Please note, irmatool
is UNMAINTAINED! The Privacy by Design foundation has created much more advanced tooling, see for example irmago.
irmatool is a CLI tool providing various convenient IRMA utilities. For this it uses Gabi, a Go implementation of IRMA's cryptographic primitives.
Supported and planned utilities:
- Key generation
- Key check
- Basic issuance of credentials
Ideas for additional functionality? File an issue.
Binaries will be provided in the future, but for now, install through go get:
go get -u
For information on how to use irmatool
, issue the help
irmatool help
This will output something like:
irmatool is a CLI tool providing various convenient IRMA utilities.
irmatool [command]
Available Commands:
genkeypair Generate an IRMA Issuer keypair.
--config string config file (default is $HOME/.irmatool.toml)
-t, --toggle Help message for toggle
Use "irmatool [command] --help" for more information about a command.
Example invocation that generates a 1024 bit key pair that is valid for 6 months and 6 attributes. By default irmatool
writes the private and public keys to isk.xml
and ipk.xml
go run main.go genkeypair -l 1024 -a 6 -v 8M