the paper were obtained with CPLEX 12.9.
You are now all set to reproduce the paper.
The only data not supplied in this repository is the AGORA database since it would be
to big. It can be downloaded from .
Unzip this file an transfer all files in reconstructions/sbml
to the data/agora
We use snakemake to define a reproducible workflow that generates all analyses and panels form the paper. We do recommend to use the beefiest equipment available to you to use as many CPU cores as possible (this will speed up everything by a factor of the cores). You will need approximately 1GB of RAM per core available.
The basic workflow we are running looks like this:
To run the entire workflow from start to finish use:
snakemake --cores 16
This will recreate intermediate files in data
and figures in figures
Which will run the workflow with 16 cores and will automatically track what has been run already or what is outdated. So interrupting it will not create any problems.
Individual workflow steps are kept in the workflows
as directory as simple
Python files you can inspect to see what is happening in detail.
The species level workflow is not fully run by default. However, species models are always built. If you want to run species level tradeoff analyses just change the corresponding files to
This entire part is optional. It will generate
which are provided along with this repository.
If you want to run the metagenomic analyses as well you will need to install R and some dependencies as well.
conda activate micom
conda install -c r r-base
then open R by typing R
and install the packages with
install.packages(c("BiocManager", "remotes", "drake"))
Depending on your setup there may be various ways. The SRA toolkit is installed in the conda environment so you can download fastq files with
. The SRA IDs can be found in data/recent.csv
in the run_accession
column. For instance using R:
samples = fread("data/recent.csv")
for (sa in samples$run_accession) {
c("-O", "data/raw", sa))"Downloaded run %s.", sa)
You will also need to download the databases for SLIMM which we will sue to assign taxonomy and
obtain strain resolved coverage. Those can be obtained from here and should be copied to data/refs
The entire pipeline from raw reads to replication rates is implemented
in process.R
which uses the workflow manager drake to run the analysis.
Rscript process.R
You can adjust the line
options(mc.cores = 8)
to specify your preferred number of cores.
We mostly run steps from our mbtools
package which is
documented here.