Storm integration with the Mesos cluster resource manager.
To use a release, you first need to unpack the distribution, fill in configurations listed below into the conf/storm.yaml
file and start Nimbus using storm-mesos nimbus
Note: It is not necessary to repack the distribution - the configuration is automatically pushed out to the slaves from Nimbus.
- Storm's topology 'rebalance' action is not supported and is explicitly disabled in the custom Storm version used to build this project.
- Supervisor logs cannot be loaded via the Storm UI's link to each worker's logviewer, because the Supervisor logs are specialized per-topology when running under Mesos.
Run bin/
to download storm distribution and bundle Storm with this framework into one tar release.
Where X.X.X
and Y.Y.Y
are the respective versions of Storm and Mesos you wish to build against. This will build a Mesos executor package. You'll need to edit storm.yaml
and supply the Mesos master configuration as well as the executor package URI (produced by the step above).
Sub-commands can be invoked similar to git sub-commands.
For example the following command will download the Storm release tarball into the current working directory.
bin/ downloadStormRelease
Build a Storm package with the Mesos scheduler. The output of this command can be used as the package for
. -
Attempts to clean working files and directories created when building.
A utility function to download the Storm release tarball for the targeted storm release.
environment variable to configure download mirror. -
Runs the maven targets necessary to build the Storm Mesos framework.
Prepares the working directories to be able to package the Storm Mesos framework.
- Optional argument specifying the Storm release tarball to package against.
Packages the Storm Mesos Framework.
Builds a Docker image from the current code.
Prints out usage information about the script.
In order to build the storm-mesos docker image, or a docker image ready to be used as mesos.container.docker.image
in your storm configuration, run the following:
make help
Where X.X.X and Y.Y.Y are the respective versions of Storm and Mesos you wish to build against. This will build a docker image containing a Mesos executor package. The resulting docker images are the following:
± docker images
mesos/storm 0.1.0-X.X.X-Y.Y.Y-jdk7 11989e7bfa17 44 minutes ago
mesos/storm 0.1.0-X.X.X-Y.Y.Y-jdk7-onbuild e7eb52b3eb9f 44 minutes ago
In order to use JDK 8 while building the docker image, run the following:
A custom image could be built from the onbuild tagged docker image. It is based on the dockerfile onbuild/Dockerfile
Images are also published to Docker Hub under the image mesos/storm
Note that normally your local repo should be synced to the HEAD of
's master branch. However, it is possible that you're working from a different branch and doing releases for an earlier numbered version, per the branching regime we created for handling backwards-incompatible changes in Storm (such as the package path change from backtype.storm.*
to org.apache.storm.*
in Storm 1.0, and the LocalState
implementation change in Storm 0.10).
Just use the master
Check out storm-0.x
branch, ensuring you are up-to-date with the latest changes in the remote base repo's storm-0.x branch.
If you are a committer for this repo, then you merely need to run the following command to generate a new release:
mvn release:clean release:prepare
This will automatically update the version fields and push tags that in turn kick off a travis-ci build. This travis-ci build automatically uploads the resultant artifacts to both GitHub and DockerHub.
Along with the Mesos master and Mesos cluster, you'll need to run the Storm master as well. Launch Nimbus with this command:
bin/storm-mesos nimbus
It's recommended that you also run the UI on the same machine as Nimbus via the following command:
bin/storm ui
There's a minor bug in the UI regarding how it displays the number of slots in the cluster – you don't need to worry about this, it's an artifact of there being no pre-existing slots when Storm runs on Mesos. Slots are created from available cluster resources when a topology needs its Storm worker processes to be launched.
Topologies are submitted to a Storm/Mesos cluster the exact same way they are submitted to a regular Storm cluster.
Storm/Mesos provides resource isolation between topologies. So you don't need to worry about topologies interfering with one another.
For local development and familiarizing yourself with Storm/Mesos, please see the Vagrant setup docs.
One of the following (if both are specified, Docker is preferred):
: Once you fill in the configs and repack the distribution, you need to place the distribution somewhere where Mesos executors can find it. Typically this is on HDFS, and this config is the location of where you put the distribution.mesos.container.docker.image
: You may use a Docker image in place of the executor URI. Take a look at the Dockerfile in the top-level of this repository for an example of how to use it.
: URL for the Mesos master. -
: The location of the ZooKeeper servers to be used by the Storm master.
: Seconds to wait before supervisor to suicides if supervisor has no task to run. Defaults to "120".mesos.master.failover.timeout.secs
: Framework failover timeout in second. Defaults to "2473600".mesos.allowed.hosts
: Allowed hosts to run topology, which takes hostname list as a white list.mesos.disallowed.hosts
: Disallowed hosts to run topology, which takes hostname list as a back list.mesos.framework.role
: Framework role to use. Defaults to "*".mesos.framework.checkpoint
: Enabled framework checkpoint or not. Defaults to false.mesos.local.file.server.port
: Port for the local file server to bind to. Defaults to a random
: Framework name. Defaults to "Storm!!!".mesos.framework.user
: Framework user to run with Mesos. Defaults to user to run with Storm on Mesos.mesos.framework.principal
: Framework principal to use to register with Mesosmesos.framework.secret.file
: Location of file that contains the principal's secret. Secret cannot end with a NL.mesos.prefer.reserved.resources
: Prefer reserved resources over unreserved (i.e.,"*"
role). Defaults to "true".mesos.logviewer.sidecar.enabled
: Default is "true". If you disable this setting, you will want to launch a logviewer process on each worker and nimbus host under supervision if you want to view logs in the Storm UI.
: CPUs per worker. Defaults to "1".topology.mesos.worker.mem.mb
: Memory (in MiB) per worker. Defaults to "1000".worker.childopts
: Use this for JVM opts. You should have about 20-25% memory overhead for each task. For example, with-Xmx1000m
, you should settopology.mesos.worker.mem.mb: 1200
. By default this is platform dependent.
: CPUs per executor. Defaults to "0.1".topology.mesos.executor.mem.mb
: Memory (in MiB) per executor. Defaults to "500".supervisor.childopts
: Use this for executor (aka supervisor) JVM opts. You should have about 20-25% memory overhead for each task. For example, with-Xmx500m
, you should settopology.mesos.executor.mem.mb: 620
. By default this is platform dependent.
Storm-on-mesos supports automatically launching the logviewer process on each mesos worker host.
The logviewer is launched as a Mesos executor that acts as a "sidecar container" -- one logviewer is launched on each host that holds a Storm Worker for a particular framework.
- The logviewer TCP port should not be one of those managed by Mesos and offered to the frameworks in the cluster. e.g., you can use port 8000, which is the default in Storm.
- The logviewer TCP port must be unique for each Storm framework that runs in a given Mesos cluster. e.g., 8000 for one framework, and 8001 for another framework.
: Set to "true" (which is the default).logviewer.port
: Set to a chosen port number, such as 8000 (which is the default).
Note that the storm-on-mesos framework attempts to discover missing logviewers and launch them, recording the logviewer processes into ZooKeeper in a subdirectory of storm.zookeeper.root
(as configured in your storm.yaml
configuration file). Specifically, it is recorded in {storm.zookeeper.root}/storm-mesos/logviewers/
To get started quickly, you can run Storm on Mesos with Marathon and Docker, provided you have Mesos-DNS configured
in your cluster. If you're not using Mesos-DNS, set the MESOS_MASTER_ZK environment variable to point to your
ZooKeeper cluster. Included is a script (bin/
) which sets the necessary config parameters,
and starts the UI and Nimbus. Since Storm writes stateful data to disk, you may want to consider mounting an
external volume for the storm.local.dir
config param, and pinning Nimbus to a particular host.
It is also possible to add command line parameter to both the ui and nimbus through STORM_UI_OPTS
STORM_NIMBUS_OPTS="-c storm.local.dir=/my/mounted/volume -c topology.mesos.worker.cpu=1.5"
You can run this from Marathon, using the example app JSON below:
"id": "storm-nimbus",
"cmd": "./bin/",
"cpus": 1.0,
"mem": 1024,
"ports": [0, 1],
"instances": 1,
"container": {
"type": "DOCKER",
"docker": {
"image": "mesos/storm",
"network": "HOST",
"healthChecks": [
"protocol": "HTTP",
"portIndex": 0,
"path": "/",
"gracePeriodSeconds": 120,
"intervalSeconds": 20,
"maxConsecutiveFailures": 3
Once Nimbus is running, you can launch one of the storm-starter
topologies that is present in the examples/
dir of the storm release tarballs.
So you'd download the appropriate version of storm to a machine with access to your storm cluster, then expand the tarball
and cd
into the resultant directory, from which you will run a command like the one below.
However, first you'll need to know the Thrift host and API port. In the Marathon example above, the port will be the second
one assigned by Marathon. For example, if the host is
and second port is 32001
, run:
$ ./bin/storm jar -c -c nimbus.thrift.port=32001 examples/storm-starter/storm-starter-topologies-1.0.2.jar org.apache.storm.starter.WordCountTopology word-count
If you'd like to run the example above without Marathon, you can do so by specifying 2 required ports, the MESOS_SANDBOX path, and running the container. For example:
$ docker run -i --net=host -e PORT0=10000 -e PORT1=10001 -e MESOS_SANDBOX=/var/log/storm -t mesos/storm ./bin/