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This README last updated on 31st March, 2024

xc is a work-in-progress container engine for FreeBSD that is capable to run FreeBSD containers and Linux (Docker) containers. Unlike podman, this project is intend to be more FreeBSD focused and made adjustment to support and integrate with FreeBSD specific features, such as Pf, ZFS, DTrace and Jail(including nested jails/containers and VNET/Non-VNET networking).

Please scroll to Quick Start session for usage. To under start xc a bit more and how everything is put together, please jump to In-depth documentation session.

A more detailed (but bit outdated) documentation can be found here

Quick Start

This session covers how to use xc, the FreeBSD container engine.

xc is not yet available as a port, so you'll have to build and install by yourself. Luckily, the process is easy.


  • FreeBSD 14 (amd64 or arm64)
  • ZFS
  • Enable pf

Build and install

Run the following commands. If you prefer doas over sudo, feel free to use it.

sudo pkg install git cmake rust
git clone
cd xc && cargo build --release
sudo cp target/release/xcd /usr/local/sbin
sudo cp target/release/{ocitar, xc} /usr/local/bin


Before configuring xc. Give the following questions a thought:

  • which network interface should serve as the external interface for your containers
  • in which ZFS pool/dataset you wish the data lives in

Assume the answer of your first question in em0, and for the second question zroot/xc, create a yaml file at /usr/local/etc/xc.conf.

# for published ports, for example `-p 80:8080`, only packets reaching
# the `ext_ifs` forwards to the container(s) by default
    - em0

# dataset to store the container images, each image becomes a child dataset
image_dataset: zroot/xc/datasets

# dataset contains the root of running containers
container_dataset: zroot/xc/run

# dataset serving volumes
default_volume_dataset: zroot/xc/volumes

Make network accessible

Part of the core value of xc is to bring operator no surprise, hence it is not going to configure networking/firewall setting for you automatically.

Instead, xc creates entries, allocate and set ip addresses, insert forwarding rules to anchors you provides explicitly. Therefore, we need to add some rules to our pf configuartion to forward packets.

First, ensure that the host can forward packets. To make the following command preserve across reboots, add gateway_enable="YES" to rc.conf.

sysctl net.inet.ip.forwarding=1

Now, create following to pf.conf. We are assuming to use em0 to serve internet traffic for our containers.

nat on $ext_if from <xc:network:default> to any -> ($ext_if)
rdr-anchor xc-rdr

You may have notice the pf table <xc:network:default>. We are going to create an xc network named default later. Whenever a container request an address from this network, xc insert the address to this table such that the nat rule will work.

Similarly, xc insert its port forwarding rules to xc-rdr. loading this anchor causes the forwarding rules created by xc to work.

Creating network interface

ifconfig bridge create name xc0
ifconfig xc0 up

As mentioned before, xc never invade your network without your explicit setup, instead you tell xc where you want the containers' connectivities should go. We are going to create the default network later, and all containers using the default network will either create an alias on this interface (if it's a non-VNET container), or create a epair interface and add as a member to this bridge.

Starting up

In a different terminal, or in a tmux session, start xcd as root. sudo xcd

Creating our first network

As mentioned in the previous session, we are going to create our first network for our containers. Let's call it default.

xc create network --alias xc0 --bridge xc0 --default-router default

This tells xc to create a network that

  • named default
  • with address pool of, xc can automatically allocate address from this pool if an explicit address is not specified
  • when create a non-VNET jail, create the IP alias on xc0
  • when create a VNET jail, bridge the epair interface to xc0

Create our first FreeBSD container

First pull the container image

xc pull freebsdxc/freebsd:13.2

Now run the container. A network-less container is useless, so let's make it a VNET jail (--vnet) and attach to the network we created earlier, default:

xc run -it --vnet --network default -- /bin/sh

Now you have your very first container to play with.

Using Linux containers from DockerHub

xc can run Linux containers via FreeBSD Linuxulator.

First you need to configure your host to support that, that includes loading the required kernel modules and a sysctl to make the kernel run unknown ELF binary as Linux binaries (go binaries does that).

Load the following kernel modules: kldload linux64 linprocfs linsysfs

You may want to run kldload linux as well to run i386 Linux containers.

Modify the sysctl: kern.elf64.fallback_brand=3


Pull the Linux mariadb 10.9 image from dockerhub:

xc pull library/mariadb:10.9

Run it:

xc run -e MARIADB_ROOT_PASSWORD=password library/mariadb:10.9

In-Depth documentation

🚧 under construction and refinement 🚧


xc now take yaml configuration. The scheme (struct XcConfig) for the configuration file can be found at xcd/src/config/ By default, xcd looks for the configuration at /usr/local/etc/xc.config


The core of xc is xcd, the daemon handles basically everything. xc, the client program, submit requests to the daemon via UNIX socket, typically at /var/run/xc.sock. Unlike similar container technology such as docker, xcd does not accept HTTP requests but instead accepts JSON encoded requests, sometimes with file descriptors.

Every request xcd receives contains a method name and the corresponding payload. There are macros available to generate new methods to extend the features of xc. See $src/xcd/src/ for examples.

The macro to define a new method also creates client-side helper functions pub fn do_$method(..) and can be used in the xc client program.

The global state of the daemon is called Context, and is defined in $src/xcd/src/


The global state (Context) owns a number of Sites. A Site is essentially an abstraction of "a place a container lives in". Think Context is a landlord, a Site is a portion of land the landlord rents out.

The purpose of this abstraction is to separate the duty of cleaning up a container. System-wise resources are made to clean up at the Site level, for example, destroying ZFS datasets, releasing IP addresses, etc, things that the tenant (container) shouldn't, and couldn't care about. This allows the global resources to always cleanup no matter what happened in the container to cause an exit (Jail cannot be created, precondition failure, executable crashed, cannot run the executable, etc...).

This is also planned to support FreeBSD containers that require multiple hosts to function in the future. More specifically, Root-on-NFS Jails, whose root filesystem may be exported by a different host than the host running the processes. In these cases, each host owns a site that references/relates to one container.

On the other hand. Once a site is created, the daemon process fork and run a kqueue backed run loop in the child process. This run-loop is responsible for spawning and reaping processes in the Jail, as well as collecting matrices. The site communicates with the run-loop via a UNIX socket pair, which sometimes also forwards file descriptors received from xc client to the run-loop. For example, in the case of xc exec without pty, the stdout and stderr file descriptors of the xc client process are first sent to the xcd daemon, which is later forwarded to the run-loop to use as the stdout and stderr of the new process.

Reaping is done by tracing the PIDs via NOTE_TRACK of EVFILT_PROC of kqueue. This allows us to reap processes without having an init in the Jail nor using procctl. The benefit of not using an init is to allow us only to track selections of process sub-trees that are directly related to the container lifetime. By doing this, we can prevent some long-running processes irrelevant to the container's lifetime (such as profiling/analytics) from stopping the container from exiting.

By default, unlike in Docker, xc waits for all descendants of the main process to exit before killing the container, instead of just the main process. In other words, processes such as nginx that immediately daemonize itself can run un-modified without special flags or init.


FreeBSD container engine








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