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Magento 2.3 Community Edition Docker container build #420

Magento 2.3 Community Edition Docker container build

Magento 2.3 Community Edition Docker container build #420

Workflow file for this run

name: Magento 2.3 Community Edition Docker container build
- cron: '0 0 * * 1'
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
fail-fast: false
- { PHP_VERSION: php73-fpm, MAGENTO_VERSION: 2.3.7-p4, SAMPLE_DATA: false }
- { PHP_VERSION: php73-fpm, MAGENTO_VERSION: 2.3.7-p4, SAMPLE_DATA: true }
- { PHP_VERSION: php74-fpm, MAGENTO_VERSION: 2.3.7-p4, SAMPLE_DATA: false }
- { PHP_VERSION: php74-fpm, MAGENTO_VERSION: 2.3.7-p4, SAMPLE_DATA: true }
- { PHP_VERSION: php73-fpm, MAGENTO_VERSION: 2.3.7-p3, SAMPLE_DATA: false }
- { PHP_VERSION: php73-fpm, MAGENTO_VERSION: 2.3.7-p3, SAMPLE_DATA: true }
- { PHP_VERSION: php74-fpm, MAGENTO_VERSION: 2.3.7-p3, SAMPLE_DATA: false }
- { PHP_VERSION: php74-fpm, MAGENTO_VERSION: 2.3.7-p3, SAMPLE_DATA: true }
- { PHP_VERSION: php73-fpm, MAGENTO_VERSION: 2.3.7-p2, SAMPLE_DATA: false }
- { PHP_VERSION: php73-fpm, MAGENTO_VERSION: 2.3.7-p2, SAMPLE_DATA: true }
- { PHP_VERSION: php74-fpm, MAGENTO_VERSION: 2.3.7-p2, SAMPLE_DATA: false }
- { PHP_VERSION: php74-fpm, MAGENTO_VERSION: 2.3.7-p2, SAMPLE_DATA: true }
- { PHP_VERSION: php73-fpm, MAGENTO_VERSION: 2.3.7-p1, SAMPLE_DATA: false }
- { PHP_VERSION: php73-fpm, MAGENTO_VERSION: 2.3.7-p1, SAMPLE_DATA: true }
- { PHP_VERSION: php74-fpm, MAGENTO_VERSION: 2.3.7-p1, SAMPLE_DATA: false }
- { PHP_VERSION: php74-fpm, MAGENTO_VERSION: 2.3.7-p1, SAMPLE_DATA: true }
- { PHP_VERSION: php73-fpm, MAGENTO_VERSION: 2.3.7, SAMPLE_DATA: false }
- { PHP_VERSION: php73-fpm, MAGENTO_VERSION: 2.3.7, SAMPLE_DATA: true }
- { PHP_VERSION: php74-fpm, MAGENTO_VERSION: 2.3.7, SAMPLE_DATA: false }
- { PHP_VERSION: php74-fpm, MAGENTO_VERSION: 2.3.7, SAMPLE_DATA: true }
- { PHP_VERSION: php72-fpm, MAGENTO_VERSION: 2.3.6-p1, SAMPLE_DATA: false }
- { PHP_VERSION: php72-fpm, MAGENTO_VERSION: 2.3.6-p1, SAMPLE_DATA: true }
- { PHP_VERSION: php73-fpm, MAGENTO_VERSION: 2.3.6-p1, SAMPLE_DATA: false }
- { PHP_VERSION: php73-fpm, MAGENTO_VERSION: 2.3.6-p1, SAMPLE_DATA: true }
- { PHP_VERSION: php72-fpm, MAGENTO_VERSION: 2.3.6, SAMPLE_DATA: false }
- { PHP_VERSION: php72-fpm, MAGENTO_VERSION: 2.3.6, SAMPLE_DATA: true }
- { PHP_VERSION: php73-fpm, MAGENTO_VERSION: 2.3.6, SAMPLE_DATA: false }
- { PHP_VERSION: php73-fpm, MAGENTO_VERSION: 2.3.6, SAMPLE_DATA: true }
- { PHP_VERSION: php72-fpm, MAGENTO_VERSION: 2.3.5-p2, SAMPLE_DATA: false }
- { PHP_VERSION: php72-fpm, MAGENTO_VERSION: 2.3.5-p2, SAMPLE_DATA: true }
- { PHP_VERSION: php73-fpm, MAGENTO_VERSION: 2.3.5-p2, SAMPLE_DATA: false }
- { PHP_VERSION: php73-fpm, MAGENTO_VERSION: 2.3.5-p2, SAMPLE_DATA: true }
- { PHP_VERSION: php72-fpm, MAGENTO_VERSION: 2.3.5-p1, SAMPLE_DATA: false }
- { PHP_VERSION: php72-fpm, MAGENTO_VERSION: 2.3.5-p1, SAMPLE_DATA: true }
- { PHP_VERSION: php73-fpm, MAGENTO_VERSION: 2.3.5-p1, SAMPLE_DATA: false }
- { PHP_VERSION: php73-fpm, MAGENTO_VERSION: 2.3.5-p1, SAMPLE_DATA: true }
# 2.3.4 is disabled as I get a lot of these errors after switchting to Composer 2:
# Problem 1
# - Root composer.json requires zendframework/zend-barcode == -> satisfiable by laminas/laminas-barcode[2.8.0].
# - laminas/laminas-barcode 2.8.0 requires laminas/laminas-zendframework-bridge ^1.0 -> found laminas/laminas-zendframework-bridge[1.0.0, ..., 1.8.0] but these were not loaded, likely because it conflicts with another require.
# - { PHP_VERSION: php72-fpm, MAGENTO_VERSION: 2.3.4, SAMPLE_DATA: false }
# - { PHP_VERSION: php72-fpm, MAGENTO_VERSION: 2.3.4, SAMPLE_DATA: true }
# - { PHP_VERSION: php73-fpm, MAGENTO_VERSION: 2.3.4, SAMPLE_DATA: false }
# - { PHP_VERSION: php73-fpm, MAGENTO_VERSION: 2.3.4, SAMPLE_DATA: true }
- { PHP_VERSION: php72-fpm, MAGENTO_VERSION: 2.3.3, SAMPLE_DATA: false }
- { PHP_VERSION: php72-fpm, MAGENTO_VERSION: 2.3.3, SAMPLE_DATA: true }
- { PHP_VERSION: php73-fpm, MAGENTO_VERSION: 2.3.3, SAMPLE_DATA: false }
- { PHP_VERSION: php73-fpm, MAGENTO_VERSION: 2.3.3, SAMPLE_DATA: true }
- { PHP_VERSION: php72-fpm, MAGENTO_VERSION: 2.3.2, SAMPLE_DATA: false }
- { PHP_VERSION: php72-fpm, MAGENTO_VERSION: 2.3.2, SAMPLE_DATA: true }
- { PHP_VERSION: php72-fpm, MAGENTO_VERSION: 2.3.1, SAMPLE_DATA: false }
- { PHP_VERSION: php72-fpm, MAGENTO_VERSION: 2.3.1, SAMPLE_DATA: true }
- { PHP_VERSION: php72-fpm, MAGENTO_VERSION: 2.3.0, SAMPLE_DATA: false }
- { PHP_VERSION: php72-fpm, MAGENTO_VERSION: 2.3.0, SAMPLE_DATA: true }
- uses: actions/checkout@v1
# Step 1: Build the docker image
- name: Build the Docker image (without sample data)
if: matrix.cfg.SAMPLE_DATA == false
docker build magento -f magento/Dockerfile-2.3
-t michielgerritsen/magento-project-community-edition:${{ matrix.cfg.PHP_VERSION }}-magento${{ matrix.cfg.MAGENTO_VERSION }}
--build-arg MAGENTO_VERSION=${{ matrix.cfg.MAGENTO_VERSION }}
--build-arg PHP_VERSION=${{ matrix.cfg.PHP_VERSION }}
- name: Build the Docker image (with sample data)
if: matrix.cfg.SAMPLE_DATA == true
docker build magento -f magento/Dockerfile-2.3
-t michielgerritsen/magento-project-community-edition:${{ matrix.cfg.PHP_VERSION }}-magento${{ matrix.cfg.MAGENTO_VERSION }}-sample-data
--build-arg MAGENTO_VERSION=${{ matrix.cfg.MAGENTO_VERSION }}
--build-arg PHP_VERSION=${{ matrix.cfg.PHP_VERSION }}
--build-arg SAMPLE_DATA=true
# Step 2: Test the docker image
- name: Start the docker image (without sample date)
if: matrix.cfg.SAMPLE_DATA == false
docker run --memory=4G --detach --name magento-project-community-edition
michielgerritsen/magento-project-community-edition:${{ matrix.cfg.PHP_VERSION }}-magento${{ matrix.cfg.MAGENTO_VERSION }}
- name: Start the docker image (with sample date)
if: matrix.cfg.SAMPLE_DATA == true
docker run --detach --name magento-project-community-edition
michielgerritsen/magento-project-community-edition:${{ matrix.cfg.PHP_VERSION }}-magento${{ matrix.cfg.MAGENTO_VERSION }}-sample-data
- name: Create the dummy test directory
run: docker exec magento-project-community-edition mkdir -p /data/app/code/MichielGerritsen/Magento2ExtensionIntegrationTest/Test/Integration
- name: Copy the example test module
run: |
docker exec magento-project-community-edition mkdir -p /data/extensions/MichielGerritsen-ExampleTest/Test/Integration/
docker cp Test/composer.json magento-project-community-edition:/data/extensions/MichielGerritsen-ExampleTest/
docker cp Test/ExampleTest.php magento-project-community-edition:/data/extensions/MichielGerritsen-ExampleTest/Test/Integration/
- name: Install the example test module
run: docker exec magento-project-community-edition composer require michielgerritsen/exampletest:@dev
- name: Enable developer mode
run: docker exec magento-project-community-edition ./retry "bin/magento deploy:mode:set developer"
- name: Run setup:di:compile
run: docker exec magento-project-community-edition ./retry "php bin/magento setup:di:compile"
- name: Run the example test
run: docker exec magento-project-community-edition bash -c "cd /data/dev/tests/integration/ && ../../../vendor/bin/phpunit /data/vendor/michielgerritsen/exampletest/Test/Integration/ExampleTest.php"
# Step 3: Upload the images to Docker Hub.
- name: Docker hub login
if: github.ref == 'refs/heads/master'
run: echo "${{ secrets.DOCKER_PASSWORD }}" | docker login -u "${{ secrets.DOCKER_USERNAME }}" --password-stdin
- name: Push the image to Docker hub (without sample data)
if: github.ref == 'refs/heads/master' && matrix.cfg.SAMPLE_DATA == false
run: docker push michielgerritsen/magento-project-community-edition:${{ matrix.cfg.PHP_VERSION }}-magento${{ matrix.cfg.MAGENTO_VERSION }}
- name: Push the image to Docker hub (with sample data)
if: github.ref == 'refs/heads/master' && matrix.cfg.SAMPLE_DATA == true
run: docker push michielgerritsen/magento-project-community-edition:${{ matrix.cfg.PHP_VERSION }}-magento${{ matrix.cfg.MAGENTO_VERSION }}-sample-data
- name: Dump Docker logs files (on failure)
if: failure()
run: |
mkdir failure-logs
docker logs magento-project-community-edition > failure-logs/docker.log
docker cp magento-project-community-edition:/data/var/log failure-logs/var/log
- name: Upload failure artifacts
if: failure()
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
name: failure-artifacts-${{ matrix.cfg.PHP_VERSION }}-magento${{ matrix.cfg.MAGENTO_VERSION }}
path: |