Version Python: 2.7 - hard requirement or use older version of pip to install below libraries Libraries:
- Quantlib-Python 1.13 { pip install Quantlib }
- Quandl 3.3 { pip install quandl }
- numpy 1.14.4 { pip install numpy }
- pandas 0.23 { pip install pandas-datareader }
- pandas-datareader 0.6 { pip install pandas-datareader }
There are two files in this project.
- class #1: SimpleOptionPricer Calibrates and runs the functions to calculate the NPV for equity options class #2: QuandlRealizedStockVol Pulls adjusted EOD equity prices from Quandl into dataframe and calculates 92-day log-normal volatility
- Various test cases to calculate the volatility and NPV
- Volatility formula is based on realized volatility of 92 days of historical prices
- Actual 365 fixed day count used for calcualtions
- United States trading calendar used
- Risk-free-rate is always supplied